cURL JavaScript Ruby Python Go PHP


#  _               _                  
# |_) |  _   _ |  /     ._  |_   _  ._
# |_) | (_) (_ |< \_ \/ |_) | | (/_ | 
#                    /  |             
//  _               _                  
// |_) |  _   _ |  /     ._  |_   _  ._
// |_) | (_) (_ |< \_ \/ |_) | | (/_ | 
//                    /  |             
#  _               _                  
# |_) |  _   _ |  /     ._  |_   _  ._
# |_) | (_) (_ |< \_ \/ |_) | | (/_ | 
#                    /  |             
//  _               _                  
// |_) |  _   _ |  /     ._  |_   _  ._
// |_) | (_) (_ |< \_ \/ |_) | | (/_ | 
//                    /  |             
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// |_) |  _   _ |  /     ._  |_   _  ._
// |_) | (_) (_ |< \_ \/ |_) | | (/_ | 
//                    /  |             
 *  _               _
 * |_) |  _   _ |  /     ._  |_   _  ._
 * |_) | (_) (_ |< \_ \/ |_) | | (/_ |
 *                    /  |

Welcome to BlockCypher's API documentation! BlockCypher is a simple, mostly RESTful JSON API for interacting with blockchains, accessed over HTTP or HTTPS from the domain. Currently, BlockCypher supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash, Dogecoin, Bitcoin Testnet3, and BlockCypher's Test Chain (more about BlockCypher's Test Chain below).

BlockCypher's API provides a superset of the endpoints you'd find in reference implementations, in addition to some special features that make BlockCypher uniquely powerful, like our unconfirmed transaction Confidence Factor, dependable WebHook or WebSockets-based Events, and Address Forwarding.

Consequently, if you're familiar with a blockchain's reference implementation, you'll feel at home using BlockCypher, but without worrying about scaling or implementation challenges. And if you're not familiar---with the reference implementations or blockchains in general---BlockCypher's API is a great way to dip your toes into blockchain development, without a lengthy setup process. In either case, BlockCypher has 99.99% up-time, and maintains an expressive, logical API that you'll love.

Documentation Structure

man curl | grep -A 3 "DESCRIPTION"

curl is a tool to transfer data from or to a server, using one of the supported protocols (DICT, FILE, FTP, FTPS, GOPHER, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP, IMAPS, LDAP, LDAPS, POP3, POP3S, RTMP, RTSP, SCP, SFTP, SMB, SMBS, SMTP, SMTPS, TELNET and TFTP). The command is designed to work without user interaction.
// JavaScript examples use JQuery and can be run directly in your browser
// console (ctrl+shift+i or cmd+shift+i).
// Porting them to node.js should be trivial, replacing JQuery methods with
// request.js for example.

console.log('Welcome to BlockCypher');
# Ruby examples use irb, and our official ruby sdk:

# You can install it easily from
gem install blockcypher-ruby

# Remember to require the library after installing
> require 'blockcypher'
=> true

# Unless otherwise noted, all requests assume an initialized API 'block_cypher' API object
> block_cypher ="YOURTOKEN")
=> #<BlockCypher::Api:0x000000010e4060 @api_token="YOURTOKEN", @currency="btc", @network="main", @version="v1">
# The official python library ( works with python2/3
# Install it like this at the command line:
$ pip install blockcypher

# To access any method, first import the blockcypher module:
>>> import blockcypher

# Then call the method:

# In your codebase, you should probably do it like this though:
>>> from blockcypher import foo
>>> foo()

# By default, all methods return results for BTC, but blockcyphers support many coins.
# You can pass coin_sybmol='foo' as an argument to any method, where foo is one of the following:
>>> blockcypher.constants.COIN_SYMBOL_LIST
    "bcy",  # blockcypher's testnet

# Here's how to determine which version of the blockcypher SDK you're running:
>>> import pkg_resources
>>> pkg_resources.get_distribution("blockcypher")
blockcypher 1.0.39 (/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages)
// Go examples use the official SDK, which you can find here:

// To install, use Go Get on the command line
// go get

// Then import the package in your Go application
// All examples assume fmt is also imported, and
// will require additional packages as necessary
package main

import (


func main() {
  // For Bitcoin main:
  btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN","btc","main"}
  // For BlockCypher's internal testnet:
  bcy := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN","bcy","test"}
  //examples will always follow in main()

// You can see additional info in the GoDoc, accessible here:
PHP Client

- PHP 5.4+
- ext-curl
- ext-gmp
- ext-mcrypt
- Composer
- Git

git clone
cd php-client

php -f .\sample\docs-sample\address-api\address-endpoint.php
Log file is generate in the folder when you run the command

To see detailed PHP client info, check the official PHP repository:

Less relevant/repetitive code is not shown in samples. You can get the full sample version from:

Unless noted otherwise, all samples assume this initializing code:
require __DIR__ . '/../bootstrap.php';

use BlockCypher\Auth\SimpleTokenCredential;
use BlockCypher\Rest\ApiContext;
// ... other classes

$apiContext = ApiContext::create(
    'main', 'btc', 'v1',
    new SimpleTokenCredential('$YOUR_TOKEN'),
    array('log.LogEnabled' => true, 'log.FileName' => 'BlockCypher.log', 'log.LogLevel' => 'DEBUG')

In these docs you'll find everything you need to leverage BlockCypher for your applications. For all officially supported languages, you'll see code samples, in addition to basic cURL requests/responses for every endpoint. You can switch between cURL/language samples via the selector in the upper right. We're working on supporting more languages, but if you're working on your own language library, definitely let us know: we'd love to add more community supported libraries here.

Section Summaries

In-Browser Code Examples

We know many learn more from code examples than specific reference documentation, which is why we have code samples in our official languages. In addition, we have a number of in-browser code examples for particular use cases, which you can see here:

Changelog and Errors

Our documentation is powered by GitHub Pages and Slate, which makes viewing changes as simple as checking the git commit history. If there's an error or you'd like to suggest a change, please consider submitting a pull request to benefit the broader BlockCypher community.

API Versions

All API calls are versioned, and the current BlockCypher API is v1. We will never introduce any breaking changes within v1, but we may add new, non-breaking features from time to time.

BlockCypher Supported Language SDKs

BlockCypher has client SDKs for the following languages:

If you're using these languages, we strongly encourage you to use an official SDK. Of course, all our API calls are standard HTTP endpoints using JSON formatted responses, so any language (or cURL from the command-line) will work just fine.

Deprecated SDKs

Due to the lack of usage, the following SDKs have been deprecated and as such will not be updated:

You can still use them but beware that there might be some bugs or missing features.

Unofficial Libraries

This client SDK was made by the community, and is not officially supported by BlockCypher. As such, BlockCypher cannot guarantee that it's fully up to date, but we hope it will provide a nice jumping-off point for developers using this language. We'll endeavor to keep this list updated, if any of these prove obsolete. If there's enough support for a particular language, we'll work with the community to turn it into an officially supported SDK.

Postman Collection

If your favorite language is not listed above or if you prefers using raw queries, be sure to check our Postman Collection documentation.

RESTful Resources


  "name": "BTC.main",
  "height": 360060,
  "hash": "000000000000000000bf56ff4a81e399374a68344a64d6681039412de78366b8",
  "time": "2015-06-08T22:57:08.260165627Z",
  "latest_url": "",
  "previous_hash": "000000000000000011c9511ae1265d34d3c16fff6e8f94380425833b3d0ae5d8",
  "previous_url": "",
  "peer_count": 239,
  "unconfirmed_count": 617,
  "high_fee_per_kb": 46086,
  "medium_fee_per_kb": 29422,
  "low_fee_per_kb": 12045,
  "last_fork_height": 359865,
  "last_fork_hash": "00000000000000000aa6462fd9faf94712ce1b5a944dc666f491101c996beab9"
$.get('').then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
> {
>   "name": "BTC.main",
>   "height": 355578,
>   "hash": "00000000000000000a0b253f20709b0c77d8a56aa8db632ecbdc7381816504cd",
>   "time": "2015-05-08T23:12:55.243311146Z",
>   "latest_url": "",
>   "previous_hash": "00000000000000000acef50ef89494493b4a08a8419588e1e3e20cd73bc85a6b",
>   "previous_url": "",
>   "peer_count": 250,
>   "unconfirmed_count": 637,
>   "high_fee_per_kb": 45768,
>   "medium_fee_per_kb": 29415,
>   "low_fee_per_kb": 12045
> }
# Import Ruby SDK
> require 'blockcypher'
=> true

# Make new Api object, intialize with your token
> block_cypher ="YOURTOKEN")
=> #<BlockCypher::Api:0x000000010e4060 @api_token="YOURTOKEN", @currency="btc", @network="main", @version="v1">

# Query base resource
> block_cypher.blockchain
=> {"name"=>"BTC.main",
>>> from blockcypher import get_blockchain_overview
>>> get_blockchain_overview()
    "hash": "000000000000000006c488791bafc490efb365ad609ed39e6ee51d1afbc8ed83",
    "height": 379780,
    "high_fee_per_kb": 57607,
    "last_fork_hash": "00000000000000000aef777b65b5d32301c914e7d9f2c4cf1f7366e1eb217124",
    "last_fork_height": 280959,
    "latest_url": "",
    "low_fee_per_kb": 24554,
    "medium_fee_per_kb": 28847,
    "name": "BTC.main",
    "peer_count": 817,
    "previous_hash": "0000000000000000026727709d704d20de7d756427a10a86cd0b084066632e55",
    "previous_url": "",
    "time": "datetime.datetime(2015, 10, 20, 19, 35, 50, 174235, tzinfo=tzutc())",
    "unconfirmed_count": 100231
package main

import (


func main() {
  btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
  chainInfo, err := btc.GetChain()
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("%+v\n", chainInfo)

//Result from `go run`:
//{Name:BTC.main Height:648798 Hash:0000000000000000000eb01cbd9eb74c58d70ddb93f34e4e1bf71aeb8a6917fb Time:2020-09-17 20:20:20.214279195 +0000 UTC PrevHash:0000000000000000000a63f225af9678b8cd9dd4fb1dec67b6ca2e329d5efe48 PeerCount:1045 HighFee:84203 MediumFee:61367 LowFee:49335 UnconfirmedCount:17944 LastForkHeight:644543 LastForkHash:0000000000000000000ac8d61492ab76dab7451373c6eaa6803ec0244f623395}
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\chain-api\ChainEndpoint.php

$blockchainClient = new BlockchainClient($apiContext);
$blockchain = $blockchainClient->get('BTC.main');


Almost all resources exist under a given blockchain, and follow this pattern:$API_VERSION/$COIN/$CHAIN/

Currently, there's only one version of the API (v1). Thus, here's an exhaustive list of blockchains and their corresponding resources:

Coin Chain Resource
Bitcoin Main
Bitcoin Testnet3
Dash Main
Dogecoin Main
Litecoin Main
BlockCypher Test

Rate Limits and Tokens

# Adding your token as URL parameter

# Checking your token's limits
"token": "YOURTOKEN",
"limits": {
  "api/hour": 10000,
  "api/second": 500,
  "hooks/hour": 5000,
  "confidence/hour": 1000,
  "hooks": 5000,
  "payments": 5000
"hits": {
  "api/hour": 280,
  "hooks/hour": 240,
  "confidence/hour": 100
"hits_history": {
  "api/hour": 253,
  "confidence/hour": 50,
  "time": "2016-06-15T07:00:00-00:00",
  "hooks": 358,
  "api/hour": 2,
  "hooks/hour": 30,
  "time": "2016-06-15T06:00:00-00:00"
  "hooks": 358,
# These are quite above the default limits, but if you'd like them, reach out at [email protected] ;)
// Adding your token as URL parameter
# Import Ruby SDK
> require 'blockcypher'
=> true

# Make new Api object, intialize with your token
> block_cypher ="YOURTOKEN")
=> #<BlockCypher::Api:0x000000010e4060 @api_token="YOURTOKEN", @currency="btc", @network="main", @version="v1">
>>> from blockcypher import get_token_info
>>> get_token_info('YOUR_TOKEN')
    "hits": {
        "api/hour": 16366,
        "hooks/hour": 266,
        "confidence/hour": 101
    "limits": {
        "api/hour": 500000,
        "api/second": 200,
        "hooks/hour": 30000,
        "confidence/hour": 1000,
        "hooks": 10000,
        "payments": 10000
    "token": "YOUR_TOKEN"
package main

import (


func main() {
  //Adding your token is part of the API coin/chain initialization
  btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
  fmt.Printf("%+v\n", btc)

//Result from `go run`:
//{Token:YOURTOKEN Coin:btc Chain:main}
# Adding your token as client credential to API context
$apiContext = ApiContext::create(
    'main', 'btc', 'v1',
    new SimpleTokenCredential('c0afcccdde5081d6429de37d16166ead'),
    array('log.LogEnabled' => true, 'log.FileName' => 'BlockCypher.log', 'log.LogLevel' => 'DEBUG')

# Use $apiContext as function param or set as default ApiContext

We want everyone to try BlockCypher with as little friction as possible, which is why you don't need a token for any read-only GET calls. Please register for a user token if you want to use POST and DELETE calls. Once you have your token, you can append it to all your requests like any other URL parameter if you're using cURL, or through the appropriate method in the language SDK you're using.

We do rate-limit our free tier, with or without a token (though tokens are required for Confidence lookups, WebHooks/Sockets, Payments, and any POST or DELETE calls):

The hourly rate limits reset on the top of the hour UTC. For example, if you're under the free tier, and you have used 100 regular requests by 03:58 UTC, you'll hit a rate limit until it resets at 04:00 UTC.

On the accounts page, you'll find paid plans starting at $119 a month (with a 10% discount if you pay with Bitcoin). To request higher limits or SLAs beyond what's offered on the accounts page, please email us.

You can check your current limits and usage via a GET on the following endpoint, outside of our normal coin/chain pattern:$YOURTOKEN

Within that return object, you'll also find hits_history array, which shows your token's last 48 hours of usage, while hits shows the current hour's usage.

You can even see information about your remaining limits by checking the X-Ratelimit-Remaining attribute in the HTTP header in normal API calls. Keep in mind the X-Ratelimit-Remaining attribute corresponds to the hourly rate limit associated with the endpoint you call (e.g., if it's from a WebHook, that corresponds to the Hooks/Hour; if it's a normal call, the number corresponds to the normal Requests/Hour limit).


# Batching blocks 5, 6, and 7
curl ';6;7'

"hash": "000000003031a0e73735690c5a1ff2a4be82553b2a12b776fbd3a215dc8f778d",
"height": 6,
"chain": "BTC.main",
"total": 0,
"fees": 0,
"ver": 1,
"time": "2009-01-09T03:29:49Z",
"hash": "000000009b7262315dbf071787ad3656097b892abffd1f95a1a022f896f533fc",
"height": 5,
"chain": "BTC.main",
"total": 0,
"fees": 0,
"ver": 1,
"time": "2009-01-09T03:23:48Z",
"hash": "0000000071966c2b1d065fd446b1e485b2c9d9594acd2007ccbd5441cfc89444",
"height": 7,
"chain": "BTC.main",
"total": 0,
"fees": 0,
"ver": 1,
"time": "2009-01-09T03:39:29Z",
// Batching blocks 5, 6, and 7

  .then(function(d) {console.log(d);});
> [{
> "hash": "000000003031a0e73735690c5a1ff2a4be82553b2a12b776fbd3a215dc8f778d",
> "height": 6,
> "chain": "BTC.main",
> "total": 0,
> "fees": 0,
> "ver": 1,
> "time": "2009-01-09T03:29:49Z",
> ...,
> },
> {
> "hash": "000000009b7262315dbf071787ad3656097b892abffd1f95a1a022f896f533fc",
> "height": 5,
> "chain": "BTC.main",
> "total": 0,
> "fees": 0,
> "ver": 1,
> "time": "2009-01-09T03:23:48Z",
> ...,
> },
> {
> "hash": "0000000071966c2b1d065fd446b1e485b2c9d9594acd2007ccbd5441cfc89444",
> "height": 7,
> "chain": "BTC.main",
> "total": 0,
> "fees": 0,
> "ver": 1,
> "time": "2009-01-09T03:39:29Z",
> ...,
> }]
# Batching blocks 5, 6, and 7
> block_cypher.blockchain_block('5;6;7')
=> [{"hash"=>"0000000071966c2b1d065fd446b1e485b2c9d9594acd2007ccbd5441cfc89444",
# Where possible, the python library will batch requests for speed
>>> from blockcypher import get_blocks_overview
# Batching blocks 5, 6, and 7
>>> get_blocks_overview([5,6,7])
        "bits": 486604799,
        "chain": "BTC.main",
        "depth": 379775,
        "fees": 0,
        "hash": "000000003031a0e73735690c5a1ff2a4be82553b2a12b776fbd3a215dc8f778d",
        "height": 6,
        "mrkl_root": "20251a76e64e920e58291a30d4b212939aae976baca40e70818ceaa596fb9d37",
        "n_tx": 1,
        "nonce": 2538380312,
        "prev_block": "000000009b7262315dbf071787ad3656097b892abffd1f95a1a022f896f533fc",
        "prev_block_url": "",
        "received_time": "datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 9, 3, 29, 49, 0, tzinfo=tzutc())",
        "relayed_by": "",
        "time": "datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 9, 3, 29, 49, 0, tzinfo=tzutc())",
        "total": 0,
        "tx_url": "",
        "txids": [
        "ver": 1
        "bits": 486604799,
        "chain": "BTC.main",
        "depth": 379774,
        "fees": 0,
        "hash": "0000000071966c2b1d065fd446b1e485b2c9d9594acd2007ccbd5441cfc89444",
        "height": 7,
        "mrkl_root": "8aa673bc752f2851fd645d6a0a92917e967083007d9c1684f9423b100540673f",
        "n_tx": 1,
        "nonce": 2258412857,
        "prev_block": "000000003031a0e73735690c5a1ff2a4be82553b2a12b776fbd3a215dc8f778d",
        "prev_block_url": "",
        "received_time": "datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 9, 3, 39, 29, 0, tzinfo=tzutc())",
        "relayed_by": "",
        "time": "datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 9, 3, 39, 29, 0, tzinfo=tzutc())",
        "total": 0,
        "tx_url": "",
        "txids": [
        "ver": 1
        "bits": 486604799,
        "chain": "BTC.main",
        "depth": 379776,
        "fees": 0,
        "hash": "000000009b7262315dbf071787ad3656097b892abffd1f95a1a022f896f533fc",
        "height": 5,
        "mrkl_root": "63522845d294ee9b0188ae5cac91bf389a0c3723f084ca1025e7d9cdfe481ce1",
        "n_tx": 1,
        "nonce": 2011431709,
        "prev_block": "000000004ebadb55ee9096c9a2f8880e09da59c0d68b1c228da88e48844a1485",
        "prev_block_url": "",
        "received_time": "datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 9, 3, 23, 48, 0, tzinfo=tzutc())",
        "relayed_by": "",
        "time": "datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 9, 3, 23, 48, 0, tzinfo=tzutc())",
        "total": 0,
        "tx_url": "",
        "txids": [
        "ver": 1
//Batching requests is currently unsupported in the Go SDK
//But you can still request things serially
package main

import (


func main() {
  btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
  blocks := make([]gobcy.Block, 3)
  heights := []int{5, 6, 7}
  for i, v := range heights {
    blk, err := btc.GetBlock(v, "", nil)
    if err != nil {
    blocks[i] = blk
  fmt.Printf("%+v\n", blocks)

//Result from `go run`:
//[{Hash:000000009b7262315dbf071787ad3656097b892abffd1f95a1a022f896f533fc Height:5 Depth:648793 Chain:BTC.main Total:{neg:false abs:[]} Fees:{neg:false abs:[]} Ver:1 Time:2009-01-09 03:23:48 +0000 UTC ReceivedTime:2009-01-09 03:23:48 +0000 UTC RelayedBy:<nil> Bits:486604799 Nonce:2011431709 NumTX:1 PrevBlock:000000004ebadb55ee9096c9a2f8880e09da59c0d68b1c228da88e48844a1485 MerkleRoot:63522845d294ee9b0188ae5cac91bf389a0c3723f084ca1025e7d9cdfe481ce1 TXids:[63522845d294ee9b0188ae5cac91bf389a0c3723f084ca1025e7d9cdfe481ce1] NextTXs:} {Hash:000000003031a0e73735690c5a1ff2a4be82553b2a12b776fbd3a215dc8f778d Height:6 Depth:648792 Chain:BTC.main Total:{neg:false abs:[]} Fees:{neg:false abs:[]} Ver:1 Time:2009-01-09 03:29:49 +0000 UTC ReceivedTime:2009-01-09 03:29:49 +0000 UTC RelayedBy:<nil> Bits:486604799 Nonce:2538380312 NumTX:1 PrevBlock:000000009b7262315dbf071787ad3656097b892abffd1f95a1a022f896f533fc MerkleRoot:20251a76e64e920e58291a30d4b212939aae976baca40e70818ceaa596fb9d37 TXids:[20251a76e64e920e58291a30d4b212939aae976baca40e70818ceaa596fb9d37] NextTXs:} {Hash:0000000071966c2b1d065fd446b1e485b2c9d9594acd2007ccbd5441cfc89444 Height:7 Depth:648791 Chain:BTC.main Total:{neg:false abs:[]} Fees:{neg:false abs:[]} Ver:1 Time:2009-01-09 03:39:29 +0000 UTC ReceivedTime:2009-01-09 03:39:29 +0000 UTC RelayedBy:<nil> Bits:486604799 Nonce:2258412857 NumTX:1 PrevBlock:000000003031a0e73735690c5a1ff2a4be82553b2a12b776fbd3a215dc8f778d MerkleRoot:8aa673bc752f2851fd645d6a0a92917e967083007d9c1684f9423b100540673f TXids:[8aa673bc752f2851fd645d6a0a92917e967083007d9c1684f9423b100540673f] NextTXs:}]
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\introduction\Batching.php
// Batching blocks 5, 6, and 7

$blockClient = new BlockClient($apiContext);
$blockList = array('5', '6', '7');
$blocks = $blockClient->getMultiple($blockList);

"hash": "000000003031a0e73735690c5a1ff2a4be82553b2a12b776fbd3a215dc8f778d",
"height": 6,
"chain": "BTC.main",
"total": 0,
"fees": 0,
"ver": 1,
"time": "2009-01-09T03:29:49Z",
"hash": "000000009b7262315dbf071787ad3656097b892abffd1f95a1a022f896f533fc",
"height": 5,
"chain": "BTC.main",
"total": 0,
"fees": 0,
"ver": 1,
"time": "2009-01-09T03:23:48Z",
"hash": "0000000071966c2b1d065fd446b1e485b2c9d9594acd2007ccbd5441cfc89444",
"height": 7,
"chain": "BTC.main",
"total": 0,
"fees": 0,
"ver": 1,
"time": "2009-01-09T03:39:29Z",

# Note, when constructing the block array (first param) programatically you can use alternative syntax like:
$blockList = array('5', '6', '7');
$blockList = explode(";", "5;6;7");
$blockList = [5,6,7]; // PHP 5.4

All endpoints that can retrieve a single Object can be batched to return multiple objects. If you're cURLing the API directly, batching simply requires appending each identifier to the previous one using a semicolon (check the code pane for an example). The results are aggregated in a JSON array. The other supported client SDKs batch differently, but each idiomatic to their respective language (check the code pane examples in each library).

When cURLing BlockCypher, batching also works when the identifiers aren't the last part of the URL; e.g., this URL will return the balances of three separate addresses:;1JP8FqoXtCMrR1sZc2McLWmHxENox1Y1PV;1ENn7XmqXNnReiQEFHhBGzfiv5gAyBj7r1/balance


We offer an automated faucets for BlockCypher's Test Chain. We recommend using BlockCypher's Test Chain for a variety of reasons:

In case you missed the Resources section, the BlockCypher Test Chain is accessible from this resource:

# Note resource change to bcy/test instead of btc/main
# Make new address; returns private key/public key/address

"private": "26415016a2fb49f51aef161cb35bd537be07b75a6ac1e297d3b7a370cc85433b",
"public": "02c572d062fefcc8c3e1bf5016450addcedb89cd7e4507d8a323f327b4ad1018e0",
"address": "CFqoZmZ3ePwK5wnkhxJjJAQKJ82C7RJdmd"

# Fund prior address with faucet
curl -d '{"address": "CFqoZmZ3ePwK5wnkhxJjJAQKJ82C7RJdmd", "amount": 100000}'$YOURTOKEN
"tx_ref": "02dbf5585d438a1cba82a9041dd815635a6b0df684225cb5271e11397a759479"
// Make new address; returns private key/public key/address
  .then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
> {
> "private": "26415016a2fb49f51aef161cb35bd537be07b75a6ac1e297d3b7a370cc85433b",
> "public": "02c572d062fefcc8c3e1bf5016450addcedb89cd7e4507d8a323f327b4ad1018e0",
> "address": "CFqoZmZ3ePwK5wnkhxJjJAQKJ82C7RJdmd"
> }

// Fund prior address with faucet
var data = {"address": "CFqoZmZ3ePwK5wnkhxJjJAQKJ82C7RJdmd", "amount": 100000}
$.post('$YOUR_TOKEN', JSON.stringify(data))
  .then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
> {
>   "tx_ref": "02dbf5585d438a1cba82a9041dd815635a6b0df684225cb5271e11397a759479"
> }
# Create new api object on BlockCypher Testnet
> bc_test =, network:BlockCypher::TEST_NET, api_token:"YOURTOKEN")
=> #<BlockCypher::Api:0x000000030169b0 @api_token="YOURTOKEN", @currency="bcy", @network="test", @version="v1">

# Generate new test address
> bc_test.address_generate
=> {"private"=>"5a3675bbc7e24e63224bff60a3850a77d5a494419735e3b94173eac5379437c9",

# Fund with faucet
> bc_test.faucet("Bv6rJzFmSg41nhibjfEfqSeeb2Te1Hh3FG", 1000000)
=> {"tx_ref"=>"59ddf03d9e292da5b3160e6ac341c9773873b693203c799a4ba8a4e05ef5a0d7"}
# Fund existing address with faucet
>>> from blockcypher import send_faucet_coins
# bcy is the coin_symbol for the blockcypher (not bitcoin) testnet
>>> send_faucet_coins(address_to_fund='CFqoZmZ3ePwK5wnkhxJjJAQKJ82C7RJdmd', satoshis=10000, api_key='YOUR_TOKEN', coin_symbol='bcy')
    "tx_ref": "5d59f2ff777594fdfd964cd5ee4853e80cc3dc097a2ce67a55c16e643a99dddb"
package main

import (


func main() {
  bcy := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "bcy", "test"}
  //Generate new address
  pair, err := bcy.GenAddrKeychain()
  //Fund it with faucet
  txhash, err := bcy.Faucet(pair, 100000)
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("Address: %v, Faucet TXHash: %v\n", pair.Address, txhash)

//Result from `go run`:
//Address: CF2ge9wF1KERoSrk9eRR8s2EJSLHiRMLPE, Faucet TXHash: aad5399bb760307e3d8b9c4d1d1480d0baddccc7f0ce2aca8df6e54ad4b260b3
// Make new address; returns private key/public key/address
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\introduction\GenerateBcyAddress.php

$addressClient = new AddressClient($apiContext);
$addressKeyChain = $addressClient->generateAddress();


// Fund prior address with faucet
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\introduction\FundAddressWithFaucetEndpoint.php

$faucetClient = new FaucetClient($apiContext);
$faucetResponse = $faucetClient->fundAddress('Bxi1GmU6xgqgyBEzugcqFZRLyJd1cpEv2S', 100000);


Test Faucets

To help facilitate automated testing in your applications, a faucet endpoint is available on BlockCypher's Test Chain. Calling the faucet endpoint, along with passing a valid address, will automatically create---and propagate---a new transaction funding the address with the amount you provide.

This example shows how to leverage the faucet to programmatically fund addresses, to test your applications.


# All cURL'd Objects are JSON:

    key: value,
    key: value,

Before diving into BlockCypher's endpoints, this section details all the Objects exposed and expected by the API. Some of you might be more interested in the endpoints themselves, in which case, feel free to skip to the next section. But for others, a section dedicated to all of BlockCypher's Objects might prove a useful overview, especially if you're new to Blockchain development in general. And in either case, this section provides a comprehensive reference for Objects in the API. For each Object there's a description and a link to a germane API endpoint.



  "name": "BTC.main",
  "height": 360060,
  "hash": "000000000000000000bf56ff4a81e399374a68344a64d6681039412de78366b8",
  "time": "2015-06-08T22:57:08.260165627Z",
  "latest_url": "",
  "previous_hash": "000000000000000011c9511ae1265d34d3c16fff6e8f94380425833b3d0ae5d8",
  "previous_url": "",
  "peer_count": 239,
  "unconfirmed_count": 617,
  "high_fee_per_kb": 46086,
  "medium_fee_per_kb": 29422,
  "low_fee_per_kb": 12045,
  "last_fork_height": 359865,
  "last_fork_hash": "00000000000000000aa6462fd9faf94712ce1b5a944dc666f491101c996beab9"
>>> from blockcypher import get_blockchain_overview
>>> get_blockchain_overview()
    "hash": "000000000000000006c488791bafc490efb365ad609ed39e6ee51d1afbc8ed83",
    "height": 379780,
    "high_fee_per_kb": 57607,
    "last_fork_hash": "00000000000000000aef777b65b5d32301c914e7d9f2c4cf1f7366e1eb217124",
    "last_fork_height": 280959,
    "latest_url": "",
    "low_fee_per_kb": 24554,
    "medium_fee_per_kb": 28847,
    "name": "BTC.main",
    "peer_count": 817,
    "previous_hash": "0000000000000000026727709d704d20de7d756427a10a86cd0b084066632e55",
    "previous_url": "",
    "time": "datetime.datetime(2015, 10, 20, 19, 35, 50, 174235, tzinfo=tzutc())",
    "unconfirmed_count": 100231

A Blockchain represents the current state of a particular blockchain from the Coin/Chain resources that BlockCypher supports. Typically returned from the Chain API endpoint.

Attribute Type Description
name string The name of the blockchain represented, in the form of $COIN.$CHAIN.
height integer The current height of the blockchain; i.e., the number of blocks in the blockchain.
hash string The hash of the latest confirmed block in the blockchain; in Bitcoin, the hashing function is SHA256(SHA256(block)).
time time The time of the latest update to the blockchain; typically when the latest block was added.
latest_url url The BlockCypher URL to query for more information on the latest confirmed block; returns a Block.
previous_hash string The hash of the second-to-latest confirmed block in the blockchain.
previous_url url The BlockCypher URL to query for more information on the second-to-latest confirmed block; returns a Block.
peer_count integer N/A, will be deprecated soon.
high_fee_per_kb integer A rolling average of the fee (in satoshis) paid per kilobyte for transactions to be confirmed within 1 to 2 blocks.
medium_fee_per_kb integer A rolling average of the fee (in satoshis) paid per kilobyte for transactions to be confirmed within 3 to 6 blocks.
low_fee_per_kb integer A rolling average of the fee (in satoshis) paid per kilobyte for transactions to be confirmed in 7 or more blocks.
unconfirmed_count integer Number of unconfirmed transactions in memory pool (likely to be included in next block).
last_fork_height integer Optional The current height of the latest fork to the blockchain; when no competing blockchain fork present, not returned with endpoints that return Blockchains.
last_fork_hash string Optional The hash of the latest confirmed block in the latest fork of the blockchain; when no competing blockchain fork present, not returned with endpoints that return Blockchains.



  "hash": "000000000000000000058b0392acad50a141c980a0137fa381eed4bb9da2266b",
  "height": 670850,
  "chain": "BTC.main",
  "total": 2666972965896,
  "fees": 131055032,
  "size": 1337178,
  "vsize": 999378,
  "ver": 939515904,
  "time": "2021-02-16T14:30:47Z",
  "received_time": "2021-02-16T14:30:50.082Z",
  "coinbase_addr": "",
  "relayed_by": "",
  "bits": 386736569,
  "nonce": 3721541004,
  "n_tx": 3238,
  "prev_block": "00000000000000000007d284fb11be7e6adcc81d05177f05ff5ba6b906f151d2",
  "mrkl_root": "67ebfe25f76df77fe4c46e9474a4bcdaeb71034da6fc3509fdd2c6d0817b9de8",
  "txids": [
  "depth": 292,
  "prev_block_url": "",
  "tx_url": "",
  "next_txids": "\u0026limit=20"
>>> from blockcypher import get_block_overview
>>> get_block_overview('00000000000000000003dc20b868d17121303308f6bba329302e75913f0790db')
 'hash': '00000000000000000003dc20b868d17121303308f6bba329302e75913f0790db',
 'height': 671142,
 'chain': 'BTC.main',
 'total': 2928942845838,
 'fees': 135268918,
 'size': 1448143,
 'vsize': 998941,
 'ver': 1073725440,
 'time': datetime.datetime(2021, 2, 18, 16, 1, 12, tzinfo=tzlocal()),
 'received_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 2, 18, 16, 2, 17, 341000, tzinfo=tzlocal()),
 'coinbase_addr': '',
 'relayed_by': '',
 'bits': 386736569,
 'nonce': 3270005482,
 'n_tx': 2025,
 'prev_block': '00000000000000000001245ac74971793689be7924cd0b031302661e806deb0d',
 'mrkl_root': '5283c26fb8d64d2284ffda76af6cd584292b76f265932cd121ac16fb475d7a8a',
 'txids': ['39dec39382157569b809446037c6d5658d490e38907060112c16d8de49aeab0b',
 'depth': 1,
 'prev_block_url': '',
 'tx_url': '',
 'next_txids': ''

A Block represents the current state of a particular block from a Blockchain. Typically returned from the Block Hash and Block Height endpoints.

Attribute Type Description
hash string The hash of the block; in Bitcoin, the hashing function is SHA256(SHA256(block))
height integer The height of the block in the blockchain; i.e., there are height earlier blocks in its blockchain.
depth integer The depth of the block in the blockchain; i.e., there are depth later blocks in its blockchain.
chain string The name of the blockchain represented, in the form of $COIN.$CHAIN
total integer The total number of satoshis transacted in this block.
fees integer The total number of fees---in satoshis---collected by miners in this block.
size integer Optional Raw size of block (including header and all transactions) in bytes. Not returned for bitcoin blocks earlier than height 389104.
vsize integer Optional Raw size of block (including header and all transactions) in virtual bytes. Not returned for bitcoin blocks earlier than height 670850.
ver integer Block version.
time time Recorded time at which block was built. Note: Miners rarely post accurate clock times.
received_time time The time BlockCypher's servers receive the block. Our servers' clock is continuously adjusted and accurate.
relayed_by string Address of the peer that sent BlockCypher's servers this block.
bits integer The block-encoded difficulty target.
nonce integer The number used by a miner to generate this block.
n_tx integer Number of transactions in this block.
prev_block string The hash of the previous block in the blockchain.
prev_block_url url The BlockCypher URL to query for more information on the previous block.
tx_url url The base BlockCypher URL to receive transaction details. To get more details about specific transactions, you must concatenate this URL with the desired transaction hash(es).
mrkl_root string The Merkle root of this block.
txids array[string] An array of transaction hashes in this block. By default, only 20 are included.
next_txids url Optional If there are more transactions that couldn't fit in the txids array, this is the BlockCypher URL to query the next set of transactions (within a Block object).



"block_hash": "0000000000000000c504bdea36e531d80...",
"block_height": 293000,
"hash": "f854aebae95150b379cc1187d848d58225f3c41...",
"addresses": [
"total": 70320221545,
"fees": 0,
"size": 636,
"vsize": 636,
"preference": "low",
"relayed_by": "",
"confirmed": "2014-03-29T01:29:19Z",
"received": "2014-03-29T01:29:19Z",
"ver": 1,
"lock_time": 0,
"double_spend": false,
"vin_sz": 4,
"vout_sz": 1,
"confirmations": 63171,
"inputs": [
        "prev_hash": "583910b7bf90ab802e22e5c25a89...",
        "output_index": 1,
        "script": "4830450220504b1ccfddf508422bdd8...",
        "output_value": 16450000,
        "sequence": 4294967295,
        "addresses": [
        "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
"outputs": [
        "value": 70320221545,
        "script": "76a914e6aad9d712c419ea8febf009a...",
        "spent_by": "35832d6c70b98b54e9a53ab2d5117...",
        "addresses": [
        "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"

A TX represents the current state of a particular transaction from either a Block within a Blockchain, or an unconfirmed transaction that has yet to be included in a Block. Typically returned from the Unconfirmed Transactions and Transaction Hash endpoints.

Attribute Type Description
block_height integer Height of the block that contains this transaction. If this is an unconfirmed transaction, it will equal -1.
hash string The hash of the transaction. While reasonably unique, using hashes as identifiers may be unsafe.
addresses array[string] Array of bitcoin public addresses involved in the transaction.
total integer The total number of satoshis exchanged in this transaction.
fees integer The total number of fees---in satoshis---collected by miners in this transaction.
size integer The size of the transaction in bytes.
vsize integer The virtual size of the transaction in bytes.
preference string The likelihood that this transaction will make it to the next block; reflects the preference level miners have to include this transaction. Can be high, medium or low.
relayed_by string Address of the peer that sent BlockCypher's servers this transaction.
received time Time this transaction was received by BlockCypher's servers.
ver integer Version number, typically 1 for Bitcoin transactions.
lock_time integer Time when transaction can be valid. Can be interpreted in two ways: if less than 500 million, refers to block height. If more, refers to Unix epoch time.
double_spend bool true if this is an attempted double spend; false otherwise.
vin_sz integer Total number of inputs in the transaction.
vout_sz integer Total number of outputs in the transaction.
confirmations integer Number of subsequent blocks, including the block the transaction is in. Unconfirmed transactions have 0 confirmations.
inputs array[TXInput] TXInput Array, limited to 20 by default.
outputs array[TXOutput] TXOutput Array, limited to 20 by default.
opt_in_rbf bool Optional Returns true if this transaction has opted in to Replace-By-Fee (RBF), either true or not present. You can read more about Opt-In RBF here.
confidence float Optional The percentage chance this transaction will not be double-spent against, if unconfirmed. For more information, check the section on Confidence Factor.
confirmed time Optional Time at which transaction was included in a block; only present for confirmed transactions.
receive_count integer Optional Number of peers that have sent this transaction to BlockCypher; only present for unconfirmed transactions.
change_address string Optional Address BlockCypher will use to send back your change, if you constructed this transaction. If not set, defaults to the address from which the coins were originally sent.
block_hash string Optional Hash of the block that contains this transaction; only present for confirmed transactions.
block_index integer Optional Canonical, zero-indexed location of this transaction in a block; only present for confirmed transactions.
double_of string Optional If this transaction is a double-spend (i.e. double_spend == true) then this is the hash of the transaction it's double-spending.
data_protocol string Optional Returned if this transaction contains an OP_RETURN associated with a known data protocol. Data protocols currently detected: blockchainid ; openassets ; factom ; colu ; coinspark ; omni
hex string Optional Hex-encoded bytes of the transaction, as sent over the network.
next_inputs url Optional If there are more transaction inptus that couldn't fit into the TXInput array, this is the BlockCypher URL to query the next set of TXInputs (within a TX object).
next_outputs url Optional If there are more transaction outputs that couldn't fit into the TXOutput array, this is the BlockCypher URL to query the next set of TXOutputs(within a TX object).


"prev_hash": "e5c9be87798b0fa8ad55a22b5d731d6f50d72bffaa6179f9999499e57388cc33",
"output_index": 1,
"script": "004730440220689409a16c98fa1659cae4c20...",
"output_value": 2450698356,
"sequence": 4294967295,
"addresses": [
"script_type": "pay-to-script-hash",
"age": 5

A TXInput represents an input consumed within a transaction. Typically found within an array in a TX. In most cases, TXInputs are from previous UTXOs, with the most prominent exceptions being attempted double-spend and coinbase inputs.

Attribute Type Description
prev_hash string The previous transaction hash where this input was an output. Not present for coinbase transactions.
output_index integer The index of the output being spent within the previous transaction. Not present for coinbase transactions.
output_value integer The value of the output being spent within the previous transaction. Not present for coinbase transactions.
script_type string The type of script that encumbers the output corresponding to this input.
script string Raw hexadecimal encoding of the script.
addresses array[string] An array of public addresses associated with the output of the previous transaction.
sequence integer Legacy 4-byte sequence number, not usually relevant unless dealing with locktime encumbrances.
age integer Optional Number of confirmations of the previous transaction for which this input was an output. Currently, only returned in unconfirmed transactions.
wallet_name string Optional Name of Wallet or HDWallet from which to derive inputs. Only used when constructing transactions via the Creating Transactions process.
wallet_token string Optional Token associated with Wallet or HDWallet used to derive inputs. Only used when constructing transactions via the Creating Transactions process.


"value": 70320221545,
"script": "76a914e6aad9d712c419ea8febf009a3f3bfdd8d222fac88ac",
"spent_by": "35832d6c70b98b54e9a53ab2d51176eb19ad11bc4505d6bb1ea6c51a68cb92ee",
"addresses": [
"script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"

A TXOutput represents an output created by a transaction. Typically found within an array in a TX.

Attribute Type Description
value int Value in this transaction output, in satoshis.
script string Raw hexadecimal encoding of the encumbrance script for this output.
addresses array[string] Addresses that correspond to this output; typically this will only have a single address, and you can think of this output as having "sent" value to the address contained herein.
script_type string The type of encumbrance script used for this output.
spent_by string Optional The transaction hash that spent this output. Only returned for outputs that have been spent. The spending transaction may be unconfirmed.
data_hex string Optional A hex-encoded representation of an OP_RETURN data output, without any other script instructions. Only returned for outputs whose script_type is null-data.
data_string string Optional An ASCII representation of an OP_RETURN data output, without any other script instructions. Only returned for outputs whose script_type is null-data and if its data falls into the visible ASCII range.



"age_millis": 12725,
"receive_count": 666,
"confidence": 0.9901509730004237,
"txhash": "43fa951e1bea87c282f6725cf8bdc08bb48761396c3af8dd5a41a085ab62acc9",
"txurl": ""

A TXConfidence represents information about the confidence that an unconfirmed transaction will make it into the next block. Typically used as a return object from the Transaction Confidence Endpoint.

Attribute Type Description
age_millis integer The age of the transaction in milliseconds, based on the earliest time BlockCypher saw it relayed in the network.
receive_count integer Number of peers that have sent this transaction to BlockCypher; only positive for unconfirmed transactions. -1 for confirmed transactions.
confidence float A number from 0 to 1 representing BlockCypher's confidence that the transaction won't be double-spent against.
txhash string The hash of the transaction. While reasonably unique, using hashes as identifiers may be unsafe.
txurl url The BlockCypher URL one can use to query more detailed information about this transaction.


"tx_hash": "14b1052855bbf6561bc4db8aa501762e7cc1e86994dda9e782a6b73b1ce0dc1e",
"block_height": 302013,
"tx_input_n": -1,
"tx_output_n": 0,
"value": 20213,
"ref_balance": 4433416,
"spent": false,
"confirmations": 54405,
"confirmed": "2014-05-22T03:46:25Z",
"double_spend": false

A TXRef object represents summarized data about a transaction input or output. Typically found in an array within an Address object, which is usually returned from the standard Address Endpoint.

Attribute Type Description
address string Optional The address associated with this transaction input/output. Only returned when querying an address endpoint via a wallet/HD wallet name.
block_height integer Height of the block that contains this transaction input/output. If it's unconfirmed, this will equal -1.
tx_hash string The hash of the transaction containing this input/output. While reasonably unique, using hashes as identifiers may be unsafe.
tx_input_n integer Index of this input in the enclosing transaction. It's a negative number for an output.
tx_output_n integer Index of this output in the enclosing transaction. It's a negative number for an input.
value integer The value transfered by this input/output in satoshis exchanged in the enclosing transaction.
preference string The likelihood that the enclosing transaction will make it to the next block; reflects the preference level miners have to include the enclosing transaction. Can be high, medium or low.
spent bool true if this is an output and was spent. If it's an input, or an unspent output, it will be false.
double_spend bool true if this is an attempted double spend; false otherwise.
confirmations integer Number of subsequent blocks, including the block the transaction is in. Unconfirmed transactions have 0 confirmations.
script string Optional Raw, hex-encoded script of this input/output.
ref_balance integer Optional The past balance of the parent address the moment this transaction was confirmed. Not present for unconfirmed transactions.
confidence float Optional The percentage chance this transaction will not be double-spent against, if unconfirmed. For more information, check the section on Confidence Factor.
confirmed time Optional Time at which transaction was included in a block; only present for confirmed transactions.
spent_by string Optional The transaction hash that spent this output. Only returned for outputs that have been spent. The spending transaction may be unconfirmed.
received time Optional Time this transaction was received by BlockCypher's servers; only present for unconfirmed transactions.
receive_count integer Optional Number of peers that have sent this transaction to BlockCypher; only present for unconfirmed transactions.
double_of string Optional If this transaction is a double-spend (i.e. double_spend == true) then this is the hash of the transaction it's double-spending.


# Note resource change to bcy/test instead of btc/main
curl -d '{"inputs":[{"addresses": ["CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9"]}],"outputs":[{"addresses": ["C1rGdt7QEPGiwPMFhNKNhHmyoWpa5X92pn"], "value": 1000000}]}'

"tx": {
    "block_height": -1,
    "block_index": 0,
    "hash": "4d6e32d71313fb548232642fd...",
    "addresses": [
    "total": 5419600,
    "fees": 12500,
    "size": 119,
"tosign": [
"errors": [
    { "error": "..." }
"signatures": [],
"pubkeys": []

A TXSkeleton is a convenience/wrapper Object that's used primarily when Creating Transactions through the New and Send endpoints.

Attribute Type Description
tx TX A temporary TX, usually returned fully filled but missing input scripts.
tosign array[string] Array of hex-encoded data for you to sign, one for each input.
signatures array[string] Array of signatures corresponding to all the data in tosign, typically provided by you.
pubkeys array[string] Array of public keys corresponding to each signature. In general, these are provided by you, and correspond to the signatures you provide.
tosign_tx array[string] Optional Array of hex-encoded, work-in-progress transactions; optionally returned to validate the tosign data locally.
errors array["error":string] Optional Array of errors in the form "error":"description-of-error". This is only returned if there was an error in any stage of transaction generation, and is usually accompanied by a HTTP 400 code.


 curl -d '{"witness_tosign_tx":"01000000d0fe2d3feb5f3a5b6a99c244f21924b0249e2bc65c5745bdb618b1799066a80a3bb13029ce7b1f559ef5e747fcac439f1455a2ec7c5f09b72290795e706650448b3658589c258fb4b44180f158ae73d4dbaaf26d64c43a97a5cd78d9577f786d010000001976a9141b80a938a784abe7cdee8fdaf95f5f7e0b8cd0b988ac40420f0000000000ffffffff5fa4537c4c565583f8d32a36c3510808d38acc0ad18cc7e637be6523ebb39ff30000000001000000"}'

   "version": 1,
   "hash_prevouts": "0aa8669079b118b6bd45575cc62b9e24b02419f244c2996a5b3a5feb3f2dfed0",
   "hash_sequence": "445066705e799022b7095f7ceca255149f43acfc47e7f59e551f7bce2930b13b",
   "outpoint": "6d787f57d978cda5973ac4646df2aadbd473ae58f18041b4b48f259c5858368b",
   "outpoint_index": 1,
   "script_code": "76a9141b80a938a784abe7cdee8fdaf95f5f7e0b8cd0b988ac",
   "value": 1000000,
   "sequence": 4294967295,
   "hash_outputs": "f39fb3eb2365be37e6c78cd10acc8ad3080851c3362ad3f88355564c7c53a45f",
   "lock_time": 0,
   "sighash_type": 1

A WitnessToSignTx is created when creating a transaction which spend a P2WPKH input and includeToSignTx is set to true.

Attribute Type Description
version integer Version of the transaction.
hash_prevouts string Hash of the previous output.
hash_sequence string Hash sequence.
outpoint string Hash of the outpoint.
outpoint_index integer Outpoint index.
script_code string Script code of the input.
value integer Value of the output spent by this input.
sequence integer Sequence number of the input.
hash_outputs string Hash of the output.
lock_time integer Lock time of the transaction.
sighash_type integer sighash type of the signature.



"address": "1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD",
"total_received": 4433416,
"total_sent": 0,
"balance": 4433416,
"unconfirmed_balance": 0,
"final_balance": 4433416,
"n_tx": 7,
"unconfirmed_n_tx": 0,
"final_n_tx": 7,
"txrefs": [
"unconfirmed_txrefs": [

An Address represents a public address on a blockchain, and contains information about the state of balances and transactions related to this address. Typically returned from the Address Balance, Address, and Address Full Endpoint.

Attribute Type Description
address string Optional The requested address. Not returned if querying a wallet/HD wallet.
wallet Wallet Optional The requested wallet object. Only returned if querying by wallet name instead of public address.
hd_wallet HDWallet Optional The requested HD wallet object. Only returned if querying by HD wallet name instead of public address.
total_received integer Total amount of confirmed satoshis received by this address.
total_sent integer Total amount of confirmed satoshis sent by this address.
balance integer Balance of confirmed satoshis on this address. This is the difference between outputs and inputs on this address, but only for transactions that have been included into a block (i.e., for transactions whose confirmations > 0).
unconfirmed_balance integer Balance of unconfirmed satoshis on this address. Can be negative (if unconfirmed transactions are just spending outputs). Only unconfirmed transactions (haven't made it into a block) are included.
final_balance integer Total balance of satoshis, including confirmed and unconfirmed transactions, for this address.
n_tx integer Number of confirmed transactions on this address. Only transactions that have made it into a block (confirmations > 0) are counted.
unconfirmed_n_tx integer Number of unconfirmed transactions for this address. Only unconfirmed transactions (confirmations == 0) are counted.
final_n_tx integer Final number of transactions, including confirmed and unconfirmed transactions, for this address.
tx_url url Optional To retrieve base URL transactions. To get the full URL, concatenate this URL with a transaction's hash.
txs array[TX] Optional Array of full transaction details associated with this address. Usually only returned from the Address Full Endpoint.
txrefs array[TXRef] Optional Array of transaction inputs and outputs for this address. Usually only returned from the standard Address Endpoint.
unconfirmed_txrefs array[TXRef] Optional All unconfirmed transaction inputs and outputs for this address. Usually only returned from the standard Address Endpoint.
hasMore bool Optional If true, then the Address object contains more transactions than shown. Useful for determining whether to poll the API for more transaction information.


curl -X POST

"private": "86751cb880a9a1addcc3b67979976158dd800afe9d14b68349921299b20c94dd",
"public": "03866586fbe3652eb219c5ed99c3fc72d125472248183f966e0673be08a1c543de",
"address": "n1ucSDLByN5GLLQuE7BMrtTWHwHtkaVkfA",
"wif": "cS64ygfjWjN73S78oUbJQeikDn9uS7KNWS1PL7NqeBUuF4UobnAy"

An AddressKeychain represents an associated collection of public and private keys alongside their respective public address. Generally returned and used with the Generate Address Endpoint.

Attribute Type Description
address string Standard address representation.
public string Hex-encoded Public key.
private string Hex-encoded Private key.
wif string Wallet import format, a common encoding for the private key.
pubkeys array[string] Optional Array of public keys to provide to generate a multisig address.
script_type string Optional If generating a multisig address, the type of multisig script; typically "multisig-n-of-m", where n and m are integers.
original_address string Optional If generating an OAP address, this represents the parent blockchain's underlying address (the typical address listed above).
oap_address string Optional The OAP address, if generated using the Generate Asset Address Endpoint.


curl -d '{"name": "alice","addresses": ["1JcX75oraJEmzXXHpDjRctw3BX6qDmFM8e"]}'

"name": "alice",
"addresses": ["1JcX75oraJEmzXXHpDjRctw3BX6qDmFM8e"]
Attribute Type Description
token string User token associated with this wallet.
name string Name of the wallet.
addresses array[string] List of addresses associated with this wallet.

A Wallet contains a list of addresses associated by its name and the user's token. It can be used interchangeably with all the Address API endpoints, and in many places that require addresses, like when Creating Transactions.

The name of a wallet must be 1-25 characters long and cannot start with any characters that start an address for the currency contained in the wallet. For example, bitcoin wallet names cannot start with '1' or '3'.


curl -d '{"name": "bob", "extended_public_key": "xpub661MyMwAqRbcFtXgS5sYJABqqG9YLmC4Q1Rdap9gSE8NqtwybGhePY2gZ29ESFjqJoCu1Rupje8YtGqsefD265TMg7usUDFdp6W1EGMcet8"}'

{"token": "YOURTOKEN",
"name": "bob",
"hd": true,
"extended_public_key": "xpub661MyMwAqRbcFtXgS5sYJABqqG9YLmC4Q1Rdap9gSE8NqtwybGhePY2gZ29ESFjqJoCu1Rupje8YtGqsefD265TMg7usUDFdp6W1EGMcet8",
"chains": [
    {"chain_addresses": [
            "address": "1FHz8bpEE5qUZ9XhfjzAbCCwo5bT1HMNAc",
            "path": "m/0"
            "address": "1J8QDN1u7iDMbJktbqXPSrAqruNjkmRFmT",
            "path": "m/1"
            "address": "1MWNKnYfE2LVdvAzFUioF3F3JXFpRfDCQb",
            "path": "m/2"

An HDWallet contains addresses derived from a single seed. Like normal wallets, it can be used interchangeably with all the Address API endpoints, and in many places that require addresses, like when Creating Transactions.

Attribute Type Description
token string User token associated with this HD wallet.
name string Name of the HD wallet.
chains array[HDChain] List of HD chains associated with this wallet, each containing HDAddresses. A single chain is returned if the wallet has no subchains.
hd bool true for HD wallets, not present for normal wallets.
extended_public_key string The extended public key all addresses in the HD wallet are derived from. It's encoded in BIP32 format
subchain_indexes array[integer] optional returned for HD wallets created with subchains.

The name of a wallet must be 1-25 characters long and cannot start with any characters that start an address for the currency contained in the wallet. For example, bitcoin wallet names cannot start with '1' or '3'.



{"chains": [
    {"chain_addresses": [
            "address": "1FHz8bpEE5qUZ9XhfjzAbCCwo5bT1HMNAc",
            "path": "m/0"
            "address": "1J8QDN1u7iDMbJktbqXPSrAqruNjkmRFmT",
            "path": "m/1"
            "address": "1MWNKnYfE2LVdvAzFUioF3F3JXFpRfDCQb",
            "path": "m/2"

An array of HDChains are included in every HDWallet and returned from the Get Wallet, Get Wallet Addresses and Derive Address in Wallet endpoints.

Attribute Type Description
chain_addresses array[HDAddress] Array of HDAddresses associated with this subchain.
index integer optional Index of the subchain, returned if the wallet has subchains.


Attribute Type Description
address string Standard address representation.
path string The BIP32 path of the HD address.
public string optional Contains the hex-encoded public key if returned by Derive Address in Wallet endpoint.

An HD Address object contains an address and its BIP32 HD path (location of the address in the HD tree). It also contains the hex-encoded public key when returned from the Derive Address in Wallet endpoint.


"from_private": "0eb369746401c3369517239...",
"to_address": "1C3nrGhUDxBbr393u2Wq4PiE8T6oEYjYhrK",
"amount": 200,
"metadata": "1a2b3c4d5e6f"

An OAPIssue represents a request for either issuance or transfer of new assets, as detailed in the Asset API.

Attribute Type Description
from_private string The private key being used to issue or transfer assets.
to_address string The target OAP address assets for issue or transfer.
amount int The amount of assets being issued or transfered.
metadata string Optional Hex-encoded metadata that can optionally be encoded into the issue or transfer transaction.


  "ver": 1,
  "assetid": "1Npqwstp55vgThp4pwAC9UhYkvPJ28b2Ui",
  "hash": "022e05bdfa2e148bc1882cb7a81506b8316fee6957b11625126d075a8cf8791b",
  "confirmed": "2015-10-25T04:50:06Z",
  "received": "2015-10-25T04:49:32.37Z",
  "oap_meta": "1a2b3c4d5e6f",
  "double_spend": false,
  "inputs": [
      "prev_hash": "56253cffa1b3508d106391da3646cda2aee0bd080db427321c77ad11739e4239",
      "output_index": 0,
      "address": "1ByJUiocpifLPaYVTALpA7JYa9DxpGxXKKP",
      "output_value": 1000
  "outputs": [
      "address": "1C3nrGhUDxBbr393u2Wq4PiE8T6oEYjYhrK",
      "value": 200,
      "original_output_index": 1

An OAPTX represents an Open Assets Protocol transaction, generated when issuing or transfering assets.

Attribute Type Description
ver int Version of Open Assets Protocol transaction. Typically 1.
assetid string Unique indentifier associated with this asset; can be used to query other transactions associated with this asset.
hash string This transaction's unique hash; same as the underlying transaction on the asset's parent blockchain.
confirmed time Optional Time this transaction was confirmed; only returned for confirmed transactions.
received time Time this transaction was received.
oap_meta string Optional Associated hex-encoded metadata with this transaction, if it exists.
double_spend bool true if this is an attempted double spend; false otherwise.
inputs array[...] Array of input data, which can be seen explicitly in the cURL example. Very similar to array of TXInputs, but with values related to assets instead of satoshis.
outputs array[...] Array of output data, which can be seen explicitly in the cURL example. Very similar to array of TXOutputs, but with values related to assets instead of satoshis.



"id": "399d0923-e920-48ee-8928-2051cbfbc369"
"event": "unconfirmed-tx",
"address": "15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh",
"token": "YOURTOKEN",
"url": "",
"callback_errors": 0

An Event represents a WebHooks or WebSockets-based notification request, as detailed in the Events & Hooks section of the documentation.

Attribute Type Description
id string Identifier of the event; generated when a new request is created.
event string Type of event; can be unconfirmed-tx, new-block, confirmed-tx, tx-confirmation, double-spend-tx, tx-confidence.
hash string optional Only objects with a matching hash will be sent. The hash can either be for a block or a transaction.
wallet_name string optional Only transactions associated with the given wallet will be sent; can use a regular or HD wallet name. If used, requires a user token.
token string optional Required if wallet_name is used, though generally we advise users to include it (as they can reach API throttling thresholds rapidly).
address string optional Only transactions associated with the given address will be sent. A wallet name can also be used instead of an address, which will then match on any address in the wallet.
confirmations integer optional Used in concert with the tx-confirmation event type to set the number of confirmations desired for which to receive an update. You'll receive an updated TX for every confirmation up to this amount. The maximum allowed is 10; if not set, it will default to 6.
confidence float optional Used in concert with the tx-confidence event type to set the minimum confidence for which you'll receive a notification. You'll receive a TX once this threshold is met. Will accept any float between 0 and 1, exclusive; if not set, defaults to 0.99.
script string optional Only transactions with an output script of the provided type will be sent. The recognized types of scripts are: pay-to-pubkey-hash, pay-to-multi-pubkey-hash, pay-to-pubkey, pay-to-script-hash, null-data (sometimes called OP_RETURN), empty or unknown.
url url optional Callback URL for this Event's WebHook; not applicable for WebSockets usage.
callback_errors int Number of errors when attempting to POST to callback URL; not applicable for WebSockets usage.


curl -d '{"destination":"15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh","callback_url": "","process_fees_address": "1LWw6FdzNUcX8bnekMMZ7eofcGF7SXmbrL", "process_fees_percent": 0.1,"token":"YOURTOKEN"}'

"input_address": "16uKw7GsQSzfMaVTcT7tpFQkd7Rh9qcXWX",
"destination": "15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh",
"callback_url": ""
"process_fees_address": "1LWw6FdzNUcX8bnekMMZ7eofcGF7SXmbrL",
"process_fees_percent": 0.1,
"token": "YOURTOKEN"

A AddressForward object represents a request set up through the Address Forwarding service.

Attribute Type Description
id string Identifier of the orwarding request; generated when a new request is created.
token string The mandatory user token.
destination string The required destination address to forward to.
input_address string The address which will automatically forward to destination; generated when a new request is created.
process_fees_address string Optional Address to forward processing fees, if specified. Allows you to receive a fee for your own services.
process_fees_satoshis int Optional Fixed processing fee amount to be sent to the fee address. A fixed satoshi amount or a percentage is required if a process_fees_address has been specified.
process_fees_percent float Optional Percentage of the transaction to be sent to the fee address. A fixed satoshi amount or a percentage is required if a process_fees_address has been specified.
callback_url url Optional The URL to call anytime a new transaction is forwarded.
enable_confirmations bool Optional Whether to also call the callback_url with subsequent confirmations of the forwarding transactions. Automatically sets up a WebHook.
mining_fees_satoshis int Optional Mining fee amount to include in the forwarding transaction, in satoshis. If not set, defaults to 10,000.
txs array[string] Optional History of forwarding transaction hashes for this forward; not present if this request has yet to forward any transactions.


"value": 100000000,
"input_address": "16uKw7GsQSzfMaVTcT7tpFQkd7Rh9qcXWX",
"destination": "15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh",
"input_transaction_hash": "39bed5d...",
"transaction_hash": "1aa6103..."

A AddressForwardCallback object represents the payload delivered to the optional callback_url in a AddressForward request.

Attribute Type Description
value int Amount sent to the destination address, in satoshis.
input_address string The intermediate address to which the transaction was originally sent.
destination string The final destination address to which the forward will eventually be sent.
input_transaction_hash string The transaction hash representing the initial transaction to the input_address.
transaction_hash string The transaction hash of the generated transaction that forwards from the input_address to the destination.

Blockchain API

The first component---and highest level---of the BlockCypher API allows you to query general information about blockchain and blocks based on the coin/chain resource you've selected for your endpoints.

If you're new to blockchains, you can think of the blockchain itself as an immutable, distributed ledger. Each block in the blockchain is like a "page" in the ledger containing information about transactions between parties. A great place to start understanding the mechanics behind blockchains is the original Bitcoin whitepaper.

Chain Endpoint


  "name": "BTC.main",
  "height": 360060,
  "hash": "000000000000000000bf56ff4a81e399374a68344a64d6681039412de78366b8",
  "time": "2015-06-08T22:57:08.260165627Z",
  "latest_url": "",
  "previous_hash": "000000000000000011c9511ae1265d34d3c16fff6e8f94380425833b3d0ae5d8",
  "previous_url": "",
  "peer_count": 239,
  "unconfirmed_count": 617,
  "high_fee_per_kb": 46086,
  "medium_fee_per_kb": 29422,
  "low_fee_per_kb": 12045,
  "last_fork_height": 359865,
  "last_fork_hash": "00000000000000000aa6462fd9faf94712ce1b5a944dc666f491101c996beab9"
$.get('').then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
> {
>   "name": "BTC.main",
>   "height": 355578,
>   "hash": "00000000000000000a0b253f20709b0c77d8a56aa8db632ecbdc7381816504cd",
>   "time": "2015-05-08T23:12:55.243311146Z",
>   "latest_url": "",
>   "previous_hash": "00000000000000000acef50ef89494493b4a08a8419588e1e3e20cd73bc85a6b",
>   "previous_url": "",
>   "peer_count": 250,
>   "unconfirmed_count": 637,
>   "high_fee_per_kb": 45768,
>   "medium_fee_per_kb": 29415,
>   "low_fee_per_kb": 12045
> }
> block_cypher.blockchain
=> {"name"=>"BTC.main",
>>> from blockcypher import get_blockchain_overview
>>> get_blockchain_overview()
    "hash": "0000000000000000097ebad5b89f15d46bc2bb36423af7cbcaa83a87f3f2a178",
    "height": 379892,
    "high_fee_per_kb": 51535,
    "last_fork_hash": "000000000000000004d09e31247aa0efbba89cb35c146f96f7150d76c810d395",
    "last_fork_height": 379357,
    "latest_url": "",
    "low_fee_per_kb": 24372,
    "medium_fee_per_kb": 29490,
    "name": "BTC.main",
    "peer_count": 896,
    "previous_hash": "00000000000000000bbd491173b40160b74e212650b7324bc74b33367d0e0a6b",
    "previous_url": "",
    "time": "datetime.datetime(2015, 10, 21, 14, 11, 21, 603114, tzinfo=tzutc())",
    "unconfirmed_count": 78701
package main

import (


func main() {
  btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
  chain, err := btc.GetChain()
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("%+v\n", chain)

//Result from `go run`:
//{Name:BTC.main Height:648800 Hash:00000000000000000006f4157b3fa48928e09f5d8a6696604df43f1187547354 Time:2020-09-17 20:39:41.770732359 +0000 UTC PrevHash:000000000000000000017aa67661ee1764357965e04b58b7b789be67af2b5acc PeerCount:1045 HighFee:86603 MediumFee:61014 LowFee:49127 UnconfirmedCount:17910 LastForkHeight:644543 LastForkHash:0000000000000000000ac8d61492ab76dab7451373c6eaa6803ec0244f623395}
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\chain-api\ChainEndpoint.php

$blockchainClient = new BlockchainClient($apiContext);
$blockchain = $blockchainClient->get('BTC.main');


General information about a blockchain is available by GET-ing the base resource.

Resource Method Return Object
/ GET Blockchain

The returned object contains a litany of information about the blockchain, including its height, the time/hash of the latest block, and more.

For more detailed information about the data returned, check the Blockchain object.

Block Hash Endpoint


  "hash": "00000000000000000003dc20b868d17121303308f6bba329302e75913f0790db",
  "height": 671142,
  "chain": "BTC.main",
  "total": 2928942845838,
  "fees": 135268918,
  "size": 1448143,
  "vsize": 998941,
  "ver": 1073725440,
  "time": "2021-02-18T16:01:12Z",
  "received_time": "2021-02-18T16:02:17.341Z",
  "coinbase_addr": "",
  "relayed_by": "",
  "bits": 386736569,
  "nonce": 3270005482,
  "n_tx": 2025,
  "prev_block": "00000000000000000001245ac74971793689be7924cd0b031302661e806deb0d",
  "mrkl_root": "5283c26fb8d64d2284ffda76af6cd584292b76f265932cd121ac16fb475d7a8a",
  "txids": [
  "depth": 5,
  "prev_block_url": "",
  "tx_url": "",
  "next_txids": "\u0026limit=20"
  .then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
> "hash": "00000000000000000003dc20b868d17121303308f6bba329302e75913f0790db",
> "height": 671142,
> "chain": "BTC.main",
> "total": 2928942845838,
> "fees": 135268918,
> "size": 1448143,
> "vsize": 998941,
> "ver": 1073725440,
> "time": "2021-02-18T16:01:12Z",
> "received_time": "2021-02-18T16:02:17.341Z",
> "coinbase_addr": "",
> "relayed_by": "",
> "bits": 386736569,
> "nonce": 3270005482,
> "n_tx": 2025,
> "prev_block": "00000000000000000001245ac74971793689be7924cd0b031302661e806deb0d",
> "mrkl_root": "5283c26fb8d64d2284ffda76af6cd584292b76f265932cd121ac16fb475d7a8a",
> "txids": [
>   "39dec39382157569b809446037c6d5658d490e38907060112c16d8de49aeab0b",
>   "ce0a8256a459ba14feb48931a2344ff7af3af4f9aa2b5acb795a1b0b9fd8806e",
>   "2d11ef988d9960a12f94d76525cc0001cf56bb9d3c7d47d405e8a40a008da653",
>   "17648e06bdb4a126b8ebdf763e21107a5e54b548c266b056dfcb4aae3343253e",
>   "7fbb8ce7ab5aba798eca6eab0076af2f5c621576d90a1cb471da62f4fca61df3",
>   "acf6a8781c6df77a437daa70fa2d51acf4b2fc70dc60cb3890b74901173ad125",
>   "cab8f38c42d82524767ad1c3443bf4c00cb6a4f9f5b19eb1c57e6c13123c2d67",
>   "dfb6dcce198a2d6415d3e322a0c3b6957d5a35e7cbdffeac209ed71cac9dd3f5",
>   "786c4e4bd5f456bf2c42eef8374cf41b5a4e6ccccda3043ea2612840a2523fc4",
>   "f28339e0247323e59c0d49d2480b8abb48fba4190e8f83bc37d1f095e29dd958",
>   "f7133abcf74884575296c1e2c3545080f88aa753f9542c88bffb79cdb34a4aa5",
>   "5db89c67ccaaa248028989c52bfa952eafc171d3e48fd15ba5dd0dfd368e1c06",
>   "dc4cc5acf9edb14cd9b8659d4a2405eae5d425867d861607f89826ffcb0f5459",
>   "fec4304054685c4a25f56b057ae3bab421fa998ca91812ad849c2518b3969288",
>   "e8441b85cc6036e40f745de4fd909b98507656d7e3a5762578ec50a03219099a",
>   "023c1577f21a7fdd428cc514726483c10039bd65afdf2f3da2b890f74350a073",
>   "389a04bfa0b809c33b147f24104d4a60581578da644282931abfff8d5a248679",
>   "ea31698b76076d4a2fef47d1c0dbc9df4539abf072e8bd29cefbf65daddaa6c5",
>   "1d52fbf97eaf19935edf21543f27455b7102290edc1d1f143fcb7b235196ddd3",
>   "60e5282257e1ebd742589a7122ff52aa7d78ef1821027301e84335e71ac19790"
> ],
> "depth": 5,
> "prev_block_url": "",
> "tx_url": "",
> "next_txids": "\u0026limit=20"
> block_cypher.blockchain_block("00000000000000000003dc20b868d17121303308f6bba329302e75913f0790db","")
=> {
  "bits"=>386736569, "nonce"=>3270005482,
>>> from blockcypher import get_block_overview
>>> get_block_overview('00000000000000000003dc20b868d17121303308f6bba329302e75913f0790db')
 'hash': '00000000000000000003dc20b868d17121303308f6bba329302e75913f0790db',
 'height': 671142,
 'chain': 'BTC.main',
 'total': 2928942845838,
 'fees': 135268918,
 'size': 1448143,
 'vsize': 998941,
 'ver': 1073725440,
 'time': datetime.datetime(2021, 2, 18, 16, 1, 12, tzinfo=tzlocal()),
 'received_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 2, 18, 16, 2, 17, 341000, tzinfo=tzlocal()),
 'coinbase_addr': '',
 'relayed_by': '',
 'bits': 386736569,
 'nonce': 3270005482,
 'n_tx': 2025,
 'prev_block': '00000000000000000001245ac74971793689be7924cd0b031302661e806deb0d',
 'mrkl_root': '5283c26fb8d64d2284ffda76af6cd584292b76f265932cd121ac16fb475d7a8a',
 'txids': ['39dec39382157569b809446037c6d5658d490e38907060112c16d8de49aeab0b',
 'depth': 1,
 'prev_block_url': '',
 'tx_url': '',
 'next_txids': ''
# note that you can batch blocks with blockcypher.get_blocks_overview()
package main

import (


func main() {
  btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
  block, err := btc.GetBlock(0, "00000000000000000003dc20b868d17121303308f6bba329302e75913f0790db", nil)
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("%+v\n", block)

//Result from `go run`:
//{Hash:00000000000000000003dc20b868d17121303308f6bba329302e75913f0790db Height:671142 Depth:9 Chain:BTC.main Total:{neg:false abs:[2928942845838]} Fees:{neg:false abs:[135268918]} Size:1448143 VirtualSize:998941 Ver:1073725440 Time:2021-02-18 16:01:12 +0000 UTC ReceivedTime:2021-02-18 16:02:17.341 +0000 UTC RelayedBy: Bits:386736569 Nonce:3270005482 NumTX:2025 PrevBlock:00000000000000000001245ac74971793689be7924cd0b031302661e806deb0d MerkleRoot:5283c26fb8d64d2284ffda76af6cd584292b76f265932cd121ac16fb475d7a8a TXids:[39dec39382157569b809446037c6d5658d490e38907060112c16d8de49aeab0b ce0a8256a459ba14feb48931a2344ff7af3af4f9aa2b5acb795a1b0b9fd8806e 2d11ef988d9960a12f94d76525cc0001cf56bb9d3c7d47d405e8a40a008da653 17648e06bdb4a126b8ebdf763e21107a5e54b548c266b056dfcb4aae3343253e 7fbb8ce7ab5aba798eca6eab0076af2f5c621576d90a1cb471da62f4fca61df3 acf6a8781c6df77a437daa70fa2d51acf4b2fc70dc60cb3890b74901173ad125 cab8f38c42d82524767ad1c3443bf4c00cb6a4f9f5b19eb1c57e6c13123c2d67 dfb6dcce198a2d6415d3e322a0c3b6957d5a35e7cbdffeac209ed71cac9dd3f5 786c4e4bd5f456bf2c42eef8374cf41b5a4e6ccccda3043ea2612840a2523fc4 f28339e0247323e59c0d49d2480b8abb48fba4190e8f83bc37d1f095e29dd958 f7133abcf74884575296c1e2c3545080f88aa753f9542c88bffb79cdb34a4aa5 5db89c67ccaaa248028989c52bfa952eafc171d3e48fd15ba5dd0dfd368e1c06 dc4cc5acf9edb14cd9b8659d4a2405eae5d425867d861607f89826ffcb0f5459 fec4304054685c4a25f56b057ae3bab421fa998ca91812ad849c2518b3969288 e8441b85cc6036e40f745de4fd909b98507656d7e3a5762578ec50a03219099a 023c1577f21a7fdd428cc514726483c10039bd65afdf2f3da2b890f74350a073 389a04bfa0b809c33b147f24104d4a60581578da644282931abfff8d5a248679 ea31698b76076d4a2fef47d1c0dbc9df4539abf072e8bd29cefbf65daddaa6c5 1d52fbf97eaf19935edf21543f27455b7102290edc1d1f143fcb7b235196ddd3 60e5282257e1ebd742589a7122ff52aa7d78ef1821027301e84335e71ac19790] NextTXs:}
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\block-api\BlockHashEndpoint.php

$blockClient = new BlockClient($apiContext);
$block = $blockClient->get('00000000000000000003dc20b868d17121303308f6bba329302e75913f0790db');

  "hash": "00000000000000000003dc20b868d17121303308f6bba329302e75913f0790db",
  "height": 671142,
  "chain": "BTC.main",
  "total": 2928942845838,
  "fees": 135268918,
  "size": 1448143,
  "vsize": 998941,
  "ver": 1073725440,
  "time": "2021-02-18T16:01:12Z",
  "received_time": "2021-02-18T16:02:17.341Z",
  "coinbase_addr": "",
  "relayed_by": "",
  "bits": 386736569,
  "nonce": 3270005482,
  "n_tx": 2025,
  "prev_block": "00000000000000000001245ac74971793689be7924cd0b031302661e806deb0d",
  "mrkl_root": "5283c26fb8d64d2284ffda76af6cd584292b76f265932cd121ac16fb475d7a8a",
  "txids": [
  "depth": 5,
  "prev_block_url": "",
  "tx_url": "",
  "next_txids": "\u0026limit=20"

If you want more data on a particular block, you can use the Block Hash endpoint.

Resource Method Return Object
/blocks/$BLOCK_HASH GET Block
Flag Type Effect
txstart integer Filters response to only include transaction hashes after txstart in the block.
limit integer Filters response to only include a maximum of limit transactions hashes in the block. Maximum value allowed is 500.

BLOCK_HASH is a string representing the hash of the block you're interested in querying, for example:


The returned object contains information about the block, including its height, the total amount of satoshis transacted within it, the number of transactions in it, transaction hashes listed in the canonical order in which they appear in the block, and more. For more detail on the data returned, check the Block object.

Block Height Endpoint

curl ''

  "hash": "00000000000000000003dc20b868d17121303308f6bba329302e75913f0790db",
  "height": 671142,
  "chain": "BTC.main",
  "total": 2928942845838,
  "fees": 135268918,
  "size": 1448143,
  "vsize": 998941,
  "ver": 1073725440,
  "time": "2021-02-18T16:01:12Z",
  "received_time": "2021-02-18T16:02:17.341Z",
  "coinbase_addr": "",
  "relayed_by": "",
  "bits": 386736569,
  "nonce": 3270005482,
  "n_tx": 2025,
  "prev_block": "00000000000000000001245ac74971793689be7924cd0b031302661e806deb0d",
  "mrkl_root": "5283c26fb8d64d2284ffda76af6cd584292b76f265932cd121ac16fb475d7a8a",
  "txids": [
  "depth": 5,
  "prev_block_url": "",
  "tx_url": "",
  "next_txids": "\u0026limit=20"
  .then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
> "hash": "00000000000000000003dc20b868d17121303308f6bba329302e75913f0790db",
> "height": 671142,
> "chain": "BTC.main",
> "total": 2928942845838,
> "fees": 135268918,
> "size": 1448143,
> "vsize": 998941,
> "ver": 1073725440,
> "time": "2021-02-18T16:01:12Z",
> "received_time": "2021-02-18T16:02:17.341Z",
> "coinbase_addr": "",
> "relayed_by": "",
> "bits": 386736569,
> "nonce": 3270005482,
> "n_tx": 2025,
> "prev_block": "00000000000000000001245ac74971793689be7924cd0b031302661e806deb0d",
> "mrkl_root": "5283c26fb8d64d2284ffda76af6cd584292b76f265932cd121ac16fb475d7a8a",
> "txids": [
>   "39dec39382157569b809446037c6d5658d490e38907060112c16d8de49aeab0b"
> ],
> "depth": 5,
> "prev_block_url": "",
> "tx_url": "",
> "next_txids": "\u0026limit=20"
> block_cypher.blockchain_block("671142", {"txstart"=>1,"limit"=>1})
=> {
  "bits"=>386736569, "nonce"=>3270005482,
>>> from blockcypher import get_block_overview
>>> get_block_overview('671142', txn_limit=1, txn_offset=1)
  'hash': '00000000000000000003dc20b868d17121303308f6bba329302e75913f0790db',
  'height': 671142,
  'chain': 'BTC.main',
  'total': 2928942845838,
  'fees': 135268918,
  'size': 1448143,
  'vsize': 998941,
  'ver': 1073725440,
  'time': datetime.datetime(2021, 2, 18, 16, 1, 12, tzinfo=tzlocal()),
  'received_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 2, 18, 16, 2, 17, 341000, tzinfo=tzlocal()),
  'coinbase_addr': '',
  'relayed_by': '',
  'bits': 386736569,
  'nonce': 3270005482,
  'n_tx': 2025,
  'prev_block': '00000000000000000001245ac74971793689be7924cd0b031302661e806deb0d',
  'mrkl_root': '5283c26fb8d64d2284ffda76af6cd584292b76f265932cd121ac16fb475d7a8a',
  'txids': ['ce0a8256a459ba14feb48931a2344ff7af3af4f9aa2b5acb795a1b0b9fd8806e'],
  'depth': 5,
  'prev_block_url': '',
  'tx_url': '',
  'next_txids': ''
package main

import (


func main() {
  btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
  //setting txstart to 1 and limit to 1
    params := make(map[string]string)
    params["txstart"] = "1"
    params["limit"] = "1"
    block, err := btc.GetBlock(671142, "", params)
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("%+v\n", block)

//Result from `go run`:
//{Hash:00000000000000000003dc20b868d17121303308f6bba329302e75913f0790db Height:671142 Depth:9 Chain:BTC.main Total:{neg:false abs:[2928942845838]} Fees:{neg:false abs:[135268918]} Size:1448143 VirtualSize:998941 Ver:1073725440 Time:2021-02-18 16:01:12 +0000 UTC ReceivedTime:2021-02-18 16:02:17.341 +0000 UTC RelayedBy: Bits:386736569 Nonce:3270005482 NumTX:2025 PrevBlock:00000000000000000001245ac74971793689be7924cd0b031302661e806deb0d MerkleRoot:5283c26fb8d64d2284ffda76af6cd584292b76f265932cd121ac16fb475d7a8a TXids:[ce0a8256a459ba14feb48931a2344ff7af3af4f9aa2b5acb795a1b0b9fd8806e] NextTXs:}
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\block-api\BlockHeightEndpoint.php

$blockClient = new BlockClient($apiContext);
$params = array(
    'txstart' => 1,
    'limit' => 1,
$block = $blockClient->get('671142', $params);

  "size": 1337178,
  "vsize": 999378,
  "ver": 939515904,
  "time": "2021-02-16T14:30:47Z",
  "received_time": "2021-02-16T14:30:50.082Z",
  "coinbase_addr": "",
  "relayed_by": "",
  "bits": 386736569,
  "nonce": 3721541004,
  "n_tx": 3238,
  "prev_block": "00000000000000000007d284fb11be7e6adcc81d05177f05ff5ba6b906f151d2",
  "mrkl_root": "67ebfe25f76df77fe4c46e9474a4bcdaeb71034da6fc3509fdd2c6d0817b9de8",
  "txids": [
  "depth": 292,
  "prev_block_url": "",
  "tx_url": "",
  "next_txids": "\u0026limit=20"

You can also query for information on a block using its height, using the same resource but with a different variable type.

Resource Method Return Object
/blocks/$BLOCK_HEIGHT GET Block
Flag Type Effect
txstart integer Filters response to only include transaction hashes after txstart in the block.
limit integer Filters response to only include a maximum of limit transactions hashes in the block. Maximum value allowed is 500.

BLOCK_HEIGHT is an integer representing the height of the block you're interested in querying, for example:


As above, the returned object contains information about the block, including its hash, the total amount of satoshis transacted within it, the number of transactions in it, transaction hashes listed in the canonical order in which they appear in the block, and more. For more detail on the data returned, check the Block object.

Feature Endpoint


  "name": "bip65",
  "state": "EXCLUSIVE",
  "last_transition_height": 388380,
  "last_transition_hash": "000000000000000009f886db2c7c12a497603e86378bace3ead93d350be3f38c"
Resource Method
/feature/$NAME GET

If you're curious about the adoption of upgrade features on a blockchain, you can use this endpoint to get some information about its state on the network. For example, for bip65 on bitcoin, you could check its state via this URL: Generally speaking, for bitcoin, this will follow the form of tracking bipXX (where XX = a number), but the list of features we're tracking is always changing.

Address API

BlockCypher's Address API allows you to look up information about public addresses on the blockchain, generate single-use, low-value key pairs with corresponding addresses, help generate multisig addresses, and collect multiple addresses into a single shortcut for address viewing, all based on the coin/chain resource you've selected for your endpoints.

If you're new to blockchains, you can think of public addresses as similar to bank account numbers in a traditional ledger. The biggest differences:

Address Balance Endpoint


"address": "1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD",
"total_received": 4433416,
"total_sent": 0,
"balance": 4433416,
"unconfirmed_balance": 0,
"final_balance": 4433416,
"n_tx": 7,
"unconfirmed_n_tx": 0,
"final_n_tx": 7
  .then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
> {
>   "address": "1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD",
>   "total_received": 4433416,
>   "total_sent": 0,
>   "balance": 4433416,
>   "unconfirmed_balance": 0,
>   "final_balance": 4433416,
>   "n_tx": 7,
>   "unconfirmed_n_tx": 0,
>   "final_n_tx": 7
> }
# Full balance
> block_cypher.address_balance("1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD")
=> {"address"=>"1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD",

# Just final balance
> block_cypher.address_final_balance("1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD")
=> 4433416
>>> from blockcypher import get_address_overview
>>> get_address_overview('1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD')
    "address": "1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD",
    "balance": 4433416,
    "final_balance": 4433416,
    "final_n_tx": 7,
    "n_tx": 7,
    "total_received": 4433416,
    "total_sent": 0,
    "unconfirmed_balance": 0,
    "unconfirmed_n_tx": 0
package main

import (


func main() {
  btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
  addr, err := btc.GetAddrBal("1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD", nil)
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("%+v\n", addr)

//Result from `go run`:
//{Address:1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD Wallet:{Name: Addresses:[]} HDWallet:{Name: ExtPubKey: SubchainIndexes:[] Chains:[]} TotalReceived:{neg:false abs:[4635328]} TotalSent:{neg:false abs:[]} Balance:{neg:false abs:[4635328]} UnconfirmedBalance:{neg:false abs:[]} FinalBalance:{neg:false abs:[4635328]} NumTX:15 UnconfirmedNumTX:0 FinalNumTX:15 TXs:[] TXRefs:[] UnconfirmedTXRefs:[] HasMore:false}
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\address-api\AddressBalanceEndpoint.php

$addressClient = new AddressClient($apiContext);
$addressBalance = $addressClient->getBalance('1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD');


The Address Balance Endpoint is the simplest---and fastest---method to get a subset of information on a public address.

Resource Method Return Object
/addrs/$ADDRESS/balance GET Address
Flag Type Effect
omitWalletAddresses bool If omitWalletAddresses is true and you're querying a Wallet or HDWallet, the response will omit address information (useful to speed up the API call for larger wallets).

ADDRESS is a string representing the public address (or wallet/HD wallet name) you're interested in querying, for example:


The returned object contains information about the address, including its balance in satoshis and the number of transactions associated with it. The endpoint omits any detailed transaction information, but if that isn't required by your application, then it's the fastest and preferred way to get public address information.

Address Endpoint


"address": "1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD",
"total_received": 4433416,
"total_sent": 0,
"balance": 4433416,
"unconfirmed_balance": 0,
"final_balance": 4433416,
"n_tx": 7,
"unconfirmed_n_tx": 0,
"final_n_tx": 7,
"txrefs": [
  "tx_hash": "14b1052855bbf6561bc4db8aa501762e7cc1e86994dda9e782a6b73b1ce0dc1e",
  "block_height": 302013,
  "tx_input_n": -1,
  "tx_output_n": 0,
  "value": 20213,
  "ref_balance": 4433416,
  "spent": false,
  "confirmations": 63066,
  "confirmed": "2014-05-22T03:46:25Z",
  "double_spend": false
  "tx_hash": "4cff011ec53022f2ae47197d1a2fd4a6ac2a80139f4d0131c1fed625ed5dc869",
  "block_height": 302002,
  "tx_input_n": -1,
  "tx_output_n": 0,
  "value": 40596,
  "ref_balance": 4413203,
  "spent": false,
  "confirmations": 63077,
  "confirmed": "2014-05-22T02:56:08Z",
  "double_spend": false
"tx_url": ""
  .then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
> {
> "address": "1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD",
> "total_received": 4433416,
> "total_sent": 0,
> "balance": 4433416,
> "unconfirmed_balance": 0,
> "final_balance": 4433416,
> "n_tx": 7,
> "unconfirmed_n_tx": 0,
> "final_n_tx": 7,
> "txrefs": [
>   {
>   "tx_hash": "14b1052855bbf6561bc4db8aa501762...",
>   "block_height": 302013,
>   "tx_input_n": -1,
>   "tx_output_n": 0,
>   "value": 20213,
>   "ref_balance": 4433416,
>   "spent": false,
>   "confirmations": 55061,
>   "confirmed": "2014-05-22T03:46:25Z",
>   "double_spend": false
>   },
>   {
>   "tx_hash": "4cff011ec53022f2ae47197d1a2fd4a6...",
>   "block_height": 302002,
>   "tx_input_n": -1,
>   "tx_output_n": 0,
>   "value": 40596,
>   "ref_balance": 4413203,
>   "spent": false,
>   "confirmations": 55072,
>   "confirmed": "2014-05-22T02:56:08Z",
>   "double_spend": false
>   },
> ...
> ],
> "tx_url": ""
> }
> block_cypher.address_details("1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD")
=> {"address"=>"1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD",
 "txrefs"=> [
>>> from blockcypher import get_address_details
>>> get_address_details('1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD')
    "address": "1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD",
    "balance": 4433416,
    "final_balance": 4433416,
    "final_n_tx": 7,
    "n_tx": 7,
    "total_received": 4433416,
    "total_sent": 0,
    "tx_url": "",
    "txrefs": [
            "block_height": 302013,
            "confirmations": 77809,
            "confirmed": "datetime.datetime(2014, 5, 22, 3, 46, 25, 0, tzinfo=tzutc())",
            "double_spend": False,
            "ref_balance": 4433416,
            "spent": False,
            "tx_hash": "14b1052855bbf6561bc4db8aa501762e7cc1e86994dda9e782a6b73b1ce0dc1e",
            "tx_input_n": -1,
            "tx_output_n": 0,
            "value": 20213
            "block_height": 302002,
            "confirmations": 77820,
            "confirmed": "datetime.datetime(2014, 5, 22, 2, 56, 8, 0, tzinfo=tzutc())",
            "double_spend": False,
            "ref_balance": 4413203,
            "spent": False,
            "tx_hash": "4cff011ec53022f2ae47197d1a2fd4a6ac2a80139f4d0131c1fed625ed5dc869",
            "tx_input_n": -1,
            "tx_output_n": 0,
            "value": 40596

    "unconfirmed_balance": 0,
    "unconfirmed_n_tx": 0,
    "unconfirmed_txrefs": []

package main

import (


func main() {
  btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
  addr, err := btc.GetAddr("1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD", nil)
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("%+v\n", addr)

//Result from `go run`:
//{Address:1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD Wallet:{Name: Addresses:[]} HDWallet:{Name: ExtPubKey: SubchainIndexes:[] Chains:[]} TotalReceived:{neg:false abs:[4635328]} TotalSent:{neg:false abs:[]} Balance:{neg:false abs:[4635328]} UnconfirmedBalance:{neg:false abs:[]} FinalBalance:{neg:false abs:[4635328]} NumTX:15 UnconfirmedNumTX:0 FinalNumTX:15 TXs:[] TXRefs:[{Address: BlockHeight:648648 TXHash:012954b7f9ed7a6ddc65cc697fdd98cddb5ff32f8c7e5d764d761f29620103a7 TXInputN:-1 TXOutputN:0 Value:{neg:false abs:[18263]} Pref: Spent:false DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: Confirmations:151 Script: RefBalance:4635328 Confidence:0 Confirmed:2020-09-17 00:04:44 +0000 UTC SpentBy: Received:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC ReceivedCount:{neg:false abs:[]}} {Address: BlockHeight:645295 TXHash:ca00180c437d34c28c110953fd5046019a676cbeedf12c25edd982549f1e8fac TXInputN:-1 TXOutputN:17 Value:{neg:false abs:[43696]} Pref: Spent:false DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: Confirmations:3504 Script: RefBalance:4617065 Confidence:0 Confirmed:2020-08-25 14:13:08 +0000 UTC SpentBy: Received:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC ReceivedCount:{neg:false abs:[]}} {Address: BlockHeight:617873 TXHash:4435b1e379d4bc1dba5b8f531cac4569a88c9be5cafb65821b6e99d3534aa49a TXInputN:-1 TXOutputN:1 Value:{neg:false abs:[10275]} Pref: Spent:false DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: Confirmations:30926 Script: RefBalance:4573369 Confidence:0 Confirmed:2020-02-18 02:57:54 +0000 UTC SpentBy: Received:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC ReceivedCount:{neg:false abs:[]}} {Address: BlockHeight:614406 TXHash:9b6f01507d5c6aeb82ed5f8affbed4d7f4592e30530e38ff0f8d40f0517cabbc TXInputN:-1 TXOutputN:1 Value:{neg:false abs:[12083]} Pref: Spent:false DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: Confirmations:34393 Script: RefBalance:4563094 Confidence:0 Confirmed:2020-01-25 02:51:47 +0000 UTC SpentBy: Received:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC ReceivedCount:{neg:false abs:[]}} {Address: BlockHeight:614375 TXHash:57e3630921ec73bc9c2bfb17ee019513f7773dca543bfa89a1c6460de3acbb33 TXInputN:-1 TXOutputN:0 Value:{neg:false abs:[11802]} Pref: Spent:false DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: Confirmations:34424 Script: RefBalance:4551011 Confidence:0 Confirmed:2020-01-24 21:07:20 +0000 UTC SpentBy: Received:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC ReceivedCount:{neg:false abs:[]}} {Address: BlockHeight:565379 TXHash:7e175ba65f42608c60dd215b37354a3b6ad8e9c962b45853fd9db58eb84771a5 TXInputN:-1 TXOutputN:0 Value:{neg:false abs:[90000]} Pref: Spent:false DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: Confirmations:83420 Script: RefBalance:4539209 Confidence:0 Confirmed:2019-03-02 19:33:01 +0000 UTC SpentBy: Received:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC ReceivedCount:{neg:false abs:[]}} {Address: BlockHeight:441804 TXHash:136c395e49c64eebe07d4fd540bc31a331c0a608a3afa9d35702ee8d55afe920 TXInputN:-1 TXOutputN:4 Value:{neg:false abs:[5831]} Pref: Spent:false DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: Confirmations:206995 Script: RefBalance:4449209 Confidence:0 Confirmed:2016-12-04 00:09:58 +0000 UTC SpentBy: Received:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC ReceivedCount:{neg:false abs:[]}} {Address: BlockHeight:382021 TXHash:ce53a6ed8b8f6b39cf86d4f300c12a33b69816014cc7261f4ced8b0e23bd4aeb TXInputN:-1 TXOutputN:2 Value:{neg:false abs:[9962]} Pref: Spent:false DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: Confirmations:266778 Script: RefBalance:4443378 Confidence:0 Confirmed:2015-11-04 14:28:14 +0000 UTC SpentBy: Received:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC ReceivedCount:{neg:false abs:[]}} {Address: BlockHeight:302013 TXHash:14b1052855bbf6561bc4db8aa501762e7cc1e86994dda9e782a6b73b1ce0dc1e TXInputN:-1 TXOutputN:0 Value:{neg:false abs:[20213]} Pref: Spent:false DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: Confirmations:346786 Script: RefBalance:4433416 Confidence:0 Confirmed:2014-05-22 03:46:25 +0000 UTC SpentBy: Received:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC ReceivedCount:{neg:false abs:[]}} {Address: BlockHeight:302002 TXHash:4cff011ec53022f2ae47197d1a2fd4a6ac2a80139f4d0131c1fed625ed5dc869 TXInputN:-1 TXOutputN:0 Value:{neg:false abs:[40596]} Pref: Spent:false DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: Confirmations:346797 Script: RefBalance:4413203 Confidence:0 Confirmed:2014-05-22 02:56:08 +0000 UTC SpentBy: Received:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC ReceivedCount:{neg:false abs:[]}} {Address: BlockHeight:302002 TXHash:ea1cbb874ed4e40add51b4d65b877dc4e8d69bb63f5b2220a79d673c413b778a TXInputN:-1 TXOutputN:0 Value:{neg:false abs:[101491]} Pref: Spent:false DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: Confirmations:346797 Script: RefBalance:4372607 Confidence:0 Confirmed:2014-05-22 02:56:08 +0000 UTC SpentBy: Received:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC ReceivedCount:{neg:false abs:[]}} {Address: BlockHeight:292586 TXHash:b4735a0690dab16b8789fceaf81c511f3be484e319f684cc214380eaa2851030 TXInputN:-1 TXOutputN:0 Value:{neg:false abs:[3500000]} Pref: Spent:false DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: Confirmations:356213 Script: RefBalance:4271116 Confidence:0 Confirmed:2014-03-26 17:08:04 +0000 UTC SpentBy: Received:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC ReceivedCount:{neg:false abs:[]}} {Address: BlockHeight:292505 TXHash:0416b8db5db4fa088437008aea7889e966e326f11c52c1da95161cd2ded95185 TXInputN:-1 TXOutputN:0 Value:{neg:false abs:[100000]} Pref: Spent:false DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: Confirmations:356294 Script: RefBalance:771116 Confidence:0 Confirmed:2014-03-26 04:18:38 +0000 UTC SpentBy: Received:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC ReceivedCount:{neg:false abs:[]}} {Address: BlockHeight:292455 TXHash:995a50e05d197be88d4da74160b4bcd2c363ebb1a49f95e572667d580bc70aba TXInputN:-1 TXOutputN:0 Value:{neg:false abs:[500000]} Pref: Spent:false DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: Confirmations:356344 Script: RefBalance:671116 Confidence:0 Confirmed:2014-03-25 21:32:08 +0000 UTC SpentBy: Received:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC ReceivedCount:{neg:false abs:[]}} {Address: BlockHeight:292325 TXHash:0c83c8321537a7c79dc6214788944ba6cd5ea76f0594453b6251fcf1856f2e4b TXInputN:-1 TXOutputN:0 Value:{neg:false abs:[171116]} Pref: Spent:false DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: Confirmations:356474 Script: RefBalance:171116 Confidence:0 Confirmed:2014-03-25 00:07:31 +0000 UTC SpentBy: Received:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC ReceivedCount:{neg:false abs:[]}}] UnconfirmedTXRefs:[] HasMore:false}

// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\address-api\AddressEndpoint.php

$addressClient = new AddressClient($apiContext);
$address = $addressClient->get('1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD');

      "ref_balance": 4433416,

The default Address Endpoint strikes a balance between speed of response and data on Addresses. It returns more information about an address' transactions than the Address Balance Endpoint but doesn't return full transaction information (like the Address Full Endpoint).

Resource Method Return Object
/addrs/$ADDRESS GET Address
Flag Type Effect
unspentOnly bool If unspentOnly is true, filters response to only include unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs).
includeScript bool If includeScript is true, includes raw script of input or output within returned TXRefs.
includeConfidence bool If true, includes the confidence attribute (useful for unconfirmed transactions) within returned TXRefs. For more info about this figure, check the Confidence Factor documentation.
before integer Filters response to only include transactions below before height in the blockchain.
after integer Filters response to only include transactions above after height in the blockchain.
limit integer limit sets the minimum number of returned TXRefs; there can be less if there are less than limit TXRefs associated with this address, but there can be more in the rare case of more TXRefs in the block at the bottom of your call. This ensures paging by block height never misses TXRefs. Defaults to 200, maximum is 2000.
confirmations integer If set, only returns the balance and TXRefs that have at least this number of confirmations.
confidence integer Filters response to only include TXRefs above confidence in percent; e.g., if this is set to 99, will only return TXRefs with 99% confidence or above (including all confirmed TXRefs). For more detail on confidence, check the Confidence Factor documentation.
omitWalletAddresses bool If omitWalletAddresses is true and you're querying a Wallet or HDWallet, the response will omit address information (useful to speed up the API call for larger wallets).

ADDRESS is a string representing the public address (or wallet/HD wallet name) you're interested in querying, for example:


The returned object contains information about the address, including its balance in satoshis, the number of transactions associated with it, and transaction inputs/outputs in descending order by block height---and if multiple transaction inputs/outputs associated with this address exist within the same block, by descending block index (position in block).

Address Full Endpoint


"address": "1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD",
"total_received": 4433416,
"total_sent": 0,
"balance": 4433416,
"unconfirmed_balance": 0,
"final_balance": 4433416,
"n_tx": 7,
"unconfirmed_n_tx": 0,
"final_n_tx": 7,
"txs": [
  "block_hash": "0000000000000000af64802c79...",
  "block_height": 292586,
  "hash": "b4735a0690dab16b8789fceaf81c511f...",
  "addresses": [
  "total": 3537488,
  "fees": 20000,
  "size": 438,
  "preference": "medium",
  "relayed_by": "",
  "confirmed": "2014-03-26T17:08:04Z",
  "received": "2014-03-26T17:08:04Z",
  "ver": 1,
  "lock_time": 0,
  "double_spend": false,
  "vin_sz": 2,
  "vout_sz": 2,
  "confirmations": 64492,
  "confidence": 1,
  "inputs": [
    "prev_hash": "729f6469b59fea5da7...",
    "output_index": 0,
    "script": "483045022100d06cdad1a...",
    "output_value": 3500000,
    "sequence": 4294967295,
    "addresses": [
    "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
  "outputs": [
    "value": 3500000,
    "script": "76a9148629647bd642a237...",
    "addresses": [
    "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
    "value": 37488,
    "script": "76a9145049e2ad94ed9c68...",
    "spent_by": "3ebe4bb294beaed58aca83...",
    "addresses": [
    "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
  .then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
> {
> "address": "1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD",
> "total_received": 4433416,
> "total_sent": 0,
> "balance": 4433416,
> "unconfirmed_balance": 0,
> "final_balance": 4433416,
> "n_tx": 7,
> "unconfirmed_n_tx": 0,
> "final_n_tx": 7,
> "txs": [
>   {
>   "block_hash": "0000000000000000af64802c79...",
>   "block_height": 292586,
>   "hash": "b4735a0690dab16b8789fceaf81c511f...",
>   "addresses": [
>     "18KXZzuC3xvz6upUMQpsZzXrBwNPWZjdSa",
>     "1AAuRETEcHDqL4VM3R97aZHP8DSUHxpkFV",
>     "1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD",
>     "1VxsEDjo6ZLMT99dpcLu4RQonMDVEQQTG"
>   ],
>   "total": 3537488,
>   "fees": 20000,
>   "size": 438,
>   "preference": "medium",
>   "relayed_by": "",
>   "confirmed": "2014-03-26T17:08:04Z",
>   "received": "2014-03-26T17:08:04Z",
>   "ver": 1,
>   "lock_time": 0,
>   "double_spend": false,
>   "vin_sz": 2,
>   "vout_sz": 2,
>   "confirmations": 64492,
>   "confidence": 1,
>   "inputs": [
>     {
>     "prev_hash": "729f6469b59fea5da7...",
>     "output_index": 0,
>     "script": "483045022100d06cdad1a...",
>     "output_value": 3500000,
>     "sequence": 4294967295,
>     "addresses": [
>       "1VxsEDjo6ZLMT99dpcLu4RQonMDVEQQTG"
>     ],
>     "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
>     },
>     ...
>   ],
>   "outputs": [
>     {
>     "value": 3500000,
>     "script": "76a9148629647bd642a237...",
>     "addresses": [
>       "1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD"
>     ],
>     "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
>     },
>     {
>     "value": 37488,
>     "script": "76a9145049e2ad94ed9c68...",
>     "spent_by": "3ebe4bb294beaed58aca83...",
>     "addresses": [
>       "18KXZzuC3xvz6upUMQpsZzXrBwNPWZjdSa"
>     ],
>     "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
>     }
>   ]
>   },
>   ...,
> ]
> }
> block_cypher.address_full_txs("1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD")
=> {"address"=>"1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD",
  "addresses"=>["17astdTmG8zzVmry8mV8A7at Ar3XefEgRX", "1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD"],
   "script" =>"483045022035695e3b237733c70a5...",
   "output_value"=> 8845413,
   ... ]},
>>> from blockcypher import get_address_full
>>> get_address_full(address='1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD', before_bh=300000)
    "address": "1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD",
    "balance": 4433416,
    "final_balance": 4433416,
    "final_n_tx": 7,
    "n_tx": 7,
    "total_received": 4433416,
    "total_sent": 0,
    "txs": [
            "addresses": [
            "block_hash": "0000000000000000af64802c79f9b22e9091eb5548b4b662d5e444e61885923b",
            "block_height": 292586,
            "confidence": 1,
            "confirmations": 87238,
            "confirmed": "datetime.datetime(2014, 3, 26, 17, 8, 4, 0, tzinfo=tzutc())",
            "double_spend": False,
            "fees": 20000,
            "hash": "b4735a0690dab16b8789fceaf81c511f3be484e319f684cc214380eaa2851030",
            "inputs": [
                    "addresses": [
                    "output_index": 0,
                    "output_value": 3500000,
                    "prev_hash": "729f6469b59fea5da77457f3291e2623c2516e3e8e7afc782687c6d59f4c5e41",
                    "script": "483045022100d06cdad1a54081e8499a4117f9f52d7fbc83c679dda7e3c22c08e964915b7354022010a2d6af1601d28d33a456dab2bccf3fbde35b2f3a9db82f72d675c90d015571014104672a00c8ee6fa23d68094dd98188ea1491848498554a10e13194851b614168b225b28b7f5a1c6ba98b5463438ef030c48b60533031ff2de84104e549d8d06ea9",
                    "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash",
                    "sequence": 4294967295

            "lock_time": 0,
            "outputs": [
                    "addresses": [
                    "script": "76a9148629647bd642a2372d846a7660e210c8414f047c88ac",
                    "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash",
                    "value": 3500000
            "preference": "medium",
            "received": "datetime.datetime(2014, 3, 26, 17, 8, 4, 0, tzinfo=tzutc())",
            "relayed_by": "",
            "size": 438,
            "total": 3537488,
            "ver": 1,
            "vin_sz": 2,
            "vout_sz": 2
    "unconfirmed_balance": 0,
    "unconfirmed_n_tx": 0
package main

import (


func main() {
  btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
  addr, err := btc.GetAddrFull("1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD", nil)
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("%+v\n", addr)

//Result from `go run`:
//{Address:1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD Wallet:{Name: Addresses:[]} HDWallet:{Name: ExtPubKey: SubchainIndexes:[] Chains:[]} TotalReceived:{neg:false abs:[4635328]} TotalSent:{neg:false abs:[]} Balance:{neg:false abs:[4635328]} UnconfirmedBalance:{neg:false abs:[]} FinalBalance:{neg:false abs:[4635328]} NumTX:15 UnconfirmedNumTX:0 FinalNumTX:15 TXs:[{BlockHash:0000000000000000000d15ce4f089ca274fb9cf0444bb72cc9c859e95494bc41 BlockHeight:648648 Hash:012954b7f9ed7a6ddc65cc697fdd98cddb5ff32f8c7e5d764d761f29620103a7 Addresses:[1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD 3JXRVxhrk2o9f4w3cQchBLwUeegJBj6BEp] Total:{neg:false abs:[145502996]} Fees:{neg:false abs:[14820]} Size:152 Preference:high RelayedBy: Received:2020-09-17 00:03:30.279 +0000 UTC Confirmed:2020-09-17 00:04:44 +0000 UTC Confirmations:152 Confidence:1 Ver:1 LockTime:0 DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: ReceiveCount:0 VinSize:1 VoutSize:2 Hex: DataProtocol: ChangeAddress: NextInputs: NextOutputs: Inputs:[{PrevHash:f402ce114fc277d0576c92d28c9a98205938ce5eec5055c00ca79d0ba285101a OutputIndex:2 OutputValue:145517816 Addresses:[3JXRVxhrk2o9f4w3cQchBLwUeegJBj6BEp] Sequence:4294967295 ScriptType:pay-to-script-hash Script:2200202035e78a6b34d583ad0a874b80ee41a0507b92cf0b671656108f594c7f75ca90 Age:648522 WalletName:}] Outputs:[{SpentBy: Value:{neg:false abs:[18263]} Addresses:[1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD] ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:76a9148629647bd642a2372d846a7660e210c8414f047c88ac DataHex: DataString:} {SpentBy:7d91a92639421debe475362dfe14d0e5e7abc7d2a73c34d3337b6721dd110349 Value:{neg:false abs:[145484733]} Addresses:[3JXRVxhrk2o9f4w3cQchBLwUeegJBj6BEp] ScriptType:pay-to-script-hash Script:a914b8a9a8ba8cf965b7df6b05afd948e53c351b2c0d87 DataHex: DataString:}]} {BlockHash:0000000000000000000c4b6ef8f9e58b34345e750e1c053fd832011304834e99 BlockHeight:645295 Hash:ca00180c437d34c28c110953fd5046019a676cbeedf12c25edd982549f1e8fac Addresses:[14RFc9or1rtL9AonrGKJkiGoWSMDQYGUg4 15yQ9RJbrEMAPWzsb4wRnYsJEBRcdNjhXp 18xMQ8XgUJU3SNKk39Wk3GbQ4Ka1RMGrVu 19wdS7sJBwTdr37cbotA3Av8431VJ1Qsqr 1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD 1EPU5EMhk1FGGiwuy84PADeL9WEuJNWvyL 1GSq65wG7WFhc5jXFQGhH1VVUZGSL7wj8N 1Gg6dvn5UF9JNw9AJu65aNujhASuWYAeWh 1JfzdTVPdygXTGeeHhP8U9k9PjdtS9PvYi 1K23vaHpr9KwxMDDTzSbaVxTa64cxd7tan 1KidzWAodcPRsMiN3WPXjszimiL9AgupFp 1MQh6iZU5msAeGgC7p6BkzaeU3CChQfacw 1MhycRvQ33dCApsc6tHREAqSdWvGsFBa4t 1N8ULDmnMefLD596XqQrqnzZwwdGiUhQEr 1NJhG6cFV1QEDntUKRyEspUnrC6kknLMJE 1NcRaD9BRuCntAcygedjh7E6KUUUpfq6Kp 1NtT7QzMJkMVyMffybK3pRrWV32JyN4nwU 1P32oiwtFwLWAouHEE9udXSBUdWtxG8WQo 1PomepuZGKket9kJErN8uNbHgTyqoMpSQG 1UGLuNRrLuWv5N3NPiY5X6Fdc4nyq15dt 32Mf4hkRXAxhrkY2EjrzVcX8diTPKVEfhA 32jzJpJTPy6uMPUu99Wo3QGRFxmAdxC4Xq 32oxGBFDEVC8wGDU3QHM4Zpm8XyNDif1A8 343Zg9pHQJyxfwMk7QwhkwmZt87rFvcN1n 34RfXF69oGpz3RmR6ViXjahgwjgsnp96rt 3571PLKdqHajWUbPHnB5TJtdcbMEmF5QgA 36jMTH7AoRRxmF92Xtn6HMnA4tqs9D3YDZ 38oeuSMWeXSkvFbb5bD3mxpVVvD9mtceZD 39kBJw1vnEVpdWt7QcWfDuoyWLzWCRefFT 3Ad9zmcuh7FVeT8bUg8HRHECyY7rs6bcGp 3DLHBE2eK4FqBwNLbQ4g9mfU8xJChWEZpv 3EzbhdzqoTBVLAjfgAYFZnYtUjSiuaZHAN 3H6T1jLPpQoLhJxj9a2whYAsy8vKc5h3KV 3JjMefqr3ewdj86MoY5aTdG72xU2mTSLgD 3Ls6q5UFAVyiswiD51ErKeavTxSexu4mGh 3MsW8f9hUpPnMkyVFpbhKaw8heBStGea1e 3MxbVdupbD68WiRkvgam7WsjjLWpcGF2eq 3QwcPutgpmCi3GXjGEo8CviGrd9A9SWRdh bc1q37aje8uea984sxyk906jykuh3hyrzemd38v52x bc1qfv3acwy7n8mdrvd7mx6rte9wtvflpsgz77vqcm bc1qk5zgr4jystayukajv7papg5w2z00wmnff2mmjh bc1qv9apaz83ry0vnc6yp4mjruz8eltdw9h7r25y9e] Total:{neg:false abs:[761673245]} Fees:{neg:false abs:[116015]} Size:1432 Preference:low RelayedBy: Received:2020-08-25 14:05:05.207 +0000 UTC Confirmed:2020-08-25 14:13:08 +0000 UTC Confirmations:3505 Confidence:1 Ver:1 LockTime:0 DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: ReceiveCount:0 VinSize:1 VoutSize:42 Hex: DataProtocol: ChangeAddress: NextInputs: NextOutputs: Inputs:[{PrevHash:bf3ca2e1e39c811edf781b7ccafce8302faf9b8c1e730e0469bf8fc41eda9039 OutputIndex:14 OutputValue:761789260 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Script:76a914a059a60e84f7b21aed1209c8d37e90d6957d3faa88ac DataHex: DataString:} {SpentBy:f461991a927b848d5abfdc5882453f0a8dd50356ced828e2a80d56cdca96a5ea Value:{neg:false abs:[8927]} Addresses:[14JF8sUQXtyn7ztGm4SisAu7gJnbjB4gSg] ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:76a914242b3fa339322e46ac5f060819726cd886ea9dab88ac DataHex: DataString:} {SpentBy: Value:{neg:false abs:[5831]} Addresses:[1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD] ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:76a9148629647bd642a2372d846a7660e210c8414f047c88ac DataHex: DataString:} {SpentBy:b3675e135b24d9f7c677265bcc8ce671b1f59d29f0f304902b004e08f8ca4527 Value:{neg:false abs:[247649]} Addresses:[1P9qzdZ9g2nEgnDrzy5ny7eeUBc1TJMqSd] ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:76a914f2fefe25408e47eb4921d524f537b470046195f388ac DataHex: DataString:}]} {BlockHash:000000000000000000768df6acbfc5b3bc18bcf3154a3e3ce02772b01d03de50 BlockHeight:382021 Hash:ce53a6ed8b8f6b39cf86d4f300c12a33b69816014cc7261f4ced8b0e23bd4aeb Addresses:[1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD 1FhCLQK2ZXtCUQDtG98p6fVH7S6mxAsEey 1LL74HS54ptRdWFUodXMceRbu5Ls4Q4Bhb 1Lj3WeRAmyN98jyiWE6AtnMKfzUzrPUL9z] Total:{neg:false abs:[124916]} Fees:{neg:false abs:[10000]} Size:505 Preference:low RelayedBy: Received:2015-11-04 14:06:13.945 +0000 UTC Confirmed:2015-11-04 14:28:14 +0000 UTC Confirmations:266779 Confidence:1 Ver:1 LockTime:0 DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: ReceiveCount:0 VinSize:2 VoutSize:4 Hex: DataProtocol: ChangeAddress: NextInputs: NextOutputs: Inputs:[{PrevHash:c00be7265d1ffba6ca2b870e463b5b44829b5bcdfc72a785e1ba946c6dd6d6ae OutputIndex:0 OutputValue:127948 Addresses:[1LL74HS54ptRdWFUodXMceRbu5Ls4Q4Bhb] Sequence:4294967295 ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:4730440220271259e739026dd93fff75775fee0ee990ff4de1421d256c8af2ae46f64361a30220689f19d354cba767e204802034e4053cd478d05806aee89583ef5ad4a2fe0044014104270a9e314b83bc2df501bd0ecfe21b521780be7ffc11f939395c9dade09a14a91e59d81889b0ccf76ce15f1be2eabe63774ee1b4268b07e6b930531bd0e6bc87 Age:382003 WalletName:} {PrevHash:03f87b4c20d5283dd944404f2132fd616bac23cfe9c701caa27c65156ee56ec7 OutputIndex:0 OutputValue:6968 Addresses:[1LL74HS54ptRdWFUodXMceRbu5Ls4Q4Bhb] Sequence:4294967295 ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:483045022100c1b4c608e2f33ad730aba6fe6c93f0d25d33af8509027457b81a0c91950f4d3c02201fc0fb2a43a66673680bc9027acda3a2174b80fa6d397b6a93d2293844d17cb6014104270a9e314b83bc2df501bd0ecfe21b521780be7ffc11f939395c9dade09a14a91e59d81889b0ccf76ce15f1be2eabe63774ee1b4268b07e6b930531bd0e6bc87 Age:381908 WalletName:}] Outputs:[{SpentBy: Value:{neg:false abs:[18056]} Addresses:[1Lj3WeRAmyN98jyiWE6AtnMKfzUzrPUL9z] ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:76a914d85df4dafe54bea74b59c65bc594b0c3231d836e88ac DataHex: DataString:} {SpentBy: Value:{neg:false abs:[11622]} Addresses:[1FhCLQK2ZXtCUQDtG98p6fVH7S6mxAsEey] ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:76a914a12bdc6beab772eb7a6abacfd3ae5574fc1c8cc388ac DataHex: DataString:} {SpentBy: Value:{neg:false abs:[9962]} Addresses:[1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD] ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:76a9148629647bd642a2372d846a7660e210c8414f047c88ac DataHex: DataString:} {SpentBy:83c1a2baf462e89831cb61309fb30051288a8eefb2d230464bfe6a8e4c316c61 Value:{neg:false abs:[85276]} Addresses:[1LL74HS54ptRdWFUodXMceRbu5Ls4Q4Bhb] ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:76a914d4075955fbad83455e88d6e7d737bb55fd60ebae88ac DataHex: DataString:}]} {BlockHash:00000000000000006548ac8dc283c97e8165023dc1fdbbca2eaa75f0143f4a8c BlockHeight:302013 Hash:14b1052855bbf6561bc4db8aa501762e7cc1e86994dda9e782a6b73b1ce0dc1e Addresses:[17astdTmG8zzVmry8mV8A7atAr3XefEgRX 1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD] Total:{neg:false abs:[8835413]} Fees:{neg:false abs:[10000]} Size:258 Preference:low RelayedBy: Received:2014-05-22 03:46:25 +0000 UTC Confirmed:2014-05-22 03:46:25 +0000 UTC Confirmations:346787 Confidence:1 Ver:1 LockTime:0 DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: ReceiveCount:0 VinSize:1 VoutSize:2 Hex: DataProtocol: ChangeAddress: NextInputs: NextOutputs: Inputs:[{PrevHash:4cff011ec53022f2ae47197d1a2fd4a6ac2a80139f4d0131c1fed625ed5dc869 OutputIndex:1 OutputValue:8845413 Addresses:[17astdTmG8zzVmry8mV8A7atAr3XefEgRX] Sequence:4294967295 ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:483045022035695e3b237733c70a56286eccd8df41b4d22cd103ed9b2df44010caa3bc71430221008f58461c937e8fe6cc6d37a9aaee3927762cce4565a4c386bbcd9d82915acfc50141047b1d511b8559a2003ca88715bc8331f057fa4ebf11f411142509a8ffd2f2d36d5a5e4b6019d6eb3e16878f24fd8d55676050c28b4bc5e4c44f39245beedae100 Age:302002 WalletName:}] Outputs:[{SpentBy: Value:{neg:false abs:[20213]} Addresses:[1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD] ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:76a9148629647bd642a2372d846a7660e210c8414f047c88ac DataHex: DataString:} {SpentBy:582a50f3a756c3261f8f085185e5975a762e239e95a30bcf1a4f2e31e0f834ab Value:{neg:false abs:[8815200]} Addresses:[17astdTmG8zzVmry8mV8A7atAr3XefEgRX] ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:76a9144838f65fc4e06c644423ad0430de11ca5785dcd088ac DataHex: DataString:}]} {BlockHash:00000000000000006d3bdfe1127d541110a18ce5b54bcdeb51e10399f6ec00b2 BlockHeight:302002 Hash:4cff011ec53022f2ae47197d1a2fd4a6ac2a80139f4d0131c1fed625ed5dc869 Addresses:[17astdTmG8zzVmry8mV8A7atAr3XefEgRX 1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD] Total:{neg:false abs:[8886009]} Fees:{neg:false abs:[10000]} Size:258 Preference:low RelayedBy: Received:2014-05-22 02:56:08 +0000 UTC Confirmed:2014-05-22 02:56:08 +0000 UTC Confirmations:346798 Confidence:1 Ver:1 LockTime:0 DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: ReceiveCount:0 VinSize:1 VoutSize:2 Hex: DataProtocol: ChangeAddress: NextInputs: NextOutputs: Inputs:[{PrevHash:ea1cbb874ed4e40add51b4d65b877dc4e8d69bb63f5b2220a79d673c413b778a OutputIndex:1 OutputValue:8896009 Addresses:[17astdTmG8zzVmry8mV8A7atAr3XefEgRX] Sequence:4294967295 ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:483045022100f50d876c0f213f99319752d4381c1be341f187bf32c53e2e89fae0df34bce2a202206d1f73005cdd6dcaab3cd74ef3870950202623e976b737f75980e91447fea7cc0141047b1d511b8559a2003ca88715bc8331f057fa4ebf11f411142509a8ffd2f2d36d5a5e4b6019d6eb3e16878f24fd8d55676050c28b4bc5e4c44f39245beedae100 Age:302002 WalletName:}] Outputs:[{SpentBy: Value:{neg:false abs:[40596]} Addresses:[1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD] ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:76a9148629647bd642a2372d846a7660e210c8414f047c88ac DataHex: DataString:} {SpentBy:14b1052855bbf6561bc4db8aa501762e7cc1e86994dda9e782a6b73b1ce0dc1e Value:{neg:false abs:[8845413]} Addresses:[17astdTmG8zzVmry8mV8A7atAr3XefEgRX] ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:76a9144838f65fc4e06c644423ad0430de11ca5785dcd088ac DataHex: DataString:}]} {BlockHash:00000000000000006d3bdfe1127d541110a18ce5b54bcdeb51e10399f6ec00b2 BlockHeight:302002 Hash:ea1cbb874ed4e40add51b4d65b877dc4e8d69bb63f5b2220a79d673c413b778a Addresses:[17astdTmG8zzVmry8mV8A7atAr3XefEgRX 1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD] Total:{neg:false abs:[8997500]} Fees:{neg:false abs:[10000]} Size:259 Preference:low RelayedBy: Received:2014-05-22 02:56:08 +0000 UTC Confirmed:2014-05-22 02:56:08 +0000 UTC Confirmations:346798 Confidence:1 Ver:1 LockTime:0 DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: ReceiveCount:0 VinSize:1 VoutSize:2 Hex: DataProtocol: ChangeAddress: NextInputs: NextOutputs: Inputs:[{PrevHash:306541aa7848b9f909282eb5134d3aa3221feed8e8022b5bf7807cbb17a9191d OutputIndex:1 OutputValue:9007500 Addresses:[17astdTmG8zzVmry8mV8A7atAr3XefEgRX] Sequence:4294967295 ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:493046022100fedde3515293f587c4dd9358fe7471ceef091bc0c9dcbedf1894c7caadbcf3d3022100aefa4608d4fe76270c02a8491f170fe30011e29e7235739d73c51d4c06247da00141047b1d511b8559a2003ca88715bc8331f057fa4ebf11f411142509a8ffd2f2d36d5a5e4b6019d6eb3e16878f24fd8d55676050c28b4bc5e4c44f39245beedae100 Age:296914 WalletName:}] Outputs:[{SpentBy: Value:{neg:false abs:[101491]} Addresses:[1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD] ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:76a9148629647bd642a2372d846a7660e210c8414f047c88ac DataHex: DataString:} {SpentBy:4cff011ec53022f2ae47197d1a2fd4a6ac2a80139f4d0131c1fed625ed5dc869 Value:{neg:false abs:[8896009]} Addresses:[17astdTmG8zzVmry8mV8A7atAr3XefEgRX] ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:76a9144838f65fc4e06c644423ad0430de11ca5785dcd088ac DataHex: DataString:}]}] TXRefs:[] UnconfirmedTXRefs:[] HasMore:true}
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\address-api\AddressFullEndpoint.php

$addressClient = new AddressClient($apiContext);
$fullAddress = $addressClient->getFullAddress('1DEP8i3QJCsomS4BSMY2RpU1upv62aGvhD');


The Address Full Endpoint returns all information available about a particular address, including an array of complete transactions instead of just transaction inputs and outputs. Unfortunately, because of the amount of data returned, it is the slowest of the address endpoints, but it returns the most detailed data record.

Resource Method Return Object
/addrs/$ADDRESS/full GET Address
Flag Type Effect
before integer Filters response to only include transactions below before height in the blockchain.
after integer Filters response to only include transactions above after height in the blockchain.
limit integer limit sets the minimum number of returned TXs; there can be less if there are less than limit TXs associated with this address, but there can also be more in the rare case of more TXs in the block at the bottom of your call. This ensures paging by block height never misses TXs. Defaults to 10, maximum is 50.
txlimit integer This filters the TXInputs/TXOutputs within the returned TXs to include a maximum of txlimit items.
confirmations integer If set, only returns the balance and TXs that have at least this number of confirmations.
confidence integer Filters response to only include TXs above confidence in percent; e.g., if this is set to 99, will only return TXs with 99% confidence or above (including all confirmed TXs). For more detail on confidence, check the Confidence Factor documentation.
legacyaddrs bool Litecoin Only. Replaces P2SH prefix with legacy 3 instead of M. Disabled by default.
includeHex bool If true, includes hex-encoded raw transaction for each TX; false by default.
includeConfidence bool If true, includes the confidence attribute (useful for unconfirmed transactions) within returned TXs. For more info about this figure, check the Confidence Factor documentation.
omitWalletAddresses bool If omitWalletAddresses is true and you're querying a Wallet or HDWallet, the response will omit address information (useful to speed up the API call for larger wallets).

ADDRESS is a string representing the public address (or wallet/HD wallet name) you're interested in querying, for example:


The returned object contains information about the address, including its balance in satoshis, the number of transactions associated with it, and the corresponding full transaction records in descending order by block height---and if multiple transactions associated with this address exist within the same block, by descending block index (position in block).

Generate Address Endpoint

curl -X POST

"private": "81ee75559d37cbe4b7cbbfb9931ab1ba32172c5cdfc3ac2d020259b4c1104198",
"public": "0231ff9ec76820cb36b69061f6ffb125db3793b4aced468a1261b0680e1ef4883a",
"address": "mvpW7fMSi1nbZhJJDySNS2PUau8ppnu4kY",
"wif": "cRwGhRjCuuNtPgLcoYd1CuAqjFXCV5YNCQ1LB8RsFCvu61VfSsgR"
# generate bech32 p2wpkh
curl -X POST

  "private": "516c110f271f2b26ad8ed2d72c469d2dde0db5030241926b6b0388c602cf572c",
  "public": "023766804d9c34ead560be1d1f819127cb2636305ac9ba2f76c176efd2b3913a25",
  "address": "tb1q2u0dzlwf805qy62w099p06f8z5nxz5kk34a456",
  "wif": "cQJyYH6rjkV2W9jR9PjnJftBmGt93Yi4gpn494oEAiWvoUJoEpCs"
  .then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
> {
> "private": "81ee75559d37cbe4b7cbbfb9931ab1ba32172c5cdfc3ac2d020259b4c1104198",
> "public": "0231ff9ec76820cb36b69061f6ffb125db3793b4aced468a1261b0680e1ef4883a",
> "address": "mvpW7fMSi1nbZhJJDySNS2PUau8ppnu4kY",
> "wif": "cRwGhRjCuuNtPgLcoYd1CuAqjFXCV5YNCQ1LB8RsFCvu61VfSsgR"
> }
> block_cypher.address_generate
=> {"private"=>"39c8788ef9815d061a2a4528817b3c23730b1129e5ca60032138061f35483951",
# Please use a python library such as to securely generate an address client-side
package main

import (


func main() {
  btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
  addrKeys, err := btc.GenAddrKeychain()
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("%+v\n", addrKeys)

//Result from `go run`:
//{Address:1LTryw8HgR1BJfTN6UeHEep84E3d4b4tPb Private:3cec548895f0778e43640c73f43113f34280955af8f4eb1fb1cabec187a3bf56 Public:0206bb2cdb27bac0a1bdc6c047b4e8f7cc965b7a6ef336430273db261320b1588a Wif:KyG8vyqigat16Aab5EzNXh4i3axx1cwXBGEEimv6i8sf8Yq6s2xJ PubKeys:[] ScriptType: OriginalAddress: OAPAddress:}
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\address-api\GenerateAddressEndpoint.php

$addressClient = new AddressClient($apiContext);
$addressKeyChain = $addressClient->generateAddress();


The Generate Address endpoint allows you to generate private-public key-pairs along with an associated public address. No information is required with this POST request.

Resource Method Request Object Return Object
/addrs POST nil AddressKeychain
Flag Type Effect
bech32 bool Whether or not to generate a p2wpkh bech32 address. Default is false.

The returned object contains a private key in hex-encoded and wif-encoded format, a public key, and a public address.

Generate Multisig Address Endpoint

curl -d '{"pubkeys": ["02c716d071a76cbf0d29c29cacfec76e0ef8116b37389fb7a3e76d6d32cf59f4d3", "033ef4d5165637d99b673bcdbb7ead359cee6afd7aaf78d3da9d2392ee4102c8ea", "022b8934cc41e76cb4286b9f3ed57e2d27798395b04dd23711981a77dc216df8ca"], "script_type": "multisig-2-of-3"}'

"private": "",
"public": "",
"address": "3BF1M1PnTge94QewuWh3B8mRVw8U4SVnb4",
"wif": "",
"pubkeys": [
"script_type": "multisig-2-of-3"
var data = {
  "pubkeys": [
  "script_type": "multisig-2-of-3"
$.post('', JSON.stringify(data))
  .then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
> {
> "private": "",
> "public": "",
> "address": "3BF1M1PnTge94QewuWh3B8mRVw8U4SVnb4",
> "wif": "",
> "pubkeys": [
>   "02c716d071a76cbf0d29c29cacfec76e0ef8116b37389fb7a3e76d6d32cf59f4d3",
>   "033ef4d5165637d99b673bcdbb7ead359cee6afd7aaf78d3da9d2392ee4102c8ea",
>   "022b8934cc41e76cb4286b9f3ed57e2d27798395b04dd23711981a77dc216df8ca"
> ],
> "script_type": "multisig-2-of-3"
> }
> block_cypher.address_generate_multi(["02c716d071a76cbf0d29c29cacfec76e0ef8116b37389fb7a3e76d6d32cf59f4d3", "033ef4d5165637d99b673bcdbb7ead359cee6afd7aaf78d3da9d2392ee4102c8ea", "022b8934cc41e76cb4286b9f3ed57e2d27798395b04dd23711981a77dc216df8ca"], "multisig-2-of-3")
=> {"private"=>"",
>>> from blockcypher import generate_multisig_address
>>> pubkey_list = ['02c716d071a76cbf0d29c29cacfec76e0ef8116b37389fb7a3e76d6d32cf59f4d3', '033ef4d5165637d99b673bcdbb7ead359cee6afd7aaf78d3da9d2392ee4102c8ea', '022b8934cc41e76cb4286b9f3ed57e2d27798395b04dd23711981a77dc216df8ca']
>>> generate_multisig_address(pubkey_list=pubkey_list, script_type='multisig-2-of-3')
    "address": "3BF1M1PnTge94QewuWh3B8mRVw8U4SVnb4",
    "private": "",
    "pubkeys": [
    "public": "",
    "script_type": "multisig-2-of-3",
    "wif": ""
package main

import (


func main() {
  btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
  addrKeys, err := btc.GenAddrMultisig(gobcy.AddrKeychain{PubKeys: []string{"02c716d071a76cbf0d29c29cacfec76e0ef8116b37389fb7a3e76d6d32cf59f4d3", "033ef4d5165637d99b673bcdbb7ead359cee6afd7aaf78d3da9d2392ee4102c8ea", "022b8934cc41e76cb4286b9f3ed57e2d27798395b04dd23711981a77dc216df8ca"}, ScriptType: "multisig-2-of-3"})
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("%+v\n", addrKeys)

//Result from `go run`:
//{Address:3BF1M1PnTge94QewuWh3B8mRVw8U4SVnb4 Private: Public: Wif: PubKeys:[02c716d071a76cbf0d29c29cacfec76e0ef8116b37389fb7a3e76d6d32cf59f4d3 033ef4d5165637d99b673bcdbb7ead359cee6afd7aaf78d3da9d2392ee4102c8ea 022b8934cc41e76cb4286b9f3ed57e2d27798395b04dd23711981a77dc216df8ca] ScriptType:multisig-2-of-3 OriginalAddress: OAPAddress:}
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\address-api\GenerateMultisigAddressEndpoint.php

$addressClient = new AddressClient($apiContext);
$pubkeys = array(
$addressKeyChain = $addressClient->generateMultisigAddress($pubkeys, 'multisig-2-of-3');


The Generate Multisig Address Endpoint is a convenience method to help you generate multisig addresses from multiple public keys. After supplying a partially filled-out AddressKeychain object (including only an array of hex-encoded public keys and the script type), the returned object includes the computed public address.

Resource Method Request Object Return Object
/addrs POST AddressKeychain AddressKeychain

Wallet API

The Wallet API allows you to group multiple addresses under a single name. It only holds public address information and never requires any private keys.

A normal Wallet can be created, deleted, and have addresses added and removed. The Wallet itself can have any custom name as long as it does not start with the standard address prefix (1, 3 or bc1 for Bitcoin Mainnet).

Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) Wallets

We also offer support for HD Wallets, which make it easy to manage multiple addresses under a single name. All HD wallet addresses are derived from a single seed. Please see BIP32 for more background on HD wallets.

HD Wallets can be created, deleted, and have new addresses generated. However, unlike normal Wallets, addresses cannot be removed.

When creating a wallet, one can optionally include one or more "subchain" indexes. These subchains can later be referenced when generating new addresses or sending txs. If none are provided in wallet creation, the wallet will derive & use addresses straight from the given extended pubkey. If no index is given when using the wallet with other APIs, it defaults to using the wallet's first (sub) chain.

In BIP32 notation, the wallet layout is m/0, m/1, ... and m/i/0, m/i/1, ... for each subchain i if the wallet has subchains. For example, the path of the fourth address generated is m/3 for a non-subchain wallet. The path of the fourth address at subchain index two is m/2/3. Note that this is different from the default BIP32 wallet layout.

If you want to use BIP32 default wallet layout you can submit the extended public key of m/0' (which can only be derived from your master private key) with subchain indexes = [0, 1]. Subchain index 0 represents the external chain (of account 0) and will discover all k keypairs that look like: m/0'/0/k. Subchain index 1 represents the internal chain (of account 0) and will discover all k keypairs in m/0'/1/k.

If you want to use BIP 44 layout (for BTC), you can submit the extended public key of m/44'/0'/0'. (which can only be derived from your master private key) with subchain indexes = [0, 1]. Subchain index 0 represents the external chain (of account 0) and will discover all k keypairs in m/44'/0'/0'/0/k. Subchain index 1 represents the internal chain (of account 0) and will discover all k keypairs in m/44'/0'/0'/1/k.

If you want to use BIP 84 layout (for BTC), you can submit the extended public key of m/84'/0'/0'. (which can only be derived from your master private key) with subchain indexes = [0, 1]. Subchain index 0 represents the external chain (of account 0) and will discover all k keypairs in m/84'/0'/0'/0/k. Subchain index 1 represents the internal chain (of account 0) and will discover all k keypairs in m/84'/0'/0'/1/k.

If an address ahead of current addresses listed in an HD Wallet receives a transaction, it will be added, along with any addresses between the new address and the last used one. We limit looking ahead to 20 addresses; if more than 20 addresses are skipped for the next payment to an HD Wallet, it won't be detected/added to the HD Wallet.

Using Wallets

Both HD Wallets and normal Wallets can be leveraged by the Address API, just by using their $NAME instead of $ADDRESS. They can also be used with Events and with the Transaction API. In general, using a wallet instead of an address in an API will have the effect of batching the set of addresses contained in the wallet.

The following code examples should be considered serially; that is to say, the results will appear as if each API call were done sequentially. Also, $NAME is a string representing the name of your wallet, for example:


As you'll see in the examples, if you're using HD Wallets, take care to use the appropriate resource (e.g. /wallets/hd instead of /wallets ).

Create Wallet Endpoint

# normal wallet
curl -d '{"name": "alice","addresses": ["1JcX75oraJEmzXXHpDjRctw3BX6qDmFM8e"]}'

{"token": "YOURTOKEN",
"name": "alice",
"addresses": [

# hd wallet
curl -d '{"name": "bob", "extended_public_key": "xpub661MyMwAqRbcFtXgS5sYJABqqG9YLmC4Q1Rdap9gSE8NqtwybGhePY2gZ29ESFjqJoCu1Rupje8YtGqsefD265TMg7usUDFdp6W1EGMcet8"}'

{"token": "YOURTOKEN",
"name": "bob",
"hd": true,
"extended_public_key": "xpub661MyMwAqRbcFtXgS5sYJABqqG9YLmC4Q1Rdap9gSE8NqtwybGhePY2gZ29ESFjqJoCu1Rupje8YtGqsefD265TMg7usUDFdp6W1EGMcet8",
"chains": [
  {"chain_addresses": [
      "address": "1FHz8bpEE5qUZ9XhfjzAbCCwo5bT1HMNAc",
      "path": "m/0"
      "address": "1J8QDN1u7iDMbJktbqXPSrAqruNjkmRFmT",
      "path": "m/1"
      "address": "1MWNKnYfE2LVdvAzFUioF3F3JXFpRfDCQb",
      "path": "m/2"

# hd wallet BIP84
curl -d '{"name": "charlie", "extended_public_key": "vpub5bJX9NkmSDP33H5PxJXmehqyV7aDaVWxudzDW3kP4c5Z5KFEaUNtJ9CLebEiEssZJyZa7AE9zR5Q7nqPAmk6xgRpRvXRMKj6WPfBGBi3fR"}'

{"token": "YOURTOKEN",
"name": "charlie",
"hd": true,
"extended_public_key": "vpub5bJX9NkmSDP33H5PxJXmehqyV7aDaVWxudvzDW3kP4c5Z5KFEaUNtJ9CLebEiEssZJyZa7AE9zR5Q7nqPAmk6xgRpRvXRMKj6WPfBGBi3fR",
"chains": [
  {"chain_addresses": [
          "address": "tb1q4a9vav7vq4gp7ca9emddr66dvk099vdhh5srhp",
          "path": "m/0"

# hd wallet with subchains
curl -d '{"name": "catheryne", "extended_public_key": "xpub661MyMwAqRbcFtXgS5sYJABqqG9YLmC4Q1Rdap9gSE8NqtwybGhePY2gZ29ESFjqJoCu1Rupje8YtGqsefD265TMg7usUDFdp6W1EGMcet8", "subchain_indexes": [1, 3]}'

{"token": "YOURTOKEN",
"name": "catheryne",
"hd": true,
"extended_public_key": "xpub661MyMwAqRbcFtXgS5sYJABqqG9YLmC4Q1Rdap9gSE8NqtwybGhePY2gZ29ESFjqJoCu1Rupje8YtGqsefD265TMg7usUDFdp6W1EGMcet8",
"subchain_indexes": [ 1, 3 ],
"chains": [
    "index": 1,
    "chain_addresses": []
    "index": 3,
    "chain_addresses": []
//normal wallet
var data = {"name": "alice","addresses": ["1JcX75oraJEmzXXHpDjRctw3BX6qDmFM8e"]};
$.post('', JSON.stringify(data))
  .then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
> {"token": "USERTOKEN",
> "name": "alice",
> "addresses": [
>   "1JcX75oraJEmzXXHpDjRctw3BX6qDmFM8e"
> ]}

//hd wallet
var data = {"name": "bob", "extended_public_key": "xpub661MyMwAqRbcFtXgS5sYJABqqG9YLmC4Q1Rdap9gSE8NqtwybGhePY2gZ29ESFjqJoCu1Rupje8YtGqsefD265TMg7usUDFdp6W1EGMcet8" };
$.post('', JSON.stringify(data))
  .then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
> {"token": "YOURTOKEN",
> "name": "bob",
> "hd": true,
> "extended_public_key": "xpub661MyMwAqRbcFtXgS5sYJABqqG9YLmC4Q1Rdap9gSE8NqtwybGhePY2gZ29ESFjqJoCu1Rupje8YtGqsefD265TMg7usUDFdp6W1EGMcet8",
> "chains": [
>   {"chain_addresses": [
>     {
>       "address": "1FHz8bpEE5qUZ9XhfjzAbCCwo5bT1HMNAc",
>       "path": "m/0"
>     },
>     {
>       "address": "1J8QDN1u7iDMbJktbqXPSrAqruNjkmRFmT",
>       "path": "m/1"
>     },
>     {
>       "address": "1MWNKnYfE2LVdvAzFUioF3F3JXFpRfDCQb",
>       "path": "m/2"
>     }
>   ]}
> ]}
> block_cypher.wallet_create("alice",["1JcX75oraJEmzXXHpDjRctw3BX6qDmFM8e"])
=> {"token"=>"YOURTOKEN", "name"=>"alice", "addresses"=>["1JcX75oraJEmzXXHpDjRctw3BX6qDmFM8e"]}

# TODO: ruby hd wallet example
# Regular wallet
>>> from blockcypher import create_wallet_from_address
>>> create_wallet_from_address(wallet_name='alice', address='1JcX75oraJEmzXXHpDjRctw3BX6qDmFM8e', api_key='YOUR_TOKEN')
    "addresses": [
    "name": "alice",
    "token": "YOUR_TOKEN"

# HD wallet
>>> from blockcypher import create_hd_wallet
>>> create_hd_wallet(wallet_name='bob', xpubkey='xpub661MyMwAqRbcFtXgS5sYJABqqG9YLmC4Q1Rdap9gSE8NqtwybGhePY2gZ29ESFjqJoCu1Rupje8YtGqsefD265TMg7usUDFdp6W1EGMcet8', api_key='YOUR_TOKEN')
    "chains": [
            "chain_addresses": [
                    "address": "1FHz8bpEE5qUZ9XhfjzAbCCwo5bT1HMNAc",
                    "path": "m/0"
                    "address": "1J8QDN1u7iDMbJktbqXPSrAqruNjkmRFmT",
                    "path": "m/1"
                    "address": "1MWNKnYfE2LVdvAzFUioF3F3JXFpRfDCQb",
                    "path": "m/2"
    "extended_public_key": "xpub661MyMwAqRbcFtXgS5sYJABqqG9YLmC4Q1Rdap9gSE8NqtwybGhePY2gZ29ESFjqJoCu1Rupje8YtGqsefD265TMg7usUDFdp6W1EGMcet8",
    "hd": True,
    "name": "bob",
    "token": "YOUR_TOKEN"
package main

import (


func main() {
  btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
  //normal wallet
  alice, err := btc.CreateWallet(gobcy.Wallet{"alice", []string{"1JcX75oraJEmzXXHpDjRctw3BX6qDmFM8e"}})
  bob, err := btc.CreateHDWallet(gobcy.HDWallet{Name: "bob", ExtPubKey: "xpub661MyMwAqRbcFtXgS5sYJABqqG9YLmC4Q1Rdap9gSE8NqtwybGhePY2gZ29ESFjqJoCu1Rupje8YtGqsefD265TMg7usUDFdp6W1EGMcet8"})
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("Normal Wallet:%+v\nHDWallet: %+v\n", alice, bob)

//Result from `go run`:
//Normal Wallet:{Name:alice Addresses:[1JcX75oraJEmzXXHpDjRctw3BX6qDmFM8e]}
//HDWallet: {Name:bob ExtPubKey:xpub661MyMwAqRbcFtXgS5sYJABqqG9YLmC4Q1Rdap9gSE8NqtwybGhePY2gZ29ESFjqJoCu1Rupje8YtGqsefD265TMg7usUDFdp6W1EGMcet8 SubchainIndexes:[] Chains:[{ChainAddr:[{Address:1FHz8bpEE5qUZ9XhfjzAbCCwo5bT1HMNAc Path:m/0 Public:} {Address:1J8QDN1u7iDMbJktbqXPSrAqruNjkmRFmT Path:m/1 Public:} {Address:1MWNKnYfE2LVdvAzFUioF3F3JXFpRfDCQb Path:m/2 Public:}] Index:0}]}
// normal wallet
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\wallet-api\CreateWalletEndpoint.php

// Create a new instance of Wallet object
$wallet = new Wallet();

$walletClient = new WalletClient($apiContext);
$createdWallet = $walletClient->create($wallet);


// hd wallet
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\wallet-api\CreateHDWalletEndpoint.php

// Create a new instance of HDWallet object
$wallet = new HDWallet();

$walletClient = new HDWalletClient($apiContext);
$createdWallet = $walletClient->create($wallet);

{"token": "c0afcccdde5081d6429de37d16166ead",
"name": "bob",
"hd": true,
"extended_public_key": "xpub661MyMwAqRbcFtXgS5sYJABqqG9YLmC4Q1Rdap9gSE8NqtwybGhePY2gZ29ESFjqJoCu1Rupje8YtGqsefD265TMg7usUDFdp6W1EGMcet8",
"chains": [
  {"chain_addresses": [
      "address": "1FHz8bpEE5qUZ9XhfjzAbCCwo5bT1HMNAc",
      "path": "m/0"
      "address": "1J8QDN1u7iDMbJktbqXPSrAqruNjkmRFmT",
      "path": "m/1"
      "address": "1MWNKnYfE2LVdvAzFUioF3F3JXFpRfDCQb",
      "path": "m/2"
Resource Method Request Object Return Object
/wallets POST Wallet Wallet
/wallets/hd POST HDWallet HDWallet

This endpoint allows you to create a new wallet, by POSTing a partially filled out Wallet or HDWallet object, depending on the endpoint.

For normal wallets, at minimum, you must include the name attribute and at least one public address in the addresses array.

For HD wallets, at minimum, you must include the name and the extended_public_key attributes. The encoding of the key is documented here. You can optionally include subchain_indexes to initialize the wallet with one or more subchains. If not given, the wallet will derive address straight from the given extended pubkey. See BIP32 for more info.

If successful, it will return the same Wallet or HDWallet object you requested, appended with your user token.

List Wallets Endpoint

"wallet_names": [
  .then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
> {
> "wallet_names": [
>     "alice"
>     "bob",
>     "catheryne"
>   ]
> }
# TODO: ruby examples
>>> from blockcypher import list_wallet_names
>>> list_wallet_names('YOUR_TOKEN')
    "wallet_names": [
package main

import (


func main() {
  btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
  walletNames, err := btc.ListWallets()
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("Wallets:%v\n", walletNames)

//Result from `go run`:
//Wallets: [alice catheryne bob]
//TODO: php examples
Resource Method Return Object
/wallets GET {"wallet_names":$NAMEARRAY}

This endpoint returns a string array ($NAMEARRAY) of active wallet names (both normal and HD) under the token you queried. You can then query detailed information on individual wallets (via their names) by leveraging the Get Wallet Endpoint.

Get Wallet Endpoint

# normal wallet

"addresses": [ "1JcX75oraJEmzXXHpDjRctw3BX6qDmFM8e"]}

# hd wallet

{"token": "YOURTOKEN",
"name": "bob",
"hd": true,
"extended_public_key": "xpub661MyMwAqRbcFtXgS5sYJABqqG9YLmC4Q1Rdap9gSE8NqtwybGhePY2gZ29ESFjqJoCu1Rupje8YtGqsefD265TMg7usUDFdp6W1EGMcet8",
"chains": [{
  "chain_addresses": [
      "address": "1FHz8bpEE5qUZ9XhfjzAbCCwo5bT1HMNAc",
      "path": "m/0"
      "address": "1J8QDN1u7iDMbJktbqXPSrAqruNjkmRFmT",
      "path": "m/1"
      "address": "1MWNKnYfE2LVdvAzFUioF3F3JXFpRfDCQb",
      "path": "m/2"
  .then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
> {
> "token":"YOURTOKEN",
> "name":"alice",
> "addresses": [
>   "1JcX75oraJEmzXXHpDjRctw3BX6qDmFM8e"
> ]}

//hd wallet
  .then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
> {"token": "YOURTOKEN",
> "name": "bob",
> "hd": true,
> "extended_public_key": "xpub661MyMwAqRbcFtXgS5sYJABqqG9YLmC4Q1Rdap9gSE8NqtwybGhePY2gZ29ESFjqJoCu1Rupje8YtGqsefD265TMg7usUDFdp6W1EGMcet8",
> "chains": [
>   {"chain_addresses": [
>     {
>       "address": "1FHz8bpEE5qUZ9XhfjzAbCCwo5bT1HMNAc",
>       "path": "m/0"
>     },
>     {
>       "address": "1J8QDN1u7iDMbJktbqXPSrAqruNjkmRFmT",
>       "path": "m/1"
>     },
>     {
>       "address": "1MWNKnYfE2LVdvAzFUioF3F3JXFpRfDCQb",
>       "path": "m/2"
>     }
>   ]}
> ]}
> block_cypher.wallet_get("alice")
=> {"token"=>"YOURTOKEN", "name"=>"alice", "addresses"=>["1JcX75oraJEmzXXHpDjRctw3BX6qDmFM8e"]}

//TODO: hd wallet example
# Regular wallet
>>> from blockcypher import get_wallet_addresses
>>> get_wallet_addresses(wallet_name='alice', api_key='YOUR_TOKEN')
    "addresses": [
    "name": "alice",
    "token": "YOUR_TOKEN"

# HD wallet
>>> from blockcypher import get_wallet_addresses
>>> get_wallet_addresses(wallet_name='bob', api_key='YOUR_TOKEN', is_hd_wallet=True)
    "chains": [
            "chain_addresses": [
                    "address": "1FHz8bpEE5qUZ9XhfjzAbCCwo5bT1HMNAc",
                    "path": "m/0"
                    "address": "1J8QDN1u7iDMbJktbqXPSrAqruNjkmRFmT",
                    "path": "m/1"
                    "address": "1MWNKnYfE2LVdvAzFUioF3F3JXFpRfDCQb",
                    "path": "m/2"
    "extended_public_key": "xpub661MyMwAqRbcFtXgS5sYJABqqG9YLmC4Q1Rdap9gSE8NqtwybGhePY2gZ29ESFjqJoCu1Rupje8YtGqsefD265TMg7usUDFdp6W1EGMcet8",
    "hd": True,
    "name": "bob",
    "token": "YOUR_TOKEN"
package main

import (


func main() {
  btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
  //normal wallet
  alice, err := btc.GetWallet("alice")
  bob, err := btc.GetHDWallet("bob")
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("Normal Wallet: %v\nHDWallet: %v\n", alice, bob)

//Result from `go run`:
//Normal Wallet: {alice [1JcX75oraJEmzXXHpDjRctw3BX6qDmFM8e]}
//HDWallet: {bob xpub661MyMwAqRbcFtXgS5sYJABqqG9YLmC4Q1Rdap9gSE8NqtwybGhePY2gZ29ESFjqJoCu1Rupje8YtGqsefD265TMg7usUDFdp6W1EGMcet8 [] [{[{1FHz8bpEE5qUZ9XhfjzAbCCwo5bT1HMNAc m/0 } {1J8QDN1u7iDMbJktbqXPSrAqruNjkmRFmT m/1 } {1MWNKnYfE2LVdvAzFUioF3F3JXFpRfDCQb m/2 }] 0}]}
// normal wallet
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\wallet-api\GetWalletEndpoint.php

$walletClient = new WalletClient($apiContext);
$wallet = $walletClient->get('alice');


// hd wallet
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\wallet-api\GetHDWalletEndpoint.php

$walletClient = new HDWalletClient($apiContext);
$wallet = $walletClient->get('bob');

{"token": "c0afcccdde5081d6429de37d16166ead",
"name": "bob",
"hd": true,
"extended_public_key": "xpub661MyMwAqRbcFtXgS5sYJABqqG9YLmC4Q1Rdap9gSE8NqtwybGhePY2gZ29ESFjqJoCu1Rupje8YtGqsefD265TMg7usUDFdp6W1EGMcet8",
"chains": [
  {"chain_addresses": [
      "address": "1FHz8bpEE5qUZ9XhfjzAbCCwo5bT1HMNAc",
      "path": "m/0"
      "address": "1J8QDN1u7iDMbJktbqXPSrAqruNjkmRFmT",
      "path": "m/1"
      "address": "1MWNKnYfE2LVdvAzFUioF3F3JXFpRfDCQb",
      "path": "m/2"
Resource Method Return Object
/wallets/$NAME GET Wallet
/wallets/hd/$NAME GET HDWallet

This endpoint returns a Wallet or HDWallet based on its $NAME.

Add Addresses to Wallet Endpoint

curl -d '{"addresses": ["13cj1QtfW61kQHoqXm3khVRYPJrgQiRM6j"]}'

{"token": "YOURTOKEN",
"name": "alice",
"addresses": [
var data = {"addresses": ["13cj1QtfW61kQHoqXm3khVRYPJrgQiRM6j"]};
$.post('', JSON.stringify(data))
  .then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
> {
>   "token": "USERTOKEN",
>   "name": "alice",
>   "addresses": [
>     "1JcX75oraJEmzXXHpDjRctw3BX6qDmFM8e",
>     "13cj1QtfW61kQHoqXm3khVRYPJrgQiRM6j"
> ]}
> block_cypher.wallet_add_addr("alice",["13cj1QtfW61kQHoqXm3khVRYPJrgQiRM6j"])
=> {"token"=>"YOURTOKEN", "name"=>"alice", "addresses"=>["1JcX75oraJEmzXXHpDjRctw3BX6qDmFM8e", "13cj1QtfW61kQHoqXm3khVRYPJrgQiRM6j"]}
>>> from blockcypher import add_address_to_wallet
>>> add_address_to_wallet(wallet_name='alice', address='13cj1QtfW61kQHoqXm3khVRYPJrgQiRM6j', api_key='YOUR_TOKEN')
    "addresses": [
    "name": "alice", 
    "token": "YOUR_TOKEN"
package main

import (


func main() {
  btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
  //normal wallet
  alice, err := btc.AddAddrWallet("alice", []string{"13cj1QtfW61kQHoqXm3khVRYPJrgQiRM6j"}, false)
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("%+v\n", alice)

//Result from `go run`:
//{Name:alice Addresses:[13cj1QtfW61kQHoqXm3khVRYPJrgQiRM6j 1JcX75oraJEmzXXHpDjRctw3BX6qDmFM8e]}
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\wallet-api\AddAddressesToWalletEndpoint.php

$walletClient = new WalletClient($apiContext);
$addressList = AddressList::fromAddressesArray(array(
$wallet = $walletClient->addAddresses('alice', $addressList);

Resource Method Request Object Return Object
/wallets/$NAME/addresses POST Wallet Wallet
Flag Type Effect
omitWalletAddresses bool If omitWalletAddresses is true, the response will omit address information (useful to speed up the API call for larger wallets).

This endpoint allows you to add public addresses to the $NAME wallet, by POSTing a partially filled out Wallet object. You only need to include the additional addresses in a new addresses array in the object. If successful, it will return the newly modified Wallet, including an up-to-date, complete listing of addresses.

Get Wallet Addresses Endpoint

#normal wallet

{"addresses": [

#hd wallet

{"chains": [
  {"chain_addresses": [
      "address": "1FHz8bpEE5qUZ9XhfjzAbCCwo5bT1HMNAc",
      "path": "m/0"
      "address": "1J8QDN1u7iDMbJktbqXPSrAqruNjkmRFmT",
      "path": "m/1"
      "address": "1MWNKnYfE2LVdvAzFUioF3F3JXFpRfDCQb",
      "path": "m/2"
//normal wallet
  .then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
> {
> "addresses": [
>   "13cj1QtfW61kQHoqXm3khVRYPJrgQiRM6j",
>   "1JcX75oraJEmzXXHpDjRctw3BX6qDmFM8e"
> ]}

//hd wallet
  .then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
> {"chains": [
>   {"chain_addresses": [
>     {
>       "address": "1FHz8bpEE5qUZ9XhfjzAbCCwo5bT1HMNAc",
>       "path": "m/0"
>     },
>     {
>       "address": "1J8QDN1u7iDMbJktbqXPSrAqruNjkmRFmT",
>       "path": "m/1"
>     },
>     {
>       "address": "1MWNKnYfE2LVdvAzFUioF3F3JXFpRfDCQb",
>       "path": "m/2"
>     }]
>   }
> ]}
> block_cypher.wallet_get_addr("alice")
=> {"addresses"=>["13cj1QtfW61kQHoqXm3khVRYPJrgQiRM6j", "1JcX75oraJEmzXXHpDjRctw3BX6qDmFM8e"]}

# TODO: ruby hd example
# Regular wallet
>>> from blockcypher import get_wallet_addresses
>>> get_wallet_addresses(wallet_name='alice', api_key='YOUR_TOKEN')
    "addresses": [

# HD wallet
>>> from blockcypher import get_wallet_addresses
>>> get_wallet_addresses(wallet_name='alice', api_key='YOUR_TOKEN', is_hd_wallet=True)
    "chains": [
            "chain_addresses": [
                    "address": "1FHz8bpEE5qUZ9XhfjzAbCCwo5bT1HMNAc",
                    "path": "m/0"
                    "address": "1J8QDN1u7iDMbJktbqXPSrAqruNjkmRFmT",
                    "path": "m/1"
                    "address": "1MWNKnYfE2LVdvAzFUioF3F3JXFpRfDCQb",
                    "path": "m/2"
package main

import (


func main() {
  btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
  //normal wallet
  alice, err := btc.GetAddrWallet("alice", nil)
  bob, err := btc.GetAddrHDWallet("bob", nil)
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("Normal Wallet: %+v\nHD Wallet: %+v\n", alice, bob)

//Result from `go run`:
//Normal Wallet: [13cj1QtfW61kQHoqXm3khVRYPJrgQiRM6j 1JcX75oraJEmzXXHpDjRctw3BX6qDmFM8e]
//HD Wallet: {Name: ExtPubKey: SubchainIndexes:[] Chains:[{ChainAddr:[{Address:1FHz8bpEE5qUZ9XhfjzAbCCwo5bT1HMNAc Path:m/0 Public:} {Address:1J8QDN1u7iDMbJktbqXPSrAqruNjkmRFmT Path:m/1 Public:} {Address:1MWNKnYfE2LVdvAzFUioF3F3JXFpRfDCQb Path:m/2 Public:}] Index:0}]}
// normal wallet
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\wallet-api\WalletAddressesEndpoint.php

$walletClient = new WalletClient($apiContext);
$addressList = $walletClient->getWalletAddresses('alice');


// hd wallet
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\wallet-api\GetHDWalletAddressesEndpoint.php

$walletClient = new HDWalletClient($apiContext);
$addressList = $walletClient->getWalletAddresses('bob');

{"chains": [
  {"chain_addresses": [
      "address": "1FHz8bpEE5qUZ9XhfjzAbCCwo5bT1HMNAc",
      "path": "m/0"
      "address": "1J8QDN1u7iDMbJktbqXPSrAqruNjkmRFmT",
      "path": "m/1"
      "address": "1MWNKnYfE2LVdvAzFUioF3F3JXFpRfDCQb",
      "path": "m/2"
Resource Method Return Object
/wallets/$NAME/addresses GET Wallet
/wallets/hd/$NAME/addresses GET HDChain
Flag Type Effect
used bool Returns only used addresses if set to true and only unused if false. Only valid on HD wallets.
zerobalance bool Returns only addresses with zero balance if set to true and only addresses with non-zero balance if false. Only valid on HD wallets.

This endpoint returns a list of the addresses associated with the $NAME wallet. It returns the addresses in a partially filled out Wallet which you'll find under the addresses attribute. For HD wallets it returns an HDChain object.

Remove Addresses from Wallet Endpoint

#pipe to grep to check status code
$ curl -X DELETE -Is | grep "HTTP/1.1"

HTTP/1.1 204 OK
  url: "",
  method: "DELETE"
> block_cypher.wallet_delete_addr("alice",["1JcX75oraJEmzXXHpDjRctw3BX6qDmFM8e"])
=> nil
>>> from blockcypher import remove_address_from_wallet
>>> remove_address_from_wallet(wallet_name='alice', address='1JcX75oraJEmzXXHpDjRctw3BX6qDmFM8e', api_key='YOUR_TOKEN')
package main

import (


func main() {
  btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
  //normal wallet only
  err := btc.DeleteAddrWallet("alice", []string{"1JcX75oraJEmzXXHpDjRctw3BX6qDmFM8e"})
  if err != nil {
  } else {
    fmt.Printf("Address deleted")

//Result from `go run`:
//Address deleted
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\wallet-api\RemoveAddressesFromWalletEndpoint.php

$walletClient = new WalletClient($apiContext);
// List of addresses to be removed from the wallet
$addressList = AddressList::fromAddressesArray(array(
$wallet = $walletClient->removeAddresses('alice', $addressList);

Resource Method Return Object
/wallets/$NAME/addresses?address=$ADDRESS DELETE nil

This endpoint allows you to delete an $ADDRESS associated with the $NAME wallet. As a reminder, you can batch multiple addresses by appending them with semicolons within the $ADDRESS URL parameter. If successful, it will return an HTTP 204 status code with no return object.

Generate Address in Wallet Endpoint

curl -X POST

{"token": "YOURTOKEN",
"name": "alice",
"addresses": [
"private": "6238efeb679d75ec3b1a43e76cc0ed33abdf56e30bb5bb95e4793134a7958609",
"public": "03e4f273521a30373a639f60da836f2308a5d53853ec18f903dd235c73e6e26e4a",
"address": "14LcPtRSGjYb1s8kfxsVDbXvA7VYCmoFho",
"wif": "KzWeDL7sysRay7pZUm6hQQLaDVjmN1jUZzeZuq6ru5FtN1RhPrLX"}
  .then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
> {
>   "token": "USERTOKEN",
>   "name": "alice",
>   "addresses": [
>     "13cj1QtfW61kQHoqXm3khVRYPJrgQiRM6j",
>     "14LcPtRSGjYb1s8kfxsVDbXvA7VYCmoFho"
>   ],
>   "private": "6238efeb679d75ec3b1a43e76cc0ed33abdf56e30bb5bb95e4793134a7958609",
>   "public": "03e4f273521a30373a639f60da836f2308a5d53853ec18f903dd235c73e6e26e4a",
>   "address": "14LcPtRSGjYb1s8kfxsVDbXvA7VYCmoFho",
>   "wif": "KzWeDL7sysRay7pZUm6hQQLaDVjmN1jUZzeZuq6ru5FtN1RhPrLX"
> }
> block_cypher.wallet_gen_addr("alice")
=> {"token"=>"YOURTOKEN",
 "addresses"=>["13cj1QtfW61kQHoqXm3khVRYPJrgQiRM6j", "1Bq7QRwfa36p5DGSe6UBy4PYmsEtQhpqC8"],
# Please use a python library such as to securely generate an address client-side
package main

import (


func main() {
  btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
  //normal wallet only
  alice, addr, err := btc.GenAddrWallet("alice")
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("Wallet: %+v\nNew Address: %+v\n", alice, addr)

//Result from `go run`:
//Wallet: {Name:alice Addresses:[13cj1QtfW61kQHoqXm3khVRYPJrgQiRM6j 1GSyFhhBGebgco5Zm7dY1PapChhYQF5WhL]}
//New Address: {Address:1GSyFhhBGebgco5Zm7dY1PapChhYQF5WhL Private:ebe30359436f890398cae3719a6a9a46664f5f04a408bbb447ad020ffe95cb75 Public:031073ab3eeef2adcad6a63b7e088ad47c8f22d9d2d8a062fb573a0430626a6021 Wif:L58F6ro12XnrM9FUqjKhauUWW7HX1fv3EVub4AkWmihkQxV29BPw PubKeys:[] ScriptType: OriginalAddress: OAPAddress:}
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\wallet-api\GenerateAddressInWalletEndpoint.php

$walletClient = new WalletClient($apiContext);
$walletGenerateAddressResponse = $walletClient->generateAddress('alice');

Resource Method Request Object Return Object
/wallets/$NAME/addresses/generate POST nil Wallet + AddressKeychain
Flag Type Effect
bech32 bool Whether or not to generate a p2wpkh bech32 address. Default is false.

This endpoint allows you to generate a new address associated with the $NAME wallet, similar to the Generate Address Endpoint. If successful, it will returned the newly modified Wallet composed with an AddressKeychain.

Only works for regular Wallets; for HD Wallets, use the Derive Address endpoint specified below.

Derive Address in Wallet Endpoint

curl -X POST

"chains": [
  {"chain_addresses": [
      "address": "19urzZsoBNsomSfj68PUUGLXDz261tK5Jo",
      "public": "02c85080e00080aa933f93a2718bba9f01fd6fdc8e4712a155849f5ba588666471",
      "path": "m/3"

#with subchain_index
curl -X POST ''

"chains": [
  "chain_addresses": [
      "address": "1NwEtFZ6Td7cpKaJtYoeryS6avP2TUkSMh",
      "public": "029b393153a1ec68c7af3a98e88aecede3a409f27e698c090540098611c79e05b0",
      "path": "m/1/0"
//todo: javascript hd derive examples
# todo: ruby hd derive examples
>>> from blockcypher import derive_hd_address
>>> derive_hd_address(api_key='YOUR_TOKEN', wallet_name='bob', coin_symbol='btc')
    "chains": [
            "chain_addresses": [
                    "address": "19urzZsoBNsomSfj68PUUGLXDz261tK5Jo",
                    "path": "m/3",
                    "public": "02c85080e00080aa933f93a2718bba9f01fd6fdc8e4712a155849f5ba588666471"
package main

import (


func main() {
  btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
  //hdwallet only
  bob, err := btc.DeriveAddrHDWallet("bob", map[string]string{"count": "1"})
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("Parital HD Wallet: %+v\n", bob)

//Result from `go run`:
//Partial HD Wallet: {Name: ExtPubKey: SubchainIndexes:[] Chains:[{ChainAddr:[{Address:19urzZsoBNsomSfj68PUUGLXDz261tK5Jo Path:m/3 Public:02c85080e00080aa933f93a2718bba9f01fd6fdc8e4712a155849f5ba588666471}] Index:0}]}
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\wallet-api\GenerateAddressInHDWalletEndpoint.php

$walletClient = new HDWalletClient($apiContext);
$hdWalletGenerateAddressResponse = $walletClient->generateAddress('bob');

// with subchain_index
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\wallet-api\GenerateAddressInHDWalletWithSubchainIndexEndpoint.php

$walletClient = new HDWalletClient($apiContexts['BTC.main']);
$params = array('subchain_index' => 1);
$hdWalletGenerateAddressResponse = $walletClient->deriveAddress('bob', $params);
Resource Method Request Object Return Object
/wallets/hd/$NAME/addresses/derive POST nil Partial HDWallet
Flag Type Effect
count integer Number of addresses to derive. If not set, default is one address.
subchain_index integer Derives address(es) on this specific subchain. If not set, address will be generated on the first chain in the HD wallet.
lookahead boolean Default to true. If set to false will not try to check the balance of the subsequent addresses. Set to false if this endpoint is too slow.

This endpoint allows you to derive a new address (or multiple addresses) associated with the $NAME HD Wallet. If successful, it will return an HDWallet but only with the newly derived address(es) represented in its chains field to limit the data transmitted; for the full address list after derivation, you can follow up this API call with the Get Wallet Addresses Endpoint.

Only works for HD Wallets; for regular wallets, use the Generate Address in Wallet endpoint specified above.

Delete Wallet Endpoint

# normal wallet, pipe to grep to check status code
curl -X DELETE -Is | grep "HTTP/1.1"

HTTP/1.1 204 OK

# hd wallet
curl -X DELETE -Is | grep "HTTP/1.1"

HTTP/1.1 204 OK
//normal wallet
  url: "",
  method: "DELETE"

//hd wallet
  url: "",
  method: "DELETE"
> block_cypher.wallet_delete("alice")
=> nil

# TODO: Ruby hd wallet example
# Regular wallet
>>> from blockcypher import delete_wallet
>>> delete_wallet(wallet_name='alice', api_key='YOUR_TOKEN')

# HD wallet
>>> from blockcypher import delete_wallet
>>> delete_wallet(wallet_name='bob', api_key='YOUR_TOKEN', is_hd_wallet=True)

package main

import (


func main() {
  btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
  err := btc.DeleteWallet("alice")
  err = btc.DeleteHDWallet("bob")
  if err != nil {
  } else {
    fmt.Println("Alice and Bob Deleted")

//Result from `go run`:
//Alice and Bob Deleted
// normal wallet
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\wallet-api\DeleteWalletEndpoint.php

$walletClient = new WalletClient($apiContext);
$result = $walletClient->delete('alice');

// hd wallet
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\wallet-api\DeleteHDWalletEndpoint.php

$walletClient = new HDWalletClient($apiContext);
$result = $walletClient->delete('bob');
Resource Method Return Object
/wallets/$NAME DELETE nil
/wallets/hd/$NAME DELETE nil

This endpoint deletes the Wallet or HD Wallet with $NAME. If successful, it will return an HTTP 204 status code with no return object.

Transaction API

BlockCypher's Transaction API allows you to look up information about unconfirmed transactions, query transactions based on hash, create and propagate your own transactions, including multisignature transactions, and embed data on the blockchain---all based on the coin/chain resource you've selected for your endpoints.

If you're new to blockchains, the idea of transactions is relatively self-explanatory. Here's what's going on underneath the hood: a transaction takes previous "unspent transaction outputs" (also known as UTXOs) as "transaction inputs" and creates new "locking scripts" on those inputs such that they are "sent" to new addresses (to become new UTXOs). While most of these public addresses are reference points for single private keys that can "unlock" the newly created UTXOs, occasionally they are sent to more exotic addresses through pay-to-script-hash, typically multisignature addresses.

Generally speaking, UTXOs are generated from previous transactions (except for Coinbase inputs).

Transaction Hash Endpoint


"block_hash": "0000000000000000c504bdea36e5...",
"block_height": 293000,
"hash": "f854aebae95150b379cc1187d848d58225f...",
"addresses": [
"total": 70320221545,
"fees": 0,
"size": 636,
"vsize": 636,
"preference": "low",
"relayed_by": "",
"confirmed": "2014-03-29T01:29:19Z",
"received": "2014-03-29T01:29:19Z",
"ver": 1,
"lock_time": 0,
"double_spend": false,
"vin_sz": 4,
"vout_sz": 1,
"confirmations": 64373,
"inputs": [
  "prev_hash": "583910b7bf90ab802e22e5c25a89b59...",
  "output_index": 1,
  "script": "4830450220504b1ccfddf508422bdd8b0f...",
  "output_value": 16450000,
  "sequence": 4294967295,
  "addresses": [
  "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
"outputs": [
  "value": 70320221545,
  "script": "76a914e6aad9d712c419ea8febf009a3f3...",
  "spent_by": "35832d6c70b98b54e9a53ab2d51176eb...",
  "addresses": [
  "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
$.get('').then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
> {
> "block_hash": "0000000000000000c504bdea36e5...",
> "block_height": 293000,
> "hash": "f854aebae95150b379cc1187d848d58225f...",
> "addresses": [
>   "13XXaBufpMvqRqLkyDty1AXqueZHVe6iyy",
>   "19YtzZdcfs1V2ZCgyRWo8i2wLT8ND1Tu4L",
>   "1BNiazBzCxJacAKo2yL83Wq1VJ18AYzNHy",
>   "1GbMfYui17L5m6sAy3L3WXAtf1P32bxJXq",
>   "1N2f642sbgCMbNtXFajz9XDACDFnFzdXzV"
> ],
> "total": 70320221545,
> "fees": 0,
> "size": 636,
> "vsize": 636,
> "preference": "low",
> "relayed_by": "",
> "confirmed": "2014-03-29T01:29:19Z",
> "received": "2014-03-29T01:29:19Z",
> "ver": 1,
> "lock_time": 0,
> "double_spend": false,
> "vin_sz": 4,
> "vout_sz": 1,
> "confirmations": 64373,
> "inputs": [
>   {
>   "prev_hash": "583910b7bf90ab802e22e5c25a89b59...",
>   "output_index": 1,
>   "script": "4830450220504b1ccfddf508422bdd8b0f...",
>   "output_value": 16450000,
>   "sequence": 4294967295,
>   "addresses": [
>     "1GbMfYui17L5m6sAy3L3WXAtf1P32bxJXq"
>   ],
>   "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
>   },
>   ...
> ],
> "outputs": [
>   {
>   "value": 70320221545,
>   "script": "76a914e6aad9d712c419ea8febf009a3f3...",
>   "spent_by": "35832d6c70b98b54e9a53ab2d51176eb...",
>   "addresses": [
>     "1N2f642sbgCMbNtXFajz9XDACDFnFzdXzV"
>   ],
>   "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
>   }
> ]
> }
> block_cypher.blockchain_transaction("f854aebae95150b379cc1187d848d58225f3c4157fe992bcd166f58bd5063449")
=> {"block_hash"=>"0000000000000000c504bdea36e531d8089d324f2d936c86e3274f97f8a44328",
>>> from blockcypher import get_transaction_details
>>> get_transaction_details('f854aebae95150b379cc1187d848d58225f3c4157fe992bcd166f58bd5063449')
    "addresses": [
    "block_hash": "0000000000000000c504bdea36e531d8089d324f2d936c86e3274f97f8a44328",
    "block_height": 293000,
    "confirmations": 86918,
    "confirmed": "datetime.datetime(2014, 3, 29, 1, 29, 19, 0, tzinfo=tzutc())",
    "double_spend": False,
    "fees": 0,
    "hash": "f854aebae95150b379cc1187d848d58225f3c4157fe992bcd166f58bd5063449",
    "inputs": [
            "addresses": [
            "output_index": 1,
            "output_value": 16450000,
            "prev_hash": "583910b7bf90ab802e22e5c25a89b59862b20c8c1aeb24dfb94e7a508a70f121",
            "script": "4830450220504b1ccfddf508422bdd8b0fcda2b1483e87aee1b486c0130bc29226bbce3b4e022100b5befcfcf0d3bf6ebf0ac2f93badb19e3042c7bed456c398e743b885e782466c012103b1feb40b99e8ff18469484a50e8b52cc478d5f4f773a341fbd920a4ceaedd4bf",
            "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash",
            "sequence": 4294967295

    "lock_time": 0,
    "outputs": [
            "addresses": [
            "script": "76a914e6aad9d712c419ea8febf009a3f3bfdd8d222fac88ac",
            "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash",
            "spent_by": "35832d6c70b98b54e9a53ab2d51176eb19ad11bc4505d6bb1ea6c51a68cb92ee",
            "value": 70320221545
    "preference": "low",
    "received": "datetime.datetime(2014, 3, 29, 1, 29, 19, 0, tzinfo=tzutc())",
    "relayed_by": "",
    "size": 636,
    "vsize": 636,
    "total": 70320221545,
    "ver": 1,
    "vin_sz": 4,
    "vout_sz": 1
package main

import (


func main() {
  btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
  tx, err := btc.GetTX("f854aebae95150b379cc1187d848d58225f3c4157fe992bcd166f58bd5063449", nil)
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("%+v\n", tx)

//Result from `go run`:
//{BlockHash:0000000000000000c504bdea36e531d8089d324f2d936c86e3274f97f8a44328 BlockHeight:293000 Hash:f854aebae95150b379cc1187d848d58225f3c4157fe992bcd166f58bd5063449 Addresses:[13XXaBufpMvqRqLkyDty1AXqueZHVe6iyy 19YtzZdcfs1V2ZCgyRWo8i2wLT8ND1Tu4L 1BNiazBzCxJacAKo2yL83Wq1VJ18AYzNHy 1GbMfYui17L5m6sAy3L3WXAtf1P32bxJXq 1N2f642sbgCMbNtXFajz9XDACDFnFzdXzV] Total:{neg:false abs:[70320221545]} Fees:{neg:false abs:[]} Size:636 VirtualSize:636 Preference:low RelayedBy: Received:2014-03-29 01:29:19 +0000 UTC Confirmed:2014-03-29 01:29:19 +0000 UTC Confirmations:355807 Confidence:1 Ver:1 LockTime:0 DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: ReceiveCount:0 VinSize:4 VoutSize:1 Hex: DataProtocol: ChangeAddress: NextInputs: NextOutputs: Inputs:[{PrevHash:583910b7bf90ab802e22e5c25a89b59862b20c8c1aeb24dfb94e7a508a70f121 OutputIndex:1 OutputValue:16450000 Addresses:[1GbMfYui17L5m6sAy3L3WXAtf1P32bxJXq] Sequence:4294967295 ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:4830450220504b1ccfddf508422bdd8b0fcda2b1483e87aee1b486c0130bc29226bbce3b4e022100b5befcfcf0d3bf6ebf0ac2f93badb19e3042c7bed456c398e743b885e782466c012103b1feb40b99e8ff18469484a50e8b52cc478d5f4f773a341fbd920a4ceaedd4bf Age:292997 WalletName:} {PrevHash:f6966bb3d3ba0eb97fd11b223fb13c793c0b4a1b3deb575e8ae38d666c1d00d9 OutputIndex:36 OutputValue:10061545 Addresses:[19YtzZdcfs1V2ZCgyRWo8i2wLT8ND1Tu4L] Sequence:4294967295 ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:48304502210086de855e03008abcc49335c775973eab9ace2e16c3bfe6536218c1d029287fdb0220129ced657870af63f61cdd4b941996f9a243d1f306e774fc9c5f3dea0af8d581012103cbe40d1d790799a6494c07f844eaf05b4c6deab0b9dee2ee45c8decead12c5cd Age:292998 WalletName:} {PrevHash:9ea2f9695e6694309fb0d8b966afb4678a77a59f160822e33819fada9e0c8288 OutputIndex:1 OutputValue:70000000000 Addresses:[1BNiazBzCxJacAKo2yL83Wq1VJ18AYzNHy] Sequence:4294967295 ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:48304502201f1eb5b79279258a91c00dee09dff5d6f6ece7c01639e66a6bdd579136ecddee022100d4a9ed93183bf338e51ba80bc1dd10ff03e9e159bd8ea59db3a5c10aa0ccd3400121022667ee37e180c1ad2fef6f16aa52ed27799f629364dfe51e144dd683317dbbd2 Age:292998 WalletName:} {PrevHash:279ccbbab8605390a85fe6f0e4fb04ec1946ee6033054b16fec72e1304742d5d OutputIndex:0 OutputValue:293710000 Addresses:[13XXaBufpMvqRqLkyDty1AXqueZHVe6iyy] Sequence:4294967295 ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:483045022100baac0c25867855f62592872cfac522d59fddd590a6cc290c8ad3bbe6b1151b5802204f2713c565ce6b00e5ea00e955d35e3b0878af5474feda35ebbb73232122d5480121023ed3b44ad598e3834e561efed205c221b7bc2e577e752eeaa66e85e60d0381c9 Age:292998 WalletName:}] Outputs:[{SpentBy:35832d6c70b98b54e9a53ab2d51176eb19ad11bc4505d6bb1ea6c51a68cb92ee Value:{neg:false abs:[70320221545]} Addresses:[1N2f642sbgCMbNtXFajz9XDACDFnFzdXzV] ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:76a914e6aad9d712c419ea8febf009a3f3bfdd8d222fac88ac DataHex: DataString:}]}
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\transaction-api\TransactionHashEndpoint.php

$txClient = new TXClient($apiContext);
$transaction = $txClient->get('f854aebae95150b379cc1187d848d58225f3c4157fe992bcd166f58bd5063449');

"block_hash": "0000000000000000c504bdea36e531d80...",
"block_height": 293000,
"hash": "f854aebae95150b379cc1187d848d58225f3c41...",
"addresses": [
"total": 70320221545,
"fees": 0,
"size": 636,
"vsize": 636,
"preference": "low",
"relayed_by": "",
"confirmed": "2014-03-29T01:29:19Z",
"received": "2014-03-29T01:29:19Z",
"ver": 1,
"lock_time": 0,
"double_spend": false,
"vin_sz": 4,
"vout_sz": 1,
"confirmations": 63171,
"inputs": [
    "prev_hash": "583910b7bf90ab802e22e5c25a89...",
    "output_index": 1,
    "script": "4830450220504b1ccfddf508422bdd8...",
    "output_value": 16450000,
    "sequence": 4294967295,
    "addresses": [
    "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
"outputs": [
    "value": 70320221545,
    "script": "76a914e6aad9d712c419ea8febf009a...",
    "spent_by": "35832d6c70b98b54e9a53ab2d5117...",
    "addresses": [
    "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"

The Transaction Hash Endpoint returns detailed information about a given transaction based on its hash.

Resource Method Return Object
Flag Type Effect
limit integer Filters TXInputs/TXOutputs, if unset, default is 20.
instart integer Filters TX to only include TXInputs from this input index and above.
outstart integer Filters TX to only include TXOutputs from this output index and above.
legacyaddrs bool Litecoin Only. Replaces P2SH prefix with legacy 3 instead of M. Disabled by default.
includeHex bool If true, includes hex-encoded raw transaction; false by default.
includeConfidence bool If true, includes the confidence attribute (useful for unconfirmed transactions). For more info about this figure, check the Confidence Factor documentation.

TXHASH is a string representing the hex-encoded transaction hash you're interested in querying, for example:


The returned object contains detailed information about the transaction, including the value transfered, date received, and a full listing of inputs and outputs.

Unconfirmed Transactions Endpoint


  "block_height": -1,
  "hash": "7f3af38d988e479f651520b13b85...",
  "addresses": [
  "total": 46977000,
  "fees": 10000,
  "size": 225,
  "vsize": 225,
  "preference": "medium",
  "relayed_by": "",
  "block_height": -1,
  "hash": "7e2d8b4e95c8246e81f297539409...",
  "addresses": [
  "total": 1070000,
  "fees": 10000,
  "size": 225,
  "vsize": 225,  
  "preference": "medium",
  "relayed_by": "",
  "received": "2015-05-21T05:44:13.878Z",
$.get('').then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
> [
>   {
>   "block_height": -1,
>   "hash": "7f3af38d988e479f651520b13b85...",
>   "addresses": [
>     "19ZZonTmBD3VBhgFSWrtNis6Wo4aNRyjAV",
>     "1GD2Gnt3Vk51FpUhZWrFpSa24KE2ZGPaWG",
>     "1HEJiW8jxvUvVQ5cuButRmFj6ZzKzM9Fp6"
>   ],
>   "total": 46977000,
>   "fees": 10000,
>   "size": 225,
>   "vsize": 225,
>   "preference": "medium",
>   "relayed_by": "",
>   ...
>   },
>   {
>   "block_height": -1,
>   "hash": "7e2d8b4e95c8246e81f297539409...",
>   "addresses": [
>     "12u8EFJR6QJpNYbuQcYt2iMsAtPdnCFwQb",
>     "1MUbYoqSadRSEipwcmKnH37NaKakDCmgwW"
>   ],
>   "total": 1070000,
>   "fees": 10000,
>   "size": 225,
>   "vsize": 225,
>   "preference": "medium",
>   "relayed_by": "",
>   "received": "2015-05-21T05:44:13.878Z",
>   ...
>   },
> ...
> ]
> block_cypher.blockchain_unconfirmed_tx
=> [{"block_height"=>-1,
>>> from blockcypher import get_broadcast_transactions
>>> get_broadcast_transactions(limit=1)
        "addresses": [
        "block_height": -1,
        "confirmations": 0,
        "double_spend": False,
        "fees": 90000,
        "hash": "915b22630b74f6dd12ef723ab0e0f99931faa1c343d488118aa528542e99afb7",
        "inputs": [
                "addresses": [
                "age": 6802,
                "output_index": 1,
                "output_value": 599559,
                "prev_hash": "825f6f06241ef6e3bb94c7c39126f79e0a9af725fd185f28ff7f0c4d4fb1144c",
                "script": "483045022100d549d7b6033081844b7b854055c76d87809ca9ba13ae5179310b3bcffaef2495022008f61a6b4f6a905ed84b05dfb9e21840d547cd409b8a4e713477444e79593792012103c95e6dd62dd842058568d31011d8a425b5209a6758ce45b210af095e78c158e2",
                "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash",
                "sequence": 4294967295
        "lock_time": 0,
        "next_inputs": "",
        "next_outputs": "",
        "outputs": [
                "addresses": [
                "script": "76a914a811ed2f211a447ba18eb4f7f849a86c201427f388ac",
                "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash",
                "value": 1000000
        "preference": "low",
        "receive_count": 569,
        "received": "datetime.datetime(2015, 10, 21, 19, 6, 25, 725000, tzinfo=tzutc())",
        "relayed_by": "",
        "size": 5837,
        "vsize": 5837,
        "total": 1117192,
        "ver": 1,
        "vin_sz": 39,
        "vout_sz": 2
package main

import (


func main() {
  btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
  txs, err := btc.GetUnTX()
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("%+v\n", txs)

//Result from `go run`:
//[{BlockHash: BlockHeight:-1 Hash:1cdfbc1d0261beb2fb90e5d487cc5958ca5e558303538e43e099a5a49950a4e7 Addresses:[3JMz7MeHFPsZDDk5bi73skPEFj1U5D1Qtb 3HEhppcPZd63eF2NsznskYTSG2qDPERNN3 3AtUpLCxBYEr4KAbf1KrhnRtifswKrNjGt 3C4Awf7Krjd2SQvVNLcH35iki8fWcPU74E 3NJkrHZBtAUyRCBM5fzoEQXDrtQSymUzcU 361efkmBbGnB6EhqEQ3ydfrY3NAuzyPxJy 3HbvuXMFJbMxcmuiBTHLdoWYrKcYkNRbni 37t2bpQEjJbz5Qtj4p9hhyVhJkwCpZckVR 3L2xdqCFUCTdAY2SbkH9kAnidb5dCta6cT] Total:{neg:false abs:[13272144]} Fees:{neg:false abs:[20048]} Size:522 VirtualSize:522 Preference:low RelayedBy: Received:2020-09-17 21:15:07.209035123 +0000 UTC Confirmed:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC Confirmations:0 Confidence:0 Ver:2 LockTime:0 DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: ReceiveCount:0 VinSize:7 VoutSize:2 Hex: DataProtocol: ChangeAddress: NextInputs: NextOutputs: Inputs:[{PrevHash:945d4c531def721fe6a10dfeeec073217987eff1f0cc93ada280be546cb6bfa9 OutputIndex:14 OutputValue:445112 Addresses:[3HEhppcPZd63eF2NsznskYTSG2qDPERNN3] Sequence:4294967295 ScriptType:pay-to-script-hash Script:1600140cc50ea32e3887ae8af49363555dc0303e0c475f Age:648800 WalletName:} {PrevHash:386512a1766070684f15e408a6c35e5773a2c2149fe2db496ef531144df9fce5 OutputIndex:0 OutputValue:447796 Addresses:[3HbvuXMFJbMxcmuiBTHLdoWYrKcYkNRbni] Sequence:4294967295 ScriptType:pay-to-script-hash Script:16001469616b09680ed79ab2806203eead38f1b9540bdb Age:648801 WalletName:} {PrevHash:a50195f38583a38e5baba453a7fe93ac4e66bbf30073144baf1a7398f55ef97a OutputIndex:0 OutputValue:450000 Addresses:[37t2bpQEjJbz5Qtj4p9hhyVhJkwCpZckVR] Sequence:4294967295 ScriptType:pay-to-script-hash Script:16001451991c92d4f9a57887114857c30a91d8b4e30e67 Age:648796 WalletName:} {PrevHash:e3fd7fa009269f1684fa9ae37e836a499210e6cc05e9ee82fb8729fd85f0d497 OutputIndex:1 OutputValue:10603691 Addresses:[3AtUpLCxBYEr4KAbf1KrhnRtifswKrNjGt] Sequence:4294967295 ScriptType:pay-to-script-hash Script:160014e8eb291d158e1eaca3bd7739cdbc262638d983a5 Age:638194 WalletName:} {PrevHash:ce649fa0baff4d4f48d597e99575d1c60495346cc07051d98110fb14755a53f1 OutputIndex:1 OutputValue:445764 Addresses:[3L2xdqCFUCTdAY2SbkH9kAnidb5dCta6cT] Sequence:4294967295 ScriptType:pay-to-script-hash Script:160014ead1e6d8cac4516ec0b5371ce5f260a765e54978 Age:648798 WalletName:} {PrevHash:671bf165b807746432062ac261f94f6e5004eb7cdb58fe333aaf974a65b9a652 OutputIndex:2 OutputValue:449829 Addresses:[3NJkrHZBtAUyRCBM5fzoEQXDrtQSymUzcU] Sequence:4294967295 ScriptType:pay-to-script-hash Script:160014349e80eabeca8db9338e1d966df76cebfd5000ba Age:648793 WalletName:} {PrevHash:e50b8a52dfc22a0c9557a2b4f88eeb6e6b8a3489c1e697cba9ccfd10f3eaf9fd OutputIndex:0 OutputValue:450000 Addresses:[361efkmBbGnB6EhqEQ3ydfrY3NAuzyPxJy] Sequence:4294967295 ScriptType:pay-to-script-hash Script:1600145e95efc41142e30df37e2cf7511577afb7ad6137 Age:648799 WalletName:}] Outputs:[{SpentBy: Value:{neg:false abs:[12268612]} Addresses:[3C4Awf7Krjd2SQvVNLcH35iki8fWcPU74E] ScriptType:pay-to-script-hash Script:a91471b1859ab3202abaf9be149b5a14e6b2dd9d379987 DataHex: DataString:} {SpentBy: Value:{neg:false abs:[1003532]} Addresses:[3JMz7MeHFPsZDDk5bi73skPEFj1U5D1Qtb] ScriptType:pay-to-script-hash Script:a914b6e0b89ddb315d44c0b38eadabe537369e44230d87 DataHex: DataString:}]} {BlockHash: BlockHeight:-1 Hash:05d1a6bb4301fbb7afd888b011e06892f524744a4c0ef122f7fe1cea83083a1d Addresses:[1DEzbyPer6B2VtT7gFn5jKe1MFAwUnWF41 1EMa5CGu48RVvR7LiNsWhTPk9YHj1LeG2n] Total:{neg:false abs:[3948638]} Fees:{neg:false abs:[1362]} Size:226 VirtualSize:226 Preference:low RelayedBy: Received:2020-09-17 21:15:07.618 +0000 UTC Confirmed:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC Confirmations:0 Confidence:0 Ver:1 LockTime:0 DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: ReceiveCount:0 VinSize:1 VoutSize:2 Hex: DataProtocol: ChangeAddress: NextInputs: NextOutputs: Inputs:[{PrevHash:802cb7d2a2c096a143d2c74515b871175466d46d17562e2bb95da3de3a988757 OutputIndex:1 OutputValue:3950000 Addresses:[1EMa5CGu48RVvR7LiNsWhTPk9YHj1LeG2n] Sequence:4294967295 ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:483045022100961d30d541897b609d4284c3d98cdacef9c884dc3767196ffca17d2173e728e1022070ffdd7ad49d8fb78482adc37b295cce91358b31876fe5f68cde82eb751176540121022bbb89a2225a3906b5a11286ee33fbe516e93782384468810b1497d38f0fac8f Age:0 WalletName:}] Outputs:[{SpentBy: Value:{neg:false abs:[91265]} Addresses:[1DEzbyPer6B2VtT7gFn5jKe1MFAwUnWF41] ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:76a9148647005ec8ddcbc22c63d4436a39822bca3a8d0288ac DataHex: DataString:} {SpentBy: Value:{neg:false abs:[3857373]} Addresses:[1EMa5CGu48RVvR7LiNsWhTPk9YHj1LeG2n] ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:76a914927d8fd26fbac4aa54b325cfba95c0b98fa7e9bb88ac DataHex: DataString:}]} {BlockHash: BlockHeight:-1 Hash:7bb3c3ed3572f78aaf773792ceb34199791a2e334124f0b6f32a66b62547db63 Addresses:[1Cmc8Pj2gmYwZkVyBGdnVFMQ3iHg9nasRv 1KtaKKnWgNqVD3AkVWNhiX7pMDPvhguco3 1N1uvydMyQVR8k5jSUdru4rRSqfYKSw7dg] Total:{neg:false abs:[4607112]} Fees:{neg:false abs:[3762]} Size:340 VirtualSize:340 Preference:low RelayedBy: Received:2020-09-17 21:15:07.422 +0000 UTC Confirmed:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC Confirmations:0 Confidence:0 Ver:1 LockTime:0 DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: ReceiveCount:0 VinSize:2 VoutSize:1 Hex: DataProtocol: ChangeAddress: NextInputs: NextOutputs: Inputs:[{PrevHash:9b92f21a6bb911dfca56aa0b6ef4cc74611cc21195c5d3145d471410e91a02cf OutputIndex:0 OutputValue:10292 Addresses:[1KtaKKnWgNqVD3AkVWNhiX7pMDPvhguco3] Sequence:4294967295 ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:483045022100910a2f20388a1cf86cf053a19b95d03887003310110b5e36fccbf4da221cbd220220512c6e86f572e0c9ecf024a71de22449c70b18b9c0dd39be156cf5c7aad8a39c012103f2f96148e0e5187440003f1883f958eb66582ba28a49ae4ce7409beb90ab6928 Age:648764 WalletName:} {PrevHash:9b92f21a6bb911dfca56aa0b6ef4cc74611cc21195c5d3145d471410e91a02cf OutputIndex:1 OutputValue:4600582 Addresses:[1Cmc8Pj2gmYwZkVyBGdnVFMQ3iHg9nasRv] Sequence:4294967295 ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:483045022100be8edaa188b19dc92ad2ae9bb33d1a57e7adbdda25495b068d42049cdbdafd0e02201123ad42f21db68d71700f83651a66582a9168b247c64ef9d9d350156d004e16012102c2f81c194a0469091784dfbaaa8d5c6fcb78accac7621dd2acaada744625276a Age:648764 WalletName:}] Outputs:[{SpentBy: Value:{neg:false abs:[4607112]} Addresses:[1N1uvydMyQVR8k5jSUdru4rRSqfYKSw7dg] ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:76a914e686d36274d0a3d97675703eb4d912c48b4b86ee88ac DataHex: DataString:}]} {BlockHash: BlockHeight:-1 Hash:1f2befc56c12871b8a4cccdece5f4e675e93f1252ed79331683886be4369a5d3 Addresses:[1LCtCWHAGJyK49AZP57Doi1E6bLwTXkorF 1MxBr1aN3Pxn2cgBJToDThPSuNrkKufk2P 1UxrZDFKTiFEezRSPZAT3SsJSK2SPsQAZ 39XftCh58MeBg5qGj49vx4EafvS9AE4uTd] Total:{neg:false abs:[1800536]} Fees:{neg:false abs:[1480]} Size:370 VirtualSize:370 Preference:low RelayedBy: Received:2020-09-17 21:15:07.179 +0000 UTC Confirmed:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC Confirmations:0 Confidence:0 Ver:1 LockTime:0 DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: ReceiveCount:0 VinSize:2 VoutSize:2 Hex: DataProtocol: ChangeAddress: NextInputs: NextOutputs: Inputs:[{PrevHash:26db4e0f1492cc689d27fd29f190a38c3a08396e6a184be09ad8178fd18cf190 OutputIndex:0 OutputValue:1796889 Addresses:[1MxBr1aN3Pxn2cgBJToDThPSuNrkKufk2P] Sequence:4294967295 ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:4730440220162b9fb69f26f2c294c96563ce7bd20d8b6765f3d082202a3e0e91079f05bdf1022037db040ce63faaea11b55747bac355dc520be0e5a75cb2c889d70aa1d54fcf78012102411558a3b5b11199858a86889b2053fdf270642284912a3df04ff550cf3fbf3b Age:648806 WalletName:} {PrevHash:ff508647759217c1f277a9fefdbf656ac1ac12c2ee86acc75ef9c6748a1d0550 OutputIndex:0 OutputValue:5127 Addresses:[1LCtCWHAGJyK49AZP57Doi1E6bLwTXkorF] Sequence:4294967295 ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:473044022015e127bf2682a0fbda14f0ea39ecce12e9d65186dba4614affd161e8f474d7b7022013e95a85a65c90fd40e5321e146e1a536ecc9558b67fb788d0a4454fa7a31bc20121038b148a3f47297212d586600a5f73991fc01a7abd661c32329507e623e4aac11a Age:642926 WalletName:}]...}]
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\transaction-api\UnconfirmedTransactionsEndpoint.php

$txClient = new TXClient($apiContext);
$txs = $txClient->getUnconfirmed(array(), $apiContext);

[{'received': '2015-06-10T23:10:31.534Z',
  'ver': 1,
  'double_spend': False,
  'outputs': [{'value': 131910000,
    'addresses': ['1Gb4TAU4GD73akvt4V7tg2WdqadcpQSvhH'],
    'script_type': 'pay-to-pubkey-hash',
    'script': '76a914aafae908428a1778d0e76f0dca4cb800f731873e88ac'},
  'block_height': -1,
  'receive_count': 109,
  'total': 131940196,
  'fees': 13754,
  'inputs': [{'output_value': 9467,
    'sequence': 4294967295,
    'prev_hash': '3c65f3bdec16c55fcedec8159ca8b7decf12393e3a7088febbfacfd752534ee0',
    'script': '47304402207510efc3ff2ed868478ef627c4fd53a27254874e61c1ff1be6fb5221844c08ac02204a8a50c35d3fac8ec0c15f468c98abb629cadf3ac898f7be5e6f464ba9e4fba00121035649100ba29d0b34df8a928c2ed7ab1389d017b4ed206f6df5c212a461a764f2',
    'age': 38,
    'addresses': ['1MBuZ5ZxhytsjRZmec5rLr1WhDWm9DgFUJ'],
    'output_index': 1,
    'script_type': 'pay-to-pubkey-hash'},
  'preference': 'medium',
  'vout_sz': 2,
  'vin_sz': 3,
  'relayed_by': '',
  'hash': '97f551c7d200f3acf322160d6ada87830d2ad8d935909630a35a87d61bc8fa74',
  'addresses': ['1DLDFKuAWGUJqZoYrevG8bHufuZCjCdSFZ',
  'lock_time': 0,
  'size': 521,
  'vsize': 521,
  'confirmations': 0},

The Unconfirmed Transactions Endpoint returns an array of the latest transactions relayed by nodes in a blockchain that haven't been included in any blocks.

Resource Method Return Object
/txs GET Array[TX]
Flag Type Effect
limit integer Maximum number of transactions returned, if unset, default is 10. Maximum is 100.
minValue integer Filter transactions that transfer a total above the minimal value provided (in satoshis).

The returned object is an array of transactions that haven't been included in blocks, arranged in reverse chronological order (latest is first, then older transactions follow).

Creating Transactions

Using BlockCypher's API, you can push transactions to blockchains one of two ways:

In either case, for security reasons, we never take possession of your private keys.

New Transaction Endpoint

# Note resource change to bcy/test instead of btc/main, makes sharing private keys easier :)
curl -d '{"inputs":[{"addresses": ["CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9"]}],"outputs":[{"addresses": ["C1rGdt7QEPGiwPMFhNKNhHmyoWpa5X92pn"], "value": 1000000}]}'

"tx": {
  "block_height": -1,
  "hash": "c2b350b273b3bf04791d8e59fc9c021fd91fa423c50c29473dc079150f5a778a",
  "addresses": [
  "total": 4988000,
  "fees": 12000,
  "size": 119,
  "vsize": 119,
  "preference": "high",
  "confirmations": 0,
  "inputs": [
    "prev_hash": "c8ea8b221580ebb2f1cabc8b40797bffec742b97c82a329df96d93121db43519",
    "output_value": 5000000,
    "addresses": ["CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9"],
    "script": "",
    "script_type": "",
  "outputs": [
    "value": 1000000,
    "script": "76a9145fb1af31edd2aa5a2bbaa24f6043d6ec31f7e63288ac",
    "addresses": ["C1rGdt7QEPGiwPMFhNKNhHmyoWpa5X92pn"],
    "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
    "value": 3988000,
    "script": "76a914efec6de6c253e657a9d5506a78ee48d89762fb3188ac",
    "addresses": ["CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9"],
    "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
"tosign": ["32b5ea64c253b6b466366647458cfd60de9cd29d7dc542293aa0b8b7300cd827"]
var newtx = {
  inputs: [{addresses: ['CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9']}],
  outputs: [{addresses: ['C1rGdt7QEPGiwPMFhNKNhHmyoWpa5X92pn'], value: 100000}]
$.post('', JSON.stringify(newtx))
  .then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
> {
>   "tx": {
>     "block_height": -1,
>     "hash": "c2b350b273b3bf04791d8e59fc9c021fd91fa423c50c29473dc079150f5a778a",
>     "addresses": [
>       "CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9",
>       "C1rGdt7QEPGiwPMFhNKNhHmyoWpa5X92pn"
>     ],
>     "total": 4988000,
>     "fees": 12000,
>     "size": 119,
>     "vsize": 119,
>     "preference": "high",
>     "relayed_by": "",
>     "received": "2015-05-21T19:04:14.492743867Z",
>     "ver": 1,
>     "lock_time": 0,
>     "double_spend": false,
>     "vin_sz": 1,
>     "vout_sz": 2,
>     "confirmations": 0,
>     "inputs": [
>       {
>         "prev_hash": "c8ea8b221580ebb2f1cabc8b40797bffec742b97c82a329df96d93121db43519",
>         "output_index": 0,
>         "script": "",
>         "output_value": 5000000,
>         "sequence": 4294967295,
>         "addresses": [
>           "CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9"
>         ],
>         "script_type": "",
>         "age": 4
>       }
>     ],
>     "outputs": [
>       {
>         "value": 1000000,
>         "script": "76a9145fb1af31edd2aa5a2bbaa24f6043d6ec31f7e63288ac",
>         "addresses": [
>           "C1rGdt7QEPGiwPMFhNKNhHmyoWpa5X92pn"
>         ],
>         "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
>       },
>       {
>         "value": 3988000,
>         "script": "76a914efec6de6c253e657a9d5506a78ee48d89762fb3188ac",
>         "addresses": [
>           "CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9"
>         ],
>         "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
>       }
>     ]
>   },
>   "tosign": [
>     "32b5ea64c253b6b466366647458cfd60de9cd29d7dc542293aa0b8b7300cd827"
>   ]
> }
# Using BlockCypher's Internal Testnet
> bc_test ="YOURTOKEN", currency:BlockCypher::BCY, network:BlockCypher::TEST_NET)
=> #<BlockCypher::Api:0x00000001a9ebf0 @api_token="YOURTOKEN", @currency="bcy", @network="test", @version="v1">

> txskel = bc_test.transaction_new(["CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9"], ["C1rGdt7QEPGiwPMFhNKNhHmyoWpa5X92pn"], 100000)
=> {"tx"=>
   "addresses"=>["C1rGdt7QEPGiwPMFhNKNhHmyoWpa5X92pn", "CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9"],
# Creating transactions manually is very complicated.
# We recommend you look at blockcypher.simple_spend() for a full working example of building a transaction using the blockcypher API, verifying and signing that transactionally locally, and then broadcasting it to the network using blockypher's API
# With blockcypher.simple_spend(), this whole example would look like just the following:
>>> from blockcypher import simple_spend
>>> simple_spend(from_privkey='97838249d77bfa65f97be02b63fd1b7bb6a58474c7c22784a0da63993d1c2f90', to_address='C1rGdt7QEPGiwPMFhNKNhHmyoWpa5X92pn', to_satoshis=1000000, coin_symbol='bcy')

# That said, here it is in parts
>>> from blockcypher import create_unsigned_tx
>>> inputs = [{'address': 'CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9'}, ]
>>> outputs = [{'address': 'C1rGdt7QEPGiwPMFhNKNhHmyoWpa5X92pn', 'value': 1000000}]
>>> unsigned_tx = create_unsigned_tx(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, coin_symbol='bcy')
>>> unsigned_tx
    "tosign": [
    "tx": {
        "addresses": [
        "block_height": -1,
        "confidence": 0,
        "confirmations": 0,
        "double_spend": False,
        "fees": 142700,
        "hash": "afceb017a0d280a746ad5ed5c18228e302ebc2aa71ec768454b9a768f73c24c1",
        "inputs": [
                "addresses": [
                "age": 163376,
                "output_index": 0,
                "output_value": 23455,
                "prev_hash": "457a538479fb50f3e060702594ef92962c2570d592b8e7c089d7b13fc9b5b3dc",
                "script": "",
                "script_type": "",
                "sequence": 4294967295
        "lock_time": 0,
        "outputs": [
                "addresses": [
                "script": "76a9145fb1af31edd2aa5a2bbaa24f6043d6ec31f7e63288ac",
                "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash",
                "value": 1000000
        "preference": "high",
        "received": "2015-10-21T19:11:35.774722671Z",
        "relayed_by": ",",
        "size": 775,
        "vsize": 775,
        "total": 3773210,
        "ver": 1,
        "vin_sz": 17,
        "vout_sz": 2
//this is the same example as below, demonstrates
//creating New TXSkels, signing, and Sending TXSkels
package main

import (


func main() {
  //note the change to BlockCypher Testnet
  bcy := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "bcy", "test"}
  //generate two addresses
  addr1, err := bcy.GenAddrKeychain()
  addr2, err := bcy.GenAddrKeychain()
  //use faucet to fund first
  _, err = bcy.Faucet(addr1, 3e5)
  if err != nil {
  //Post New TXSkeleton
  skel, err := bcy.NewTX(gobcy.TempNewTX(addr1.Address, addr2.Address, *big.NewInt(2e5)), false)
  //Sign it locally
  err = skel.Sign([]string{addr1.Private})
  if err != nil {
  //Send TXSkeleton
  skel, err = bcy.SendTX(skel)
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("%+v\n", skel)

//Result from `go run`:
//{Trans:{BlockHash: BlockHeight:-1 Hash:fbf755272feac2e82e86c8bd46edcf427d88667737d27557ac0ff51a347b14bc Addresses:[BuDPcfmGXfhkkVkJpNjeofiyEedHnUyJqs BsZhuenEzwAVWJC5KVKj4M4cbuownuwDsN] Total:{neg:false abs:[272700]} Fees:{neg:false abs:[27300]} Size:225 VirtualSize:225 Preference:high RelayedBy: Received:2020-09-17 21:16:42.749132419 +0000 UTC Confirmed:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC Confirmations:0 Confidence:0 Ver:1 LockTime:0 DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: ReceiveCount:0 VinSize:1 VoutSize:2 Hex: DataProtocol: ChangeAddress: NextInputs: NextOutputs: Inputs:[{PrevHash:38776ceecb3b5541e5d4863124a72dc20dc913156075b8c7f09e1435cfaded84 OutputIndex:0 OutputValue:300000 Addresses:[BsZhuenEzwAVWJC5KVKj4M4cbuownuwDsN] Sequence:4294967295 ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:47304402200d144dad3ca80337d33d4ab4622c2e74e97be366c3f8f752d7835dedc7a5b39902202b2ddb1b46cc82040e0821f7f6e446c8a186c77a726dfc73509ed1727deb787e0121020c78f0b849ba80d7ad91e0fac7943965380582e751376721f7180c13163ba711 Age:0 WalletName:}] Outputs:[{SpentBy: Value:{neg:false abs:[200000]} Addresses:[BuDPcfmGXfhkkVkJpNjeofiyEedHnUyJqs] ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:76a91416e75d6b264c4643a76bb21ead74d3a7aefce49288ac DataHex: DataString:} {SpentBy: Value:{neg:false abs:[72700]} Addresses:[BsZhuenEzwAVWJC5KVKj4M4cbuownuwDsN] ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:76a91404ceb3e125b65c12c6bb13e20137e8d0bcefb35288ac DataHex: DataString:}]} ToSign:[] Signatures:[] PubKeys:[] ToSignTX:[] Errors:[]}
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\transaction-api\NewTransactionEndpoint.php

// Create a new instance of Transaction object
$tx = new Transaction();

// Tx inputs
$input = new \BlockCypher\Api\Input();
// Tx outputs
$output = new \BlockCypher\Api\Output();
// Tx amount
$output->setValue(1000); // Satoshis

$txClient = new TXClient($apiContext);
$txSkeleton = $txClient->create($tx);

    "inputs":[{ "prev_hash":"64e39fa5322ee604ad548dc5d4ae1a61b0a575278724d0df7e53dd334f5f13e3",
    "outputs":[{ "value":1000,
      { "value":5419100,

To use BlockCypher's two-endpoint transaction creation tool, first you need to provide the input address(es), output address, and value to transfer (in satoshis). Provide this in a partially-filled out TX request object.

Resource Method Request Object Return Object
/txs/new POST TX TXSkeleton
Flag Type Effect
includeToSignTx bool If true, includes tosign_tx array in TXSkeleton, useful for validating data to sign; false by default.

As you can see from the code example, you only need to provide a single public address within the addresses array of both the input and output of your TX request object. You also need to fill in the value with the amount you'd like to transfer from one address to another.

If you'd like, you can even use a Wallet instead of addresses as your input. You just need to use two non-standard fields (your wallet_name and wallet_token) within the inputs array in your transaction, instead of addresses:

{inputs:[{"wallet_name":"alice", "wallet_token":"YOURTOKEN"}], value: 5000000}

While this particular usage will differ between client libraries, the result is the same: the addresses within your wallet will be used as the inputs, as if all of them had been placed within the addresses array.

As a return object, you'll receive a TXSkeleton containing a slightly-more complete TX alongside data you need to sign in the tosign array. You'll need this object for the next steps of the transaction creation process.

Validating the Data to Sign

For the extra cautious, you can protect yourself from a potential malicious attack on BlockCypher by validating the data we're asking you to sign. Unfortunately, it's impossible to do so directly, as pre-signed signature data is hashed twice using SHA256. To get around this, set the includeToSignTx URL flag to true. The optional tosign_tx array will be returned within the TXSkeleton, which you can use in the following way:

# next, you sign the data returned in the tosign array locally
# here we're using our signer tool (, but any ECDSA secp256k1 signing tool should work
# $PRIVATEKEY here is a hex-encoded private key corresponding to the input from address CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9

./signer 32b5ea64c253b6b466366647458cfd60de9cd29d7dc542293aa0b8b7300cd827 $PRIVATEKEY

// next, you sign the data returned in the tosign array locally
// here we're using bitcoinjs built to expose bigi, buffer, and require
// you can get bitcoin.js here:

var bitcoin = require("bitcoinjs-lib");
var secp = require('tiny-secp256k1');
var ecfacory = require('ecpair');

var ECPair = ecfacory.ECPairFactory(secp);

const keyBuffer = Buffer.from(my_hex_private_key, 'hex')
var keys = ECPair.fromPrivateKey(keyBuffer)

var newtx = {
  inputs: [{addresses: ['CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9']}],
  outputs: [{addresses: ['C1rGdt7QEPGiwPMFhNKNhHmyoWpa5X92pn'], value: 100000}]
// calling the new endpoint, same as above
$.post('', JSON.stringify(newtx))
  .then(function(tmptx) {
    // signing each of the hex-encoded string required to finalize the transaction
    tmptx.pubkeys = [];
    tmptx.signatures = (tosign, n) {
      return bitcoin.script.signature.encode(
        keys.sign(Buffer.from(tosign, "hex")),
      ).toString("hex").slice(0, -2);
    // sending back the transaction with all the signatures to broadcast
    $.post('', JSON.stringify(tmptx))
      .done(function (finaltx) {
      .fail(function (xhr) {
>>> from blockcypher import make_tx_signatures
# Using our same unsigned_tx as before, iterate through unsigned_tx['tx']['inputs'] to find each address in order.
# Include duplicates as many times as they may appear:
>>> privkey_list = ['privkeyhex1', 'privkeyhex2', ...]
>>> pubkey_list = ['pubkeyhex1', 'pubkeyhex2', ,,,]
>>> tx_signatures = make_tx_signatures(txs_to_sign=unsigned_tx['tosign'], privkey_list=privkey_list, pubkey_list=pubkey_list)
# Signing is handled by our SDK in the next step
//signing handled in both examples
// Sign the transaction
// Private key for address: C5vqMGme4FThKnCY44gx1PLgWr86uxRbDm
$privateKeys = array("2c2cc015519b79782bd9c5af66f442e808f573714e3c4dc6df7d79c183963cff");
$txSkeleton = $txClient->sign($txSkeleton, $privateKeys);

Locally Sign Your Transaction

With your TXSkeleton returned from the New Transaction Endpoint, you now need to use your private key(s) to sign the data provided in the tosign array.

Digital signing can be a difficult process, and is where the majority of issues arise when dealing with cryptocurrency transactions. We are working on integrating client-side signing solutions into our libraries to make this process easier. You can read more about signing here. In the mean time, if you want to experiment with client-side signing, consider using our signer tool.

# the request body is truncated because it's huge, but it's the same as the returned object from above plus the signatures and public keys
# remember, still using bcy/test instead of btc/main
curl -d '{"tx": {...}, "tosign": [ "32b5ea64c253b6b466366647458cfd60de9cd29d7dc542293aa0b8b7300cd827" ], "signatures": [ "3045022100921fc36b911094280f07d8504a80fbab9b823a25f102e2bc69b14bcd369dfc7902200d07067d47f040e724b556e5bc3061af132d5a47bd96e901429d53c41e0f8cca" ], "pubkeys": [ "02152e2bb5b273561ece7bbe8b1df51a4c44f5ab0bc940c105045e2cc77e618044" ] }'

"tx": {
  "block_height": -1,
  "hash": "4e6dfb1415b4fba5bd257c129847c70fbd4e45e41828079c4a282680528f3a50",
  "addresses": [
  "total": 4988000,
  "fees": 12000,
  "size": 226,
  "vsize": 226,
  "preference": "high",
  "confirmations": 0,
  "inputs": [
    "prev_hash": "c8ea8b221580ebb2f1cabc8b40797bffec742b97c82a329df96d93121db43519",
    "output_value": 5000000,
    "addresses": ["CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9"],
    "script": "483045022100921fc36b911094280f...",
    "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash",
  "outputs": [
    "value": 1000000,
    "script": "76a9145fb1af31edd2aa5a2bbaa24f6043d6ec31f7e63288ac",
    "addresses": ["C1rGdt7QEPGiwPMFhNKNhHmyoWpa5X92pn"],
    "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
    "value": 3988000,
    "script": "76a914efec6de6c253e657a9d5506a78ee48d89762fb3188ac",
    "addresses": ["CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9"],
    "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
"tosign": [ "" ]
// this shows just the last step of sending your transaction, see the signing section
// for the fully integrated sample
// the request body is truncated because it's huge, but it's the same as the returned
// object from calling the new endpoint plus the signatures and public keys added in the
// signing section
var sendtx = {
  tx: {...},
  tosign: [
  signatures: [
  pubkeys: [
$.post('', JSON.stringify(sendtx))
  .then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
> {
>   "tx": {
>     "block_height": -1,
>     "hash": "4e6dfb1415b4fba5bd257c129847c70fbd4e45e41828079c4a282680528f3a50",
>     "addresses": [
>       "CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9",
>       "C1rGdt7QEPGiwPMFhNKNhHmyoWpa5X92pn"
>     ],
>     "total": 4988000,
>     "fees": 12000,
>     "size": 226,
>     "vsize": 226,
>     "preference": "high",
>     "relayed_by": "",
>     "received": "2015-05-22T04:38:57.470017042Z",
>     "ver": 1,
>     "lock_time": 0,
>     "double_spend": false,
>     "vin_sz": 1,
>     "vout_sz": 2,
>     "confirmations": 0,
>     "inputs": [
>       {
>         "prev_hash": "c8ea8b221580ebb2f1cabc8b40797bffec742b97c82a329df96d93121db43519",
>         "output_index": 0,
>         "script": "483045022100921fc36b911094280f07d8504a80fbab9b823a25f102e2bc69b14bcd369dfc7902200d07067d47f040e724b556e5bc3061af132d5a47bd96e901429d53c41e0f8cca012102152e2bb5b273561ece7bbe8b1df51a4c44f5ab0bc940c105045e2cc77e618044",
>         "output_value": 5000000,
>         "sequence": 4294967295,
>         "addresses": [
>           "CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9"
>         ],
>         "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash",
>         "age": 546
>       }
>     ],
>     "outputs": [
>       {
>         "value": 1000000,
>         "script": "76a9145fb1af31edd2aa5a2bbaa24f6043d6ec31f7e63288ac",
>         "addresses": [
>           "C1rGdt7QEPGiwPMFhNKNhHmyoWpa5X92pn"
>         ],
>         "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
>       },
>       {
>         "value": 3988000,
>         "script": "76a914efec6de6c253e657a9d5506a78ee48d89762fb3188ac",
>         "addresses": [
>           "CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9"
>         ],
>         "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
>       }
>     ]
>   },
>   "tosign": [
>     ""
>   ]
> }
> bc_test.transaction_sign_and_send(txskel, "YOURCOMPRESSEDPRIVATEKEYINHEX")
=> {"tx"=>
   "addresses"=>["CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9", "C1rGdt7QEPGiwPMFhNKNhHmyoWpa5X92pn"],
//this is the same example as above, demonstrates
//creating New TXSkels, signing, and Sending TXSkels
package main

import (


func main() {
  //note the change to BlockCypher Testnet
  bcy := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "bcy", "test"}
  //generate two addresses
  addr1, err := bcy.GenAddrKeychain()
  addr2, err := bcy.GenAddrKeychain()
  //use faucet to fund first
  _, err = bcy.Faucet(addr1, 3e5)
  if err != nil {
  //Post New TXSkeleton
  skel, err := bcy.NewTX(gobcy.TempNewTX(addr1.Address, addr2.Address, *big.NewInt(2e5)), false)
  //Sign it locally
  err = skel.Sign([]string{addr1.Private})
  if err != nil {
  //Send TXSkeleton
  skel, err = bcy.SendTX(skel)
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("%+v\n", skel)

//Result from `go run`:
//{Trans:{BlockHash: BlockHeight:-1 Hash:f1bcbb63da39d00f10ba369c4a8537d11aff22184371399f391d5476644ca08a Addresses:[C35m91DjyASyJd9HJrYpGUyWDsgg2xYf4D C2MUyA8UcdLDKihSBS6uQGs15Fq8FsVvNj] Total:{neg:false abs:[272700]} Fees:{neg:false abs:[27300]} Size:226 VirtualSize:226 Preference:high RelayedBy: Received:2020-09-17 21:17:32.844203434 +0000 UTC Confirmed:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC Confirmations:0 Confidence:0 Ver:1 LockTime:0 DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: ReceiveCount:0 VinSize:1 VoutSize:2 Hex: DataProtocol: ChangeAddress: NextInputs: NextOutputs: Inputs:[{PrevHash:694b9d7f7f4ce1d713335378d20af4f5674a01522c45735547fbb08d420bd0e8 OutputIndex:0 OutputValue:300000 Addresses:[C35m91DjyASyJd9HJrYpGUyWDsgg2xYf4D] Sequence:4294967295 ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:483045022100b8af200fac11459601e4bffcd63705cd64df66073114d0a9d8170999595047cb0220119ee69fa3b4e14a52fdf48c1c4cca5df67d4c38d19881f7593b7874724363aa01210333a77a74fac42bebe99e08b1ff5cc9ede404259cecbcddbce50c376c3a28943b Age:0 WalletName:}] Outputs:[{SpentBy: Value:{neg:false abs:[200000]} Addresses:[C2MUyA8UcdLDKihSBS6uQGs15Fq8FsVvNj] ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:76a91465380ab1a5132b4776f756c643a4a711ce33ef4188ac DataHex: DataString:} {SpentBy: Value:{neg:false abs:[72700]} Addresses:[C35m91DjyASyJd9HJrYpGUyWDsgg2xYf4D] ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:76a9146d37028fee0a1c96cb9dc4a5d6ad25ea3ab7740088ac DataHex: DataString:}]} ToSign:[] Signatures:[] PubKeys:[] ToSignTX:[] Errors:[]}
>>> from blockcypher import broadcast_signed_transaction
>>> broadcast_signed_transaction(unsigned_tx=unsigned_tx, signatures=tx_signatures, pubkeys=pubkey_list)
    "tosign": [
    "tx": {
        "addresses": [
        "block_height": -1,
        "confidence": 0,
        "confirmations": 0,
        "double_spend": False,
        "fees": 142700,
        "hash": "afceb017a0d280a746ad5ed5c18228e302ebc2aa71ec768454b9a768f73c24c1",
        "inputs": [
                "addresses": [
                "age": 163376,
                "output_index": 0,
                "output_value": 23455,
                "prev_hash": "457a538479fb50f3e060702594ef92962c2570d592b8e7c089d7b13fc9b5b3dc",
                "script": "",
                "script_type": "",
                "sequence": 4294967295
        "lock_time": 0,
        "outputs": [
                "addresses": [
                "script": "76a9145fb1af31edd2aa5a2bbaa24f6043d6ec31f7e63288ac",
                "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash",
                "value": 1000000
        "preference": "high",
        "received": datetime.datetime(2015, 10, 21, 19, 11, 35, 774722, tzinfo=tzutc()),
        "relayed_by": ",",
        "size": 192,
        "vsize": 192,
        "total": 10000,
        "ver": 1,
        "vin_sz": 1,
        "vout_sz": 1

// Send the transaction
$txSkeleton = $txClient->send($txSkeleton);

      { "value":5419100,

Send Transaction Endpoint

Once you've finished signing the tosign array locally, put that (hex-encoded) data into the signatures array of the TXSkeleton. You also need to include the corresponding (hex-encoded) public key(s) in the pubkeys array, in the order of the addresses/inputs provided. Signature and public key order matters, so make sure they are returned in the same order as the inputs you provided.

Resource Method Request Object Return Object
/txs/send POST TXSkeleton TXSkeleton

If the transaction was successful, you'll receive a TXSkeleton with the completed TX (which contains its final hash) and an HTTP Status Code 201.

Dealing with Errors

Signing and creating transactions can be one of the trickiest parts of using blockchains in your applications. Consequently, when an error is encountered when Creating Transactions, we send back an HTTP Status Code 400 alongside a descriptive array of errors within the TXSkeleton.

Customizing Transaction Requests

# here are some example request objects for `/txs/new`
# simplest posssible case, with input address, output address and value
  [{"addresses": ["CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9"]}],
  [{"addresses": ["C1rGdt7QEPGiwPMFhNKNhHmyoWpa5X92pn"], "value": 1000000}]

# let's add confirmation field to only allow UTXOs, and set fee preference to medium
  [{"addresses": ["CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9"]}],
  [{"addresses": ["C1rGdt7QEPGiwPMFhNKNhHmyoWpa5X92pn"], "value": 1000000}],
"confirmations": 1,
"preference": "medium"

# instead of providing an address, let's specify a particular UTXO via prev_hash and output_index, and add a different change_address
  [{"prev_hash":"a238c817bea2d54dad4cdde38a1cfeb2aa5592313bc49514f3cd0d9db71c69c8", "output_index":0}],
  [{"addresses": ["C1rGdt7QEPGiwPMFhNKNhHmyoWpa5X92pn"], "value": 1000000}],
"confirmations": 1,
"preference": "medium",
"change_address": "CFr99841LyMkyX5ZTGepY58rjXJhyNGXHf"

While we demonstrated the simplest use of our two-endpoint process to create transactions, you can have finer-grain control by modifying the TX request object before sending to /txs/new.

By default, we allow unconfirmed UTXOs as inputs when creating transactions. If you only want to allow confirmed UTXOs, set the confirmations value in your TX request object to 1.

Instead of providing addresses, you can use prev_hash and output_index within the inputs array of your request object, in which case, we'll use the inputs as provided and not attempt to generate them from a list of addresses. We will compute change and fees the same way.

BlockCypher will set the change address to the first transaction input/address listed in the transaction. To redirect this default behavior, you can set an optional change_address field within the TX request object.

Fees in cryptocurrencies can be complex. We provide 2 different ways for you to control the fees included in your transactions:

  1. Set the preference property in your TX request object to "high", "medium", or "low". This will calculate and include appropriate fees for your transaction to be included in the next 1-2 blocks, 3-6 blocks or 7 or more blocks respectively. You can see the explicit estimates per kilobyte for these high, medium, and low ranges by calling your base resource through the Chain Endpoint. The default fee calculation is based on a "high" preference. A preference set to "zero" will set no fee.
  2. Manually set the fee to a desired amount by setting the fees property in your TX request object. Note that a fee too low may result in an error for some transactions that would require it.

To learn more about fees, is a good resource.

For even more control, you can also change the script_type in the outputs of your partially filled TX. You'll notice this used to powerful effect in the section on Multisig Transactions. These are the possible script types:

  1. pay-to-pubkey-hash (most common transaction transferring to a public key hash, and the default behavior if no out)
  2. pay-to-multi-pubkey-hash (multi-signatures transaction, now actually less used than pay-to-script-hash for this purpose)
  3. pay-to-pubkey (used for mining transactions)
  4. pay-to-script-hash (used for transactions relying on arbitrary scripts, now used primarily for multi-sig transactions)
  5. multisig-m-of-n (not present in blockchain, but used by BlockCypher to construct P2SH multisig transactions; see Multisig Transactions for more info)
  6. null-data (sometimes called op-return; used to embed small chunks of data in the blockchain)
  7. empty (no script present, mostly used for mining transaction inputs)
  8. unknown (non-standard script)

Push Raw Transaction Endpoint

# Note resource change to bcy/test instead of btc/main
curl -d '{"tx":"01000000011935b41d12936df99d322ac8972b74ecff7b79408bbccaf1b2eb8015228beac8000000006b483045022100921fc36b911094280f07d8504a80fbab9b823a25f102e2bc69b14bcd369dfc7902200d07067d47f040e724b556e5bc3061af132d5a47bd96e901429d53c41e0f8cca012102152e2bb5b273561ece7bbe8b1df51a4c44f5ab0bc940c105045e2cc77e618044ffffffff0240420f00000000001976a9145fb1af31edd2aa5a2bbaa24f6043d6ec31f7e63288ac20da3c00000000001976a914efec6de6c253e657a9d5506a78ee48d89762fb3188ac00000000"}'

  "block_height": -1,
  "hash": "4e6dfb1415b4fba5bd257c129847c70fbd4e45e41828079c4a282680528f3a50",
  "addresses": [
  "total": 4988000,
  "fees": 12000,
  "size": 226,
  "vsize": 226,
  "preference": "high",
  "relayed_by": "",
  "received": "2015-05-22T05:10:00.305308666Z",
  "ver": 1,
  "lock_time": 0,
  "double_spend": false,
  "vin_sz": 1,
  "vout_sz": 2,
  "confirmations": 0,
  "inputs": [
      "prev_hash": "c8ea8b221580ebb2f1cabc8b40797bffec742b97c82a329df96d93121db43519",
      "output_index": 0,
      "script": "483045022100921fc36b911094280f07d8504a80fbab9b823a25f102e2bc69b14bcd369dfc7902200d07067d47f040e724b556e5bc3061af132d5a47bd96e901429d53c41e0f8cca012102152e2bb5b273561ece7bbe8b1df51a4c44f5ab0bc940c105045e2cc77e618044",
      "output_value": 5000000,
      "sequence": 4294967295,
      "addresses": [
      "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash",
      "age": 576
  "outputs": [
      "value": 1000000,
      "script": "76a9145fb1af31edd2aa5a2bbaa24f6043d6ec31f7e63288ac",
      "addresses": [
      "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
      "value": 3988000,
      "script": "76a914efec6de6c253e657a9d5506a78ee48d89762fb3188ac",
      "addresses": [
      "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
var pushtx = {
  tx: "01000000011935b41d12936df99d322ac8972b74ecff7b79408bbccaf1b2eb8015228beac8000000006b483045022100921fc36b911094280f07d8504a80fbab9b823a25f102e2bc69b14bcd369dfc7902200d07067d47f040e724b556e5bc3061af132d5a47bd96e901429d53c41e0f8cca012102152e2bb5b273561ece7bbe8b1df51a4c44f5ab0bc940c105045e2cc77e618044ffffffff0240420f00000000001976a9145fb1af31edd2aa5a2bbaa24f6043d6ec31f7e63288ac20da3c00000000001976a914efec6de6c253e657a9d5506a78ee48d89762fb3188ac00000000"
$.post('', JSON.stringify(pushtx))
  .then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
> {
>   "block_height": -1,
>   "hash": "4e6dfb1415b4fba5bd257c129847c70fbd4e45e41828079c4a282680528f3a50",
>   "addresses": [
>     "CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9",
>     "C1rGdt7QEPGiwPMFhNKNhHmyoWpa5X92pn"
>   ],
>   "total": 4988000,
>   "fees": 12000,
>   "size": 226,
>   "vsize": 226,
>   "preference": "high",
>   "relayed_by": "",
>   "received": "2015-05-22T05:10:00.305308666Z",
>   "ver": 1,
>   "lock_time": 0,
>   "double_spend": false,
>   "vin_sz": 1,
>   "vout_sz": 2,
>   "confirmations": 0,
>   "inputs": [
>     {
>       "prev_hash": "c8ea8b221580ebb2f1cabc8b40797bffec742b97c82a329df96d93121db43519",
>       "output_index": 0,
>       "script": "483045022100921fc36b911094280f07d8504a80fbab9b823a25f102e2bc69b14bcd369dfc7902200d07067d47f040e724b556e5bc3061af132d5a47bd96e901429d53c41e0f8cca012102152e2bb5b273561ece7bbe8b1df51a4c44f5ab0bc940c105045e2cc77e618044",
>       "output_value": 5000000,
>       "sequence": 4294967295,
>       "addresses": [
>         "CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9"
>       ],
>       "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash",
>       "age": 576
>     }
>   ],
>   "outputs": [
>     {
>       "value": 1000000,
>       "script": "76a9145fb1af31edd2aa5a2bbaa24f6043d6ec31f7e63288ac",
>       "addresses": [
>         "C1rGdt7QEPGiwPMFhNKNhHmyoWpa5X92pn"
>       ],
>       "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
>     },
>     {
>       "value": 3988000,
>       "script": "76a914efec6de6c253e657a9d5506a78ee48d89762fb3188ac",
>       "addresses": [
>         "CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9"
>       ],
>       "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
>     }
>   ]
> }
> bc_test.push_hex("01000000011935b41d12936df99d322ac8972b74ecff7b79408bbccaf1b2eb8015228beac8000000006b483045022100921fc36b911094280f07d8504a80fbab9b823a25f102e2bc69b14bcd369dfc7902200d07067d47f040e724b556e5bc3061af132d5a47bd96e901429d53c41e0f8cca012102152e2bb5b273561ece7bbe8b1df51a4c44f5ab0bc940c105045e2cc77e618044ffffffff0240420f00000000001976a9145fb1af31edd2aa5a2bbaa24f6043d6ec31f7e63288ac20da3c00000000001976a914efec6de6c253e657a9d5506a78ee48d89762fb3188ac00000000")
=> {"block_height"=>-1,
 "addresses"=>["C1rGdt7QEPGiwPMFhNKNhHmyoWpa5X92pn", "CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9"],
>>> from blockcypher import pushtx
>>> pushtx(tx_hex='01000000011935b41d12936df99d322ac8972b74ecff7b79408bbccaf1b2eb8015228beac8000000006b483045022100921fc36b911094280f07d8504a80fbab9b823a25f102e2bc69b14bcd369dfc7902200d07067d47f040e724b556e5bc3061af132d5a47bd96e901429d53c41e0f8cca012102152e2bb5b273561ece7bbe8b1df51a4c44f5ab0bc940c105045e2cc77e618044ffffffff0240420f00000000001976a9145fb1af31edd2aa5a2bbaa24f6043d6ec31f7e63288ac20da3c00000000001976a914efec6de6c253e657a9d5506a78ee48d89762fb3188ac00000000')
    "addresses": [
    "block_height": -1,
    "confirmations": 0,
    "double_spend": False,
    "fees": 12000,
    "hash": "4e6dfb1415b4fba5bd257c129847c70fbd4e45e41828079c4a282680528f3a50",
    "inputs": [
            "addresses": [
            "age": 576,
            "output_index": 0,
            "output_value": 5000000,
            "prev_hash": "c8ea8b221580ebb2f1cabc8b40797bffec742b97c82a329df96d93121db43519",
            "script": "483045022100921fc36b911094280f07d8504a80fbab9b823a25f102e2bc69b14bcd369dfc7902200d07067d47f040e724b556e5bc3061af132d5a47bd96e901429d53c41e0f8cca012102152e2bb5b273561ece7bbe8b1df51a4c44f5ab0bc940c105045e2cc77e618044",
            "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash",
            "sequence": 4294967295
    "lock_time": 0,
    "outputs": [
            "addresses": [
            "script": "76a9145fb1af31edd2aa5a2bbaa24f6043d6ec31f7e63288ac",
            "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash",
            "value": 1000000
            "addresses": [
            "script": "76a914efec6de6c253e657a9d5506a78ee48d89762fb3188ac",
            "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash",
            "value": 3988000
    "preference": "high",
    "received": "2015-05-22T05:10:00.305308666Z",
    "relayed_by": "",
    "size": 226,
    "vsize": 226,
    "total": 4988000,
    "ver": 1,
    "vin_sz": 1,
    "vout_sz": 2
package main

import (


func main() {
  //note the change to BlockCypher Testnet
  bcy := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "bcy", "test"}
  skel, err := bcy.PushTX("01000000011fdd692992f3d3859d01762119313a655177a59226ede31adc0199b28c73c450000000006a4730440220298915c785165233e2f19192bbbb9b8c3fed6d064279cb8968af6698c783b875022037287134f9f0aaf84429ba9bb50f1efcb4cedcfbd34407c285134e068234432c012102b17f04f5fa1bd44315ef33f8759822a302a2ba7fa28c56a50fac0441a341b96affffffff02400d0300000000001976a91446c7681dcacaee1ea3f57eced37755d1d09e070188accc550100000000001976a91490d969679032cc1af6a69b4161778f12e90cb13588ac00000000")
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("%+v\n", skel)

//Result from `go run`:
// {Trans:{BlockHash: BlockHeight:-1 Hash:55d6ef290774f5428b66a0a27e46a8c37032c33bc15abce4791d56a2f8adb773 Addresses:[C6LBLb668ZTS4okXhjtzapFWAdnFjH7A4i ByaXmP5k14WRBFLXArfCcqcpAHrUQRy3vL] Total:287500 Fees:12500 Size:225 VirtualSize:225 Preference:high RelayedBy:, Received:2015-10-16 23:38:09.536632402 +0000 UTC Confirmed:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC Confirmations:0 Confidence:0 Ver:1 LockTime:0 DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: ReceiveCount:0 VinSize:1 VoutSize:2 Hex: DataProtocol: ChangeAddress: NextInputs: NextOutputs: Inputs:[{PrevHash:50c4738cb29901dc1ae3ed2692a57751653a31192176019d85d3f3922969dd1f OutputIndex:0 OutputValue:300000 Addresses:[C6LBLb668ZTS4okXhjtzapFWAdnFjH7A4i] Sequence:4294967295 ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:4730440220298915c785165233e2f19192bbbb9b8c3fed6d064279cb8968af6698c783b875022037287134f9f0aaf84429ba9bb50f1efcb4cedcfbd34407c285134e068234432c012102b17f04f5fa1bd44315ef33f8759822a302a2ba7fa28c56a50fac0441a341b96a Age:0 WalletName:}] Outputs:[{SpentBy: Value:200000 Addresses:[ByaXmP5k14WRBFLXArfCcqcpAHrUQRy3vL] ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:76a91446c7681dcacaee1ea3f57eced37755d1d09e070188ac DataHex: DataString:} {SpentBy: Value:87500 Addresses:[C6LBLb668ZTS4okXhjtzapFWAdnFjH7A4i] ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:76a91490d969679032cc1af6a69b4161778f12e90cb13588ac DataHex: DataString:}]} ToSign:[] Signatures:[] PubKeys:[] ToSignTX:[] Errors:[]}
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\transaction-api\PushRawTransactionEndpoint.php

$txClient = new TXClient($apiContext);
$hexRawTx = "01000000011935b41d12936df99d322ac8972b74ecff7b79408bbccaf1b2eb8015228beac8000000006b483045022100921fc36b911094280f07d8504a80fbab9b823a25f102e2bc69b14bcd369dfc7902200d07067d47f040e724b556e5bc3061af132d5a47bd96e901429d53c41e0f8cca012102152e2bb5b273561ece7bbe8b1df51a4c44f5ab0bc940c105045e2cc77e618044ffffffff0240420f00000000001976a9145fb1af31edd2aa5a2bbaa24f6043d6ec31f7e63288ac20da3c00000000001976a914efec6de6c253e657a9d5506a78ee48d89762fb3188ac00000000";
$tx = $txClient->push($hexRawTx);

  "block_height": -1,
  "hash": "4e6dfb1415b4fba5bd257c129847c70fbd4e45e41828079c4a282680528f3a50",
  "addresses": [
  "total": 4988000,
  "fees": 12000,
  "size": 226,
  "vsize": 226,
  "preference": "high",
  "relayed_by": "",
  "received": "2015-05-22T05:10:00.305308666Z",
  "ver": 1,
  "lock_time": 0,
  "double_spend": false,
  "vin_sz": 1,
  "vout_sz": 2,
  "confirmations": 0,
  "inputs": [
      "prev_hash": "c8ea8b221580ebb2f1cabc8b40797bffec742b97c82a329df96d93121db43519",
      "output_index": 0,
      "script": "483045022100921fc36b911094280f07d8504a80fbab9b823a25f102e2bc69b14bcd369dfc7902200d07067d47f040e724b556e5bc3061af132d5a47bd96e901429d53c41e0f8cca012102152e2bb5b273561ece7bbe8b1df51a4c44f5ab0bc940c105045e2cc77e618044",
      "output_value": 5000000,
      "sequence": 4294967295,
      "addresses": [
      "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash",
      "age": 576
  "outputs": [
      "value": 1000000,
      "script": "76a9145fb1af31edd2aa5a2bbaa24f6043d6ec31f7e63288ac",
      "addresses": [
      "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
      "value": 3988000,
      "script": "76a914efec6de6c253e657a9d5506a78ee48d89762fb3188ac",
      "addresses": [
      "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"

If you'd prefer to use your own transaction library instead of the recommended path of our two-endpoint transaction generation we're still happy to help you propagate your raw transactions. Simply send your raw hex-encoded transaction to this endpoint and we'll leverage our huge network of nodes to propagate your transaction faster than anywhere else.

Resource Method Request Object Return Object
/txs/push POST {"tx":$TXHEX} TX

$TXHEX is a hex-encoded raw representation of your transaction, for example:


If it succeeds, you'll receive a decoded TX object and an HTTP Status Code 201. If you'd like, you can use the decoded transaction hash alongside an Event to track its progress in the network.

Decode Raw Transaction Endpoint

# Note resource change to bcy/test instead of btc/main
curl -d '{"tx":"01000000011935b41d12936df99d322ac8972b74ecff7b79408bbccaf1b2eb8015228beac8000000006b483045022100921fc36b911094280f07d8504a80fbab9b823a25f102e2bc69b14bcd369dfc7902200d07067d47f040e724b556e5bc3061af132d5a47bd96e901429d53c41e0f8cca012102152e2bb5b273561ece7bbe8b1df51a4c44f5ab0bc940c105045e2cc77e618044ffffffff0240420f00000000001976a9145fb1af31edd2aa5a2bbaa24f6043d6ec31f7e63288ac20da3c00000000001976a914efec6de6c253e657a9d5506a78ee48d89762fb3188ac00000000"}'

  "block_height": -1,
  "hash": "4e6dfb1415b4fba5bd257c129847c70fbd4e45e41828079c4a282680528f3a50",
  "addresses": [
  "total": 4988000,
  "fees": 12000,
  "size": 226,
  "vsize": 226,
  "preference": "high",
  "relayed_by": "",
  "received": "2015-05-22T05:10:00.305308666Z",
  "ver": 1,
  "lock_time": 0,
  "double_spend": false,
  "vin_sz": 1,
  "vout_sz": 2,
  "confirmations": 0,
  "inputs": [
      "prev_hash": "c8ea8b221580ebb2f1cabc8b40797bffec742b97c82a329df96d93121db43519",
      "output_index": 0,
      "script": "483045022100921fc36b911094280f07d8504a80fbab9b823a25f102e2bc69b14bcd369dfc7902200d07067d47f040e724b556e5bc3061af132d5a47bd96e901429d53c41e0f8cca012102152e2bb5b273561ece7bbe8b1df51a4c44f5ab0bc940c105045e2cc77e618044",
      "output_value": 5000000,
      "sequence": 4294967295,
      "addresses": [
      "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash",
      "age": 576
  "outputs": [
      "value": 1000000,
      "script": "76a9145fb1af31edd2aa5a2bbaa24f6043d6ec31f7e63288ac",
      "addresses": [
      "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
      "value": 3988000,
      "script": "76a914efec6de6c253e657a9d5506a78ee48d89762fb3188ac",
      "addresses": [
      "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
var decodetx = {
  tx: "01000000011935b41d12936df99d322ac8972b74ecff7b79408bbccaf1b2eb8015228beac8000000006b483045022100921fc36b911094280f07d8504a80fbab9b823a25f102e2bc69b14bcd369dfc7902200d07067d47f040e724b556e5bc3061af132d5a47bd96e901429d53c41e0f8cca012102152e2bb5b273561ece7bbe8b1df51a4c44f5ab0bc940c105045e2cc77e618044ffffffff0240420f00000000001976a9145fb1af31edd2aa5a2bbaa24f6043d6ec31f7e63288ac20da3c00000000001976a914efec6de6c253e657a9d5506a78ee48d89762fb3188ac00000000"
$.post('', JSON.stringify(decodetx))
  .then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
> {
>   "block_height": -1,
>   "hash": "4e6dfb1415b4fba5bd257c129847c70fbd4e45e41828079c4a282680528f3a50",
>   "addresses": [
>     "CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9",
>     "C1rGdt7QEPGiwPMFhNKNhHmyoWpa5X92pn"
>   ],
>   "total": 4988000,
>   "fees": 12000,
>   "size": 226,
>   "vsize": 226,
>   "preference": "high",
>   "relayed_by": "",
>   "received": "2015-05-22T05:10:00.305308666Z",
>   "ver": 1,
>   "lock_time": 0,
>   "double_spend": false,
>   "vin_sz": 1,
>   "vout_sz": 2,
>   "confirmations": 0,
>   "inputs": [
>     {
>       "prev_hash": "c8ea8b221580ebb2f1cabc8b40797bffec742b97c82a329df96d93121db43519",
>       "output_index": 0,
>       "script": "483045022100921fc36b911094280f07d8504a80fbab9b823a25f102e2bc69b14bcd369dfc7902200d07067d47f040e724b556e5bc3061af132d5a47bd96e901429d53c41e0f8cca012102152e2bb5b273561ece7bbe8b1df51a4c44f5ab0bc940c105045e2cc77e618044",
>       "output_value": 5000000,
>       "sequence": 4294967295,
>       "addresses": [
>         "CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9"
>       ],
>       "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash",
>       "age": 576
>     }
>   ],
>   "outputs": [
>     {
>       "value": 1000000,
>       "script": "76a9145fb1af31edd2aa5a2bbaa24f6043d6ec31f7e63288ac",
>       "addresses": [
>         "C1rGdt7QEPGiwPMFhNKNhHmyoWpa5X92pn"
>       ],
>       "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
>     },
>     {
>       "value": 3988000,
>       "script": "76a914efec6de6c253e657a9d5506a78ee48d89762fb3188ac",
>       "addresses": [
>         "CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9"
>       ],
>       "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash"
>     }
>   ]
> }
> bc_test.decode_hex("01000000011935b41d12936df99d322ac8972b74ecff7b79408bbccaf1b2eb8015228beac8000000006b483045022100921fc36b911094280f07d8504a80fbab9b823a25f102e2bc69b14bcd369dfc7902200d07067d47f040e724b556e5bc3061af132d5a47bd96e901429d53c41e0f8cca012102152e2bb5b273561ece7bbe8b1df51a4c44f5ab0bc940c105045e2cc77e618044ffffffff0240420f00000000001976a9145fb1af31edd2aa5a2bbaa24f6043d6ec31f7e63288ac20da3c00000000001976a914efec6de6c253e657a9d5506a78ee48d89762fb3188ac00000000")
=> {"block_height"=>-1,
 "addresses"=>["C1rGdt7QEPGiwPMFhNKNhHmyoWpa5X92pn", "CEztKBAYNoUEEaPYbkyFeXC5v8Jz9RoZH9"],
>>> from blockcypher import decodetx
>>> tx_hex = '01000000011935b41d12936df99d322ac8972b74ecff7b79408bbccaf1b2eb8015228beac8000000006b483045022100921fc36b911094280f07d8504a80fbab9b823a25f102e2bc69b14bcd369dfc7902200d07067d47f040e724b556e5bc3061af132d5a47bd96e901429d53c41e0f8cca012102152e2bb5b273561ece7bbe8b1df51a4c44f5ab0bc940c105045e2cc77e618044ffffffff0240420f00000000001976a9145fb1af31edd2aa5a2bbaa24f6043d6ec31f7e63288ac20da3c00000000001976a914efec6de6c253e657a9d5506a78ee48d89762fb3188ac00000000'}
>>> decodetx(tx_hex=tx_hex, coin_symbol='bcy')
    "addresses": [
    "block_height": -1,
    "confirmations": 0,
    "double_spend": False,
    "fees": 12000,
    "hash": "4e6dfb1415b4fba5bd257c129847c70fbd4e45e41828079c4a282680528f3a50",
    "inputs": [
            "addresses": [
            "age": 28188,
            "output_index": 0,
            "output_value": 5000000,
            "prev_hash": "c8ea8b221580ebb2f1cabc8b40797bffec742b97c82a329df96d93121db43519",
            "script": "483045022100921fc36b911094280f07d8504a80fbab9b823a25f102e2bc69b14bcd369dfc7902200d07067d47f040e724b556e5bc3061af132d5a47bd96e901429d53c41e0f8cca012102152e2bb5b273561ece7bbe8b1df51a4c44f5ab0bc940c105045e2cc77e618044",
            "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash",
            "sequence": 4294967295
    "lock_time": 0,
    "outputs": [
            "addresses": [
            "script": "76a9145fb1af31edd2aa5a2bbaa24f6043d6ec31f7e63288ac",
            "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash",
            "value": 1000000
            "addresses": [
            "script": "76a914efec6de6c253e657a9d5506a78ee48d89762fb3188ac",
            "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash",
            "spent_by": "892fd7b36c1c3a2e5edb9b4a5d4ffd9ba74d78d3acf3b249991bd8d10a287dbd",
            "value": 3988000
    "preference": "high",
    "received": "2015-06-10T23:37:05.211843254Z",
    "relayed_by": "",
    "size": 226,
    "vsize": 226,
    "total": 4988000,
    "ver": 1,
    "vin_sz": 1,
    "vout_sz": 2
package main

import (


func main() {
  //note the change to BlockCypher Testnet
  bcy := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "bcy", "test"}
  skel, err := bcy.DecodeTX("01000000011fdd692992f3d3859d01762119313a655177a59226ede31adc0199b28c73c450000000006a4730440220298915c785165233e2f19192bbbb9b8c3fed6d064279cb8968af6698c783b875022037287134f9f0aaf84429ba9bb50f1efcb4cedcfbd34407c285134e068234432c012102b17f04f5fa1bd44315ef33f8759822a302a2ba7fa28c56a50fac0441a341b96affffffff02400d0300000000001976a91446c7681dcacaee1ea3f57eced37755d1d09e070188accc550100000000001976a91490d969679032cc1af6a69b4161778f12e90cb13588ac00000000")
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("%+v\n", skel)

//Result from `go run`:
//{BlockHash: BlockHeight:-1 Hash:55d6ef290774f5428b66a0a27e46a8c37032c33bc15abce4791d56a2f8adb773 Addresses:[C6LBLb668ZTS4okXhjtzapFWAdnFjH7A4i ByaXmP5k14WRBFLXArfCcqcpAHrUQRy3vL] Total:{neg:false abs:[287500]} Fees:{neg:false abs:[12500]} Size:225 VirtualSize:225 Preference:low RelayedBy: Received:2020-09-18 18:55:32.88345921 +0000 UTC Confirmed:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC Confirmations:0 Confidence:0 Ver:1 LockTime:0 DoubleSpend:false DoubleOf: ReceiveCount:0 VinSize:1 VoutSize:2 Hex: DataProtocol: ChangeAddress: NextInputs: NextOutputs: Inputs:[{PrevHash:50c4738cb29901dc1ae3ed2692a57751653a31192176019d85d3f3922969dd1f OutputIndex:0 OutputValue:300000 Addresses:[C6LBLb668ZTS4okXhjtzapFWAdnFjH7A4i] Sequence:4294967295 ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:4730440220298915c785165233e2f19192bbbb9b8c3fed6d064279cb8968af6698c783b875022037287134f9f0aaf84429ba9bb50f1efcb4cedcfbd34407c285134e068234432c012102b17f04f5fa1bd44315ef33f8759822a302a2ba7fa28c56a50fac0441a341b96a Age:495036 WalletName:}] Outputs:[{SpentBy: Value:{neg:false abs:[200000]} Addresses:[ByaXmP5k14WRBFLXArfCcqcpAHrUQRy3vL] ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:76a91446c7681dcacaee1ea3f57eced37755d1d09e070188ac DataHex: DataString:} {SpentBy: Value:{neg:false abs:[87500]} Addresses:[C6LBLb668ZTS4okXhjtzapFWAdnFjH7A4i] ScriptType:pay-to-pubkey-hash Script:76a91490d969679032cc1af6a69b4161778f12e90cb13588ac DataHex: DataString:}]}
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\transaction-api\DecodeRawTransactionEndpoint.php

$txClient = new TXClient($apiContext);
$hexRawTx = "01000000011935b41d12936df99d322ac8972b74ecff7b79408bbccaf1b2eb8015228beac8000000006b483045022100921fc36b911094280f07d8504a80fbab9b823a25f102e2bc69b14bcd369dfc7902200d07067d47f040e724b556e5bc3061af132d5a47bd96e901429d53c41e0f8cca012102152e2bb5b273561ece7bbe8b1df51a4c44f5ab0bc940c105045e2cc77e618044ffffffff0240420f00000000001976a9145fb1af31edd2aa5a2bbaa24f6043d6ec31f7e63288ac20da3c00000000001976a914efec6de6c253e657a9d5506a78ee48d89762fb3188ac00000000";
$tx = $txClient->decode($hexRawTx);


We also offer the ability to decode raw transactions without sending propagating them to the network; perhaps you want to double-check another client library or confirm that another service is sending proper transactions.

Resource Method Request Object Return Object
/txs/decode POST {"tx":$TXHEX} TX

$TXHEX is a hex-encoded raw representation of your transaction, for example:


If it succeeds, you'll receive your decoded TX object.

Decode Transaction Witness To Sign Endpoint

 curl -d '{"witness_tosign_tx":"01000000d0fe2d3feb5f3a5b6a99c244f21924b0249e2bc65c5745bdb618b1799066a80a3bb13029ce7b1f559ef5e747fcac439f1455a2ec7c5f09b72290795e706650448b3658589c258fb4b44180f158ae73d4dbaaf26d64c43a97a5cd78d9577f786d010000001976a9141b80a938a784abe7cdee8fdaf95f5f7e0b8cd0b988ac40420f0000000000ffffffff5fa4537c4c565583f8d32a36c3510808d38acc0ad18cc7e637be6523ebb39ff30000000001000000"}'

   "version": 1,
   "hash_prevouts": "0aa8669079b118b6bd45575cc62b9e24b02419f244c2996a5b3a5feb3f2dfed0",
   "hash_sequence": "445066705e799022b7095f7ceca255149f43acfc47e7f59e551f7bce2930b13b",
   "outpoint": "6d787f57d978cda5973ac4646df2aadbd473ae58f18041b4b48f259c5858368b",
   "outpoint_index": 1,
   "script_code": "76a9141b80a938a784abe7cdee8fdaf95f5f7e0b8cd0b988ac",
   "value": 1000000,
   "sequence": 4294967295,
   "hash_outputs": "f39fb3eb2365be37e6c78cd10acc8ad3080851c3362ad3f88355564c7c53a45f",
   "lock_time": 0,
   "sighash_type": 1
 var decodewitnesstosigntx = {
   witness_tosign_tx: "01000000d0fe2d3feb5f3a5b6a99c244f21924b0249e2bc65c5745bdb618b1799066a80a3bb13029ce7b1f559ef5e747fcac439f1455a2ec7c5f09b72290795e706650448b3658589c258fb4b44180f158ae73d4dbaaf26d64c43a97a5cd78d9577f786d010000001976a9141b80a938a784abe7cdee8fdaf95f5f7e0b8cd0b988ac40420f0000000000ffffffff5fa4537c4c565583f8d32a36c3510808d38acc0ad18cc7e637be6523ebb39ff30000000001000000"
 $.post('', JSON.stringify(decodewitnesstosigntx))
   .then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
 > {
 >   "version": 1,
 >   "hash_prevouts": "0aa8669079b118b6bd45575cc62b9e24b02419f244c2996a5b3a5feb3f2dfed0",
 >   "hash_sequence": "445066705e799022b7095f7ceca255149f43acfc47e7f59e551f7bce2930b13b",
 >   "outpoint": "6d787f57d978cda5973ac4646df2aadbd473ae58f18041b4b48f259c5858368b",
 >   "outpoint_index": 1,
 >   "script_code": "76a9141b80a938a784abe7cdee8fdaf95f5f7e0b8cd0b988ac",
 >   "value": 1000000,
 >   "sequence": 4294967295,
 >   "hash_outputs": "f39fb3eb2365be37e6c78cd10acc8ad3080851c3362ad3f88355564c7c53a45f",
 >   "lock_time": 0,
 >   "sighash_type": 1
 > }

This endpoint allows you to decode the tosign_tx only in the case of the spending of a native segwit input (P2WPKH). This allows you to double check the which input you are spending and the value transfered.

Resource Method Request Object Return Object
/txs/decodeWitnessToSign POST {"witness_tosign_tx":$WITNESSTOSIGNTXHEX} WitnessToSignTx

$WITNESSTOSIGNTXHEX is a hex-encoded raw given by the #creating-transactions when includeToSignTx is to true, for example:


If it succeeds, you'll receive your decoded WitnessToSignTx object.

Multisig Transactions

  "inputs": [{"addresses": [sourceAddr]}],
  "outputs": [{
    "addresses"   : [pubkey1, pubkey2, pubkey3],
    "script_type" : "multisig-2-of-3",
    "value"       : 250000
  "inputs": [{"addresses": [sourceAddr]}],
  "outputs": [{
    "addresses"   : [pubkey1, pubkey2, pubkey3],
    "script_type" : "multisig-2-of-3",
    "value"       : 250000
# Create a custom payload, then use the function:
# BlockCypher.transaction_new_custom(payload)
# Sign your data in the returned TXSkeleton, then use:
# BlockCypher.transaction_send_custom(your_signed_tx_skeleton)
require 'JSON'
payload = JSON.parse('{ "inputs": [{"addresses": [sourceAddr]}],
  "outputs": [{
    "addresses"   : [pubkey1, pubkey2, pubkey3],
    "script_type" : "multisig-2-of-3",
    "value"       : 250000
package main

import ""

func main() {
  //note the change to BlockCypher Testnet
  bcy := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "bcy", "test"}
  //use TempMultiTX to set up multisig
  temptx := gobcy.TempMultiTX("sourceAddr", "", 25000, 2, []string{"pubkey1", "pubkey2", "pubkey3"})
  //Then follow the New/Send two-step process with this temptx as the input
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\transaction-api\CreateTxToFundMultisigAddrWithBuilderEndpoint.php
// Builder classes are optional, see CreateTxToFundMultisigAddrEndpoint.php to see a sample using only base API classes.

$input = TXInputBuilder::aTXInput()

$output = TXOutputBuilder::aTXOutput()

$tx = TXBuilder::aTX()

$txClient = new TXClient($apiContext);
$txSkeleton = $txClient->create($tx);

Multisignature transactions are made simple by the method described in the Creating Transactions section, but they deserve special mention. In order to use them, you first need to fund a multisignature address. You use the /txs/new endpoint as before, but instead of the outputs addresses array containing public addresses, it instead contains the public keys associated with the new address. In addition, you must select a script_type of mutlisig-n-of-m, where n and m are numbers (e.g., multisig-2-of-3). The code example demonstrates how the partially filled TX request object would appear.

After you've set up your request object, you send to /txs/new and receive a partially filled TXSkeleton as before, but with data to sign from the source address. Sign this data and include the public key(s) of the source address---as demonstrated in the Creating Transactions---then send along to the /txs/send endpoint. If it returns with an HTTP Status Code 201, then your multisignature address (via a pay-to-script-hash address) is funded.

Spending Multisig Funds

  "inputs": [{
    "addresses"   : [pubkey1, pubkey2, pubkey3],
    "script_type" : "multisig-2-of-3"
  "outputs": [{
    "addresses" : [destAddr],
    "value"     : 150000
  "inputs": [{
    "addresses"   : [pubkey1, pubkey2, pubkey3],
    "script_type" : "multisig-2-of-3"
  "outputs": [{
    "addresses" : [destAddr],
    "value"     : 150000
# Create a custom payload, then use the function:
# BlockCypher.transaction_new_custom(payload)
# Sign your data in the returned TXSkeleton, then use:
# BlockCypher.transaction_send_custom(your_signed_tx_skeleton)
require 'JSON'
payload = JSON.parse('{ "inputs": [{
    "addresses"   : [pubkey1, pubkey2, pubkey3],
    "script_type" : "multisig-2-of-3"
  "outputs": [{
    "addresses" : [destAddr],
    "value"     : 150000
  }] }')
package main

import ""

func main() {
  //note the change to BlockCypher Testnet
  bcy := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "bcy", "test"}
  //use TempMultiTX to set up multisig
  temptx := gobcy.TempMultiTX("", "destAddr", 25000, 2, []string{"pubkey1", "pubkey2", "pubkey3"})
  //Then follow the New/Send two-step process with this temptx as the input
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\transaction-api\CreateTxToSpendMultisigFundsWithBuilderEndpoint.php
// Builder classes are optional, see CreateTxToSpendMultisigFunds.php to see a sample using only base API classes.

$input = TXInputBuilder::aTXInput()

$output = TXOutputBuilder::aTXOutput()

$tx = TXBuilder::aTX()

$txClient = new TXClient($apiContext);
$txSkeleton = $txClient->create($tx);

Once funded, you might want to programmatically spend the money in the address at some point. Here the process is similar, but with the inputs and outputs reversed. As you can see in the code sample, you need to provide the public keys within the inputs addresses array, and the corresponding script_type of multisig-n-of-m (e.g., multisig-2-of-3). Then you follow the same process of sending to /txs/new and getting an array of data to be signed.

Each party can send their signed data individually to /txs/send and we can correlate the signatures to the public keys; once we have enough signatures we'll propagate the transaction. Or you can send all needed signatures alongside ordered public keys with a single call to /txs/send.

If you send all signatures in a single call, and you're spending inputs locked by a multisig-n-of-m script_type, remember that you'll need n signatures for every element in the TXSkeleton's tosign array. For example, let's say /txs/new returns two elements in the tosign array, corresponding to two multisig-2-of-3 inputs locked by pubkey1, pubkey2, and pubkey3:


Then you'd need to return each piece of data signed twice, preserving order between signatures and pubkeys, resulting in four elements for the signatures and pubkeys arrays:

{...,"tosign":[data1,data2], "signatures":[data1sig1,data1sig2,data2sig1,data2sig2], "pubkeys":[pubkey1,pubkey2,pubkey1,pubkey2],...}

Transaction Propagation Endpoint


  "transaction": "5cad31bd8baf5d10ecdc275193f878226bb51f549c2357658f3dd0d7c5402a7b",
  "first_location": {
    "latitude": 43.171,
    "longitude": -71.8229
  "first_city": "Henniker",
  "first_country": "United States",
  "aggregated_origin": {
    "latitude": 44.283110947350366,
    "longitude": -69.82911485365968
  "aggregated_origin_radius": 1023192,
  "first_received": "2016-08-30T21:25:37.427Z"

By operating a well-connected node, we collect a lot of information about how transactions propagate; for example, our Confidence Factor relies on this connectivity. With this endpoint, you can leverage our connectivity to get an approximation of a transaction's location of origin.

Resource Method Return Object
/txs/$TXHASH/propagation GET Described Below

TXHASH is a string representing the hex-encoded transaction hash you're interested in querying for propagation information. The return object is described below:

Attribute Type Description
transaction string The hash of the transaction you queried.
first_location Object An object containing latitude and longitude floats representing the first location to broadcast this transaction to BlockCypher.
first_city string Optional The name of the city closest to the first_location. If no nearby city can be found, this is not returned.
first_country string The name of the country containing the first_location.
aggregated_origin Object An object containing latitude and longitude floats representing BlockCypher's best guess of likely origin of this transaction, based on the radius of the smallest circle containing the first peer from which we detect this transaction, the average of the first five peers, and the average of the first ten peers.
aggregated_origin_radius integer The radius (in meters) of the smallest circle containing the first peer from which we detect this transaction, the average of the first five peers, and the average of the first ten peers. In a general sense, this represents an approximate confidence interval in our calculated aggregated_origin; the smaller the radius, the more confidence in our aggregated_origin assessment.
first_received time The timestamp when BlockCypher first received this transaction.

Transaction Propagation WebSocket

You can get a live view of unconfirmed transaction propagation analysis on Bitcoin by connecting to our Transaction Propagation WebSocket, at the following address:


As soon as an unconfirmed transaction hits 10 peers, we send the object described above through this WebSocket. For more WebSocket implementation details, check Using WebSockets.

Confidence Factor

One of the things that makes BlockCypher's API uniquely powerful is our ability to accurately predict the likelihood of an attempted double-spend succeeding against a transaction; this percentage probability is optionally included within the confidence attribute on any unconfirmed transaction returned by the Transaction Hash Endpoint when using the includeConfidence flag, in addition to the explicit Transaction Confidence Endpoint detailed below.

So what does that confidence attribute actually mean? In simpler terms, if an unconfirmed transaction returns a confidence factor of 99.9%, then our data says there's a 0.1% chance that an attempted double-spend will succeed. By design, we're conservative. Even when we return 90% confidence, the likelihood of a successful double-spend is significantly lower than 10%.

As you may have gathered from the frequency of links to this feature in these docs, we're exceptionally proud of the work we've done to build this feature and provide it to our users. And that pride extends to our own confidence in our confidence product. We've leveraged this product internally on a major feature: our live block explorer visually shows confidence intervals on unconfirmed transactions directly. Check out a live view of bitcoin and click on one of the most recent unconfirmed transactions. Make sure you pick a very recent transaction: our confidence interval rapidly approaches 99% so quickly that you might miss it!

How does it work?

There are a host of factors that go into our confidence calculation, but you can broadly organize them into two categories. The shape of transactions refers to aspects of transactions that don't vary with time (time-invariant) in our model. The behavior of transactions refers to aspects of transactions that do vary with time (time-variant) in our model.

On the shape side of our model, we ask a number of questions about a transaction: How is it structured? What are its inputs and outputs? What's its signature type? Broadly speaking, without knowing anything about the network, does it look like this transaction will be confirmed soon?

The behavior part of our model primarily focuses on how a transaction propagates through the network. In order to model this correctly, you need both a great connection to the network and a lot of past data, which we have. As BlockCypher pools resources for many users, we're always connected to a statistically significant number of nodes on the network---we target anywhere between 10 to 20% of the active nodes on any given blockchain---and offer connections in return. By monitoring transaction propagation, the number of nodes that have received it, and how quickly they received it, we can calculate its probability to be the "winning" transaction at any given point in time, if a double-spend was attempted. (As an aside, you can always see if a double spend was attempted by checking the double_spend and double_spend_tx attributes on an unconfirmed transaction)

The result is a robust and reliable metric for judging unconfirmed transaction confidence, especially when used in concert with webhooks and websockets. Our work here is based on several public research results in addition to our own in-depth follow-up research, which you can read about here. We are constantly improving our confidence model, and we always publish our findings when we do.

Transaction Confidence Endpoint


"age_millis": 12725,
"receive_count": 666,
"confidence": 0.9901509730004237,
"txhash": "43fa951e1bea87c282f6725cf8bdc08bb48761396c3af8dd5a41a085ab62acc9",
"txurl": ""
> block_cypher.tx_confidence("4153fddf43c5fd6aa7834bda643619e6dd7d8bf55206bcedb216296881a07830")
=> {"age_millis"=>114659,
>>> from blockcypher import get_transaction_details
>>> get_transaction_details('43fa951e1bea87c282f6725cf8bdc08bb48761396c3af8dd5a41a085ab62acc9', confidence_only=True))
    "age_millis": 12725,
    "confidence": 0.9901509730004237,
    "receive_count": 666,
    "txhash": "43fa951e1bea87c282f6725cf8bdc08bb48761396c3af8dd5a41a085ab62acc9", 
    "txurl": ""
package main

import (


func main() {
  btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
  //querying a recent TX hash detected on BTC network
  conf, err := btc.GetTXConf("bb01beea75683be16b5d59dd3e084d167f41a6866b6880b3070eefff392fdd2a")
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("%+v\n", conf)

//Result from `go run`:
//{Age:21112 ReceiveCount:756 Confidence:0.9995223691726662 TXHash:bb01beea75683be16b5d59dd3e084d167f41a6866b6880b3070eefff392fdd2a}
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\confidence-factor\TransactionConfidenceEndpoint.php

$txClient = new TXClient($apiContext);
$txConfidence = $txClient->getConfidence('43fa951e1bea87c282f6725cf8bdc08bb48761396c3af8dd5a41a085ab62acc9');

Resource Method Return Object
/txs/$TXHASH/confidence GET TXConfidence

TXHASH is a string representing the hex-encoded transaction hash you're interested in querying, for example:


The returned TXConfidence object contains the all-important confidence percentage, receive count and more.

You can find an unconfirmed transaction hash from our block explorer here.

Metadata API

Cryptocurrency addresses, transactions, and blocks are extremely powerful, but the labels they employ can be...cryptic. That's why we have a Metadata API, allowing both public and private key-value storage against addresses, transactions, and blocks.

Private vs Public Metadata

The Metadata API supports both public and private key-value storage. In both cases, setting metadata requires use of a token (if you haven't already, you can register for one here). Public metadata is immutable; once set, it cannot be modified or deleted. If you accidentally set public metadata and need it deleted, contact us. Also, as implied by the name, it's openly accessible to the whole world---regardless of whether they have a token or not. Consequently, private metadata is associated and only accessible with your user token. The methods for interacting with metadata are outlined below.

Get Metadata Endpoint

# Get Public Metadata (set by you or anyone else)


# Get Private Metadata (none set yet, returns empty)

//todo: JS examples
#todo: ruby examples
>>> from blockcypher import get_metadata

# Get Private Metadata (none set yet, returns empty)
>>> get_metadata(address='1rundZJCMJhUiWQNFS5uT3BvisBuLxkAp', api_key='YOUR_TOKEN', private=True)

# Get Public Metadata (set by you or anyone else)
>>> get_metadata(address='1rundZJCMJhUiWQNFS5uT3BvisBuLxkAp', api_key='YOUR_TOKEN')
    "name": "silkroad",
    "owner": "dpr"

# Note: get_metadata also accepts 'tx_hash' and 'block_hash' as arguments (instead of 'address')
//todo: php examples
Resource Method Return Object
/addrs/$ADDRESS/meta GET {"$KEY":"$VALUE",...}
/txs/$TXHASH/meta GET {"$KEY":"$VALUE",...}
/blocks/$BLOCKHASH/meta GET {"$KEY":"$VALUE",...}
Flag Type Effect
private bool If private is true, it will return privately stored metadata under your token. Otherwise, returns public metadata. If not set, it defaults to false, returning public data.

This endpoint retrieves metadata associated with a given $ADDRESS, $TXHASH, or $BLOCKHASH.

Put Metadata Endpoint

# Put Private Metadata, piping to grep to check 204 status code
curl -X PUT -d '{"satoshi":"nakamoto", "alice":"bob"}' -is '' | grep "HTTP/1.1"

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

# Get Metadata Again

{"satoshi":"nakamoto", "alice":"bob"}

# Modify/Add Private Metadata
curl -X PUT -d '{"satoshi":"moto", "charlie":"tango"}' -is '' | grep "HTTP/1.1"

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

# Get Metadata Again

{"satoshi":"moto", "alice":"bob", "charlie":"tango"}
//todo: JS examples
#todo: ruby examples
>>> from blockcypher import put_metadata

# Put Private Metadata
>>> put_metadata(metadata_dict={"satoshi":"nakamoto", "alice":"bob"}, address='1rundZJCMJhUiWQNFS5uT3BvisBuLxkAp', api_key='YOUR_TOKEN', private=True)

# Get Metadata Again
>>> get_metadata(address='1rundZJCMJhUiWQNFS5uT3BvisBuLxkAp', api_key='YOUR_TOKEN', private=True)
    "alice": "bob",
    "satoshi": "nakamoto"

# Modify/Add Private Metadata
>>> put_metadata(metadata_dict={"satoshi":"moto", "charlie":"tango"}, address='1rundZJCMJhUiWQNFS5uT3BvisBuLxkAp', api_key='YOUR_TOKEN', private=True)

# Get Metadata Again
>>> get_metadata(address='1rundZJCMJhUiWQNFS5uT3BvisBuLxkAp', api_key='YOUR_TOKEN', private=True)

    "alice": "bob",
    "charlie": "tango",
    "satoshi": "moto"

# Note: put_metadata also accepts 'tx_hash' and 'block_hash' as arguments (instead of 'address')
//todo: php examples
Resource Method Request Object Return Object
/addrs/$ADDRESS/meta PUT {"$KEY":"$VALUE",...} nil
/txs/$TXHASH/meta PUT {"$KEY":"$VALUE",...} nil
/blocks/$BLOCKHASH/meta PUT {"$KEY":"$VALUE",...} nil
Flag Type Effect
private bool If private is true, it will set/update privately stored metadata under your token. Otherwise, sets public metadata. If not set, it defaults to false, setting public metadata.

This endpoint sets or updates metadata (of the form {"$KEY1:$VALUE1,$KEY2:$VALUE2,...}") associated with a given $ADDRESS, $TXHASH, or $BLOCKHASH. If another key with the same name already exists under your private metadata store, supplying a new value will replace it. New key-value pairs will be added without replacing prexisting key-value pairs. If successful, it will return an HTTP Status Code 204 with no return object.

Delete Metadata Endpoint

# Delete Private Metadata, pipes to grep to check for 204 status code
curl -X DELETE -Is | grep "HTTP/1.1"

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

# Get Private Metadata Again to Confirm Deletion

//todo: JS examples
#todo: ruby examples
>>> from blockcypher import delete_metadata
>>> delete_metadata(address='1rundZJCMJhUiWQNFS5uT3BvisBuLxkAp', api_key='YOUR_TOKEN')

# Get Private Metadata Again to Confirm Deletion
>>> get_metadata(address='1rundZJCMJhUiWQNFS5uT3BvisBuLxkAp', api_key='YOUR_TOKEN', private=True)

# Note: delete_metadata also accepts 'tx_hash' and 'block_hash' as arguments (instead of 'address')
//todo: php examples
Resource Method Return Object
/addrs/$ADDRESS/meta DELETE nil
/txs/$TXHASH/meta DELETE nil
/blocks/$BLOCKHASH/meta DELETE nil

This endpoint deletes all private metadata associated with a given $ADDRESS, $TXHASH, or $BLOCKHASH and your token.

Asset API

Blockchains are about transferring value and ownership, so why can't that value extend beyond a blockchain's native token? Thanks to the possibility of embedding arbitrary data through null-data outputs, a blockchain can!

However, the act of creating these alternate forms of value---and choosing a format that was universally readable---can be fraught with difficulty. We built our Asset API to simplify that process. Now instead of spelunking through a blockchain's native transactions and interpreting them yourself, you can utilize this set of APIs to easily issue, check, and transfer assets. This set of endpoints currently leverages the Open Assets Protocol, a simple, robust method of embedding assets across any blockchain that supports null-data outputs.

The endpoints (and code examples) are ordered below to demonstrate how to create asset addresses, issue assets, transfer them, then query the assets/asset addresses you initially created.

Generate Asset Address Endpoint

# generate on bitcoin mainnet
curl -X POST

  "private": "c0e09905fddb1b4a42d297cae1a5f20ca4cbe813e92a7dc4035ffc54561c05de",
  "public": "02e9431a3ba8d756a26c03c07ffda2a7e28a17b62051f77ea3944c21dc090ba45b",
  "oap_address": "akFjrBkcu9QQoJeBkwWeH54jnymaGVSUBAs",
  "original_address": "15mxwaoZfvX7SQ2PttY6RCqDeAQ6UqVjuM",
  "wif": "L3ge2aRsGReaBtYVYg9Lau2LxDkRW4Cak1dQsuttShEnRXcA1Vfy"

# generate on blockcypher testnet
curl -X POST

  "private": "0eb369746401c3369517239314a6bc0f2bda6124a4dda15643887f86dc0590cf",
  "public": "026b9f2786b96f7f1aae011a08f5aaccc70f2249606fac4c400d6aa35f50bf7373",
  "oap_address": "1ByJUiocpifLPaYVTALpA7JYa9DxpGxXKKP",
  "original_address": "ByJUiocpifLPaYVTALpA7JYa9DxpLQwte4",
  "wif": "BopcB66fRGgKkwiT2fKyxcawQBJ57DgNyvFq65XuVQdTboxsBkRm"

# generate another oap_address to use in examples below
curl -X POST

  "private": "442abd64783a6411d9e6eb0ed9575c6676bb51824aa3ad4b53577e3d344910c6",
  "public": "03121e17e0996513813c504c63016cea9a7cf9689025e33f9157bccea67ba60846",
  "oap_address": "1C3nrGhUDxBbr393u2Wq4PiE8T6oEYjYhrK",
  "original_address": "C3nrGhUDxBbr393u2Wq4PiE8T6oEYU9At1",
  "wif": "BqcYBWUvXszsRi1A5cD6t21CT7sbBoJQEkRSnFuoznJDn4hw5aGg"
Resource Method Request Object Return Object
/oap/addrs POST nil AddressKeychain

The Generate Asset Address Endpoint returns a private/public keypair and the associated oap_address (the asset address) and original_address (native address on parent blockchain). Asset addresses are just like regular bitcoin addresses, and are generated from a private-public keypair. They only differ by a prefix (ex: 'a' for instead of '1') to distinguish them.

Issue Asset Endpoint

# Since this is a new address, I need to fund underlying bcy original_address 
# to enable issuance transaction (otherwise no money available for mining fees)

# Going to use a faucet thanks to testnet
curl -d '{"address": "ByJUiocpifLPaYVTALpA7JYa9DxpLQwte4", "amount": 1000000}'
{"tx_ref": "e7ca58724100f20b81e82ac24cb83cc112627be9cbfd2d09b96a87fbafe9e636"}

# using same underlying (now-funded address) to issue 1000 assets
# also could have used a different, funded bcy address to issue assets to a new oap_address
curl -d '{"from_private": "0eb369746401c3369517239314a6bc0f2bda6124a4dda15643887f86dc0590cf", "to_address": "1ByJUiocpifLPaYVTALpA7JYa9DxpGxXKKP", "amount": 1000, "metadata": "1a2b3c4d5e6f"}'

  "ver": 1,
  "assetid": "1Npqwstp55vgThp4pwAC9UhYkvPJ28b2Ui",
  "hash": "56253cffa1b3508d106391da3646cda2aee0bd080db427321c77ad11739e4239",
  "received": "2015-10-25T05:41:45.092075094Z",
  "double_spend": false,
  "oap_meta": "1a2b3c4d5e6f",
  "inputs": [],
  "outputs": [
      "address": "1ByJUiocpifLPaYVTALpA7JYa9DxpGxXKKP",
      "value": 1000,
      "original_output_index": 0
Resource Method Request Object Return Object
/oap/issue POST OAPIssue OAPTX

The Issue Asset Endpoint issues new assets onto an OAP to_address, using your private key. Notice that an issuance returns an OAPTX with no inputs, since it is the original issue.

Transfer Asset Endpoint

# using assetid in endpoint as issued above
# from private key
curl -d '{"from_private": "0eb369746401c3369517239314a6bc0f2bda6124a4dda15643887f86dc0590cf", "to_address": "1C3nrGhUDxBbr393u2Wq4PiE8T6oEYjYhrK", "amount": 200, "metadata": "1a2b3c4d5e6f"}'

  "ver": 1,
  "assetid": "1Npqwstp55vgThp4pwAC9UhYkvPJ28b2Ui",
  "hash": "022e05bdfa2e148bc1882cb7a81506b8316fee6957b11625126d075a8cf8791b",
  "received": "2015-10-25T05:48:13.417949402Z",
  "oap_meta": "1a2b3c4d5e6f",
  "double_spend": false,
  "inputs": [
      "prev_hash": "56253cffa1b3508d106391da3646cda2aee0bd080db427321c77ad11739e4239",
      "output_index": 0,
      "address": "1ByJUiocpifLPaYVTALpA7JYa9DxpGxXKKP",
      "output_value": 1000
  "outputs": [
      "address": "1C3nrGhUDxBbr393u2Wq4PiE8T6oEYjYhrK",
      "value": 200,
      "original_output_index": 1
Resource Method Request Object Return Object
/oap/$ASSETID/transfer POST OAPIssue OAPTX

The Transfer Asset Endpoint transfers already issued assets (represented by ASSETID) onto a different OAP to_address, using your private key.

List Asset TXs Endpoint

# using asset id as generated above

Resource Method Return Object
/oap/$ASSETID/txs GET Array[String]

The List Asset TXs Endpoint returns an array of strings representing transaction hashes associated with this ASSETID.

Get Asset TX Endpoint

# using asset id as generated above, and first txhash from list asset txs endpoint

  "ver": 1,
  "assetid": "1Npqwstp55vgThp4pwAC9UhYkvPJ28b2Ui",
  "hash": "5f13d5c56ed5b7fe673832e2b5b21feceecebfd08aef03f3208ee855d25f050c",
  "block_height": 506539,
  "confirmed": "2015-10-25T04:50:06Z",
  "received": "2015-10-25T04:49:32.37Z",
  "double_spend": false,
  "oap_meta": "1a2b3c4d5e6f",
  "inputs": [],
  "outputs": [
      "address": "1ByJUiocpifLPaYVTALpA7JYa9DxpGxXKKP",
      "value": 1000,
      "original_output_index": 0
Resource Method Return Object

The Get Asset TX Endpoint returns an OAPTX by TXHASH and ASSETID.

Get Asset Address Endpoint

# using the transfer address from above

  "address": "1C3nrGhUDxBbr393u2Wq4PiE8T6oEYjYhrK",
  "total_received": 200,
  "total_sent": 0,
  "balance": 200,
  "unconfirmed_balance": 0,
  "final_balance": 200,
  "n_tx": 1,
  "unconfirmed_n_tx": 0,
  "final_n_tx": 1,
  "txrefs": [
      "tx_hash": "022e05bdfa2e148bc1882cb7a81506b8316fee6957b11625126d075a8cf8791b",
      "block_height": 506598,
      "tx_input_n": -1,
      "tx_output_n": 1,
      "value": 200,
      "ref_balance": 200,
      "spent": false,
      "confirmations": 26,
      "confirmed": "2015-10-25T05:49:07Z",
      "double_spend": false
  "tx_url": ""
Resource Method Return Object
/oap/$ASSETID/addrs/$OAPADDR GET Address

The Get Asset Address Endpoint returns an Address representing information about a particular OAPADDR underneath a given ASSETID. Note that while it returns an Address object, anything that would have represented "satoshis" now represents "amount of asset." (e.g., balance, value, etc.)

Address Forwarding

One of the well-known benefits of cryptocurrency is the ability to allow users to partake in online commerce without necessarily requiring extensive setup barriers, like registering new accounts. In that spirit, our Address Forwarding API is the easiest way to accept---and consolidate---payments securely without forcing your users to create accounts and jump through unnecessary loops. It's also a generic way to automatically transfer value from one address to another. While there are many possible use cases, the two we hear most about are:

We do not take a fee on address forwarding, other than the required miner fee which depends on network conditions; forwards are free. However, as part of your own services, you can include a fee (either fixed or a percentage) that will also be automatically transfered to your own address in the same transaction. Fee-based business models are thus easily achieved, and moreover, easily auditable via the blockchain.

Create Forward Endpoint

curl -d '{"destination":"15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh","callback_url": ""}'

"input_address": "16uKw7GsQSzfMaVTcT7tpFQkd7Rh9qcXWX",
"destination": "15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh",
"callback_url": "",
"id": "399d0923-e920-48ee-8928-2051cbfbc369",
"token": "YOURTOKEN"
var payment = {
  "callback_url": ""
var url = ''+TOKEN;
$.post(url, JSON.stringify(payment))
  .then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
"input_address": "16uKw7GsQSzfMaVTcT7tpFQkd7Rh9qcXWX",
"destination": "15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh",
"callback_url": "",
"id": "399d0923-e920-48ee-8928-2051cbfbc369",
"token": "YOURTOKEN"
> block_cypher.create_forwarding_address("15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh", callback_url: "")
=> {"id"=>"72811fff-7826-4b04-8f99-4f492e84aeaa",
>>> from blockcypher import create_forwarding_address_with_details
>>> create_forwarding_address_with_details(destination_address='15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh', api_key='YOUR_TOKEN', callback_url='')
    "callback_url": "",
    "destination": "15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh",
    "id": "f35c80c2-3347-410d-b4ac-d049910289ec",
    "input_address": "1CUYiFY3LzEd9dXgR6ubRaYPTq2SMxFFCJ",
    "token": "YOUR_TOKEN"
# You can use create_forwarding_address to just return the input_address and not the rest of the JSON
package main

import (


func main() {
    btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
    payfwd, err := btc.CreatePayFwd(gobcy.PayFwd{Destination: "15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh", CallbackURL: ""})
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("%+v\n", payfwd)

//Result from `go run`:
//{ID:6fbe2b48-fe79-44a2-9cdc-8114bc4d5fcc Destination:15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh InputAddr:17Ri1Shdzo5G8kiUys1qoeM8w1PNj1eFAK ProcessAddr: ProcessPercent:0 ProcessValue:0 CallbackURL: EnableConfirm:false MiningFees:0 TXHistory:[]}
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\payment-api\CreatePaymentEndpoint.php

$paymentForwardClient = new PaymentForwardClient($apiContext);
$options = array(
    'callback_url' => '' . uniqid()
$paymentForward = $paymentForwardClient->createForwardingAddress('15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh', $options);


First, to create an address forwarding address, you need to POST a partially filled AddressForward object to the payment creation endpoint. You need to include at least a destination address and your token; optionally, you can add a callback_url, processing fees (either percent or fixed) and a process_fee_address, and a few other options. You can see more details about these options in the AddressForward object details.

Resource Method Request Object Return Object
/forwards POST AddressForward addressForward

In return, you'll get a more complete AddressForward object, including an input_address and id.

List Payments Endpoint


    "input_address": "16uKw7GsQSzfMaVTcT7tpFQkd7Rh9qcXWX",
    "destination": "15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh",
    "callback_url": "",
    "id": "399d0923-e920-48ee-8928-2051cbfbc369",
    "token": "YOURTOKEN"
  .then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
    "input_address": "16uKw7GsQSzfMaVTcT7tpFQkd7Rh9qcXWX",
    "destination": "15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh",
    "callback_url": "",
    "id": "399d0923-e920-48ee-8928-2051cbfbc369",
    "token": "YOURTOKEN"
> block_cypher.list_forwarding_addresses
=> [{"id"=>"72811fff-7826-4b04-8f99-4f492e84aeaa",
>>> from blockcypher import list_forwarding_addresses
>>> list_forwarding_addresses(api_key='YOUR_TOKEN')
        "callback_url": "",
        "destination": "15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh",
        "id": "f35c80c2-3347-410d-b4ac-d049910289ec",
        "input_address": "1CUYiFY3LzEd9dXgR6ubRaYPTq2SMxFFCJ",
        "token": "YOUR_TOKEN"
package main

import (


func main() {
    btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
    payfwds, err := btc.ListPayFwds()
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("%+v\n", payfwds)

//Result from `go run`:
//[{ID:6fbe2b48-fe79-44a2-9cdc-8114bc4d5fcc Destination:15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh InputAddr:17Ri1Shdzo5G8kiUys1qoeM8w1PNj1eFAK ProcessAddr: ProcessPercent:0 ProcessValue:0 CallbackURL: EnableConfirm:false MiningFees:0 TXHistory:[]}]
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\payment-api\ListPaymentsEndpoint.php

$paymentForwardClient = new PaymentForwardClient($apiContext);
$paymentForwardArray = $paymentForwardClient->listForwardingAddresses();


To list your currently active address forwarding addresses, you can use this endpoint.

Resource Method Return Object
/forwards GET Array[AddressForward]
Flag Type Effect
start integer Returns list of address forwards starting at the start index; useful for paging beyond the limit of 200 address forwards.

This returns the full array of your currently active address forwarding addresses, based on your token. By default, this endpoint only returns the first 200 address forwards. If you have more, you can page through them using the optional start parameter.

Delete Payment Endpoint

# Piping to grep to just show status code
curl -X DELETE -Is | grep "HTTP/1.1"

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
var url = ""+TOKEN
  url: url,
  method: "DELETE"
> block_cypher.delete_forwarding_address("72811fff-7826-4b04-8f99-4f492e84aeaa")
=> nil
>>> from blockcypher import delete_forwarding_address
>>> delete_forwarding_address('f35c80c2-3347-410d-b4ac-d049910289ec')
package main

import (


func main() {
    btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
    err := btc.DeletePayFwd("6fbe2b48-fe79-44a2-9cdc-8114bc4d5fcc ")
    if err != nil {
    } else {
        fmt.Println("PayFwd Deleted")

//Result from `go run`:
//PayFwd Deleted
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\payment-api\DeletePaymentEndpoint.php

$paymentForwardClient = new PaymentForwardClient($apiContext);

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

When you're done with an address forwarding address, you can delete it via its id.

Resource Method Return Object
/forwards/$PAYID DELETE nil

PAYID is a string representing the address forwarding request you want to delete, for example:


This will return no object, but will return an HTTP Status Code 204 if the request was successfully deleted.

Events and Hooks

Blockchains are highly transactional systems. Many usage patterns require knowing when an event occurs: i.e., when a transaction is included into a block, or when an unconfirmed transaction is relayed through the network. Instead of requiring you to continuously poll resources, we provide push APIs to facilitate those use cases, and support both WebSockets and WebHooks.

Which Should I Use?

WebSockets are typically used in client applications when a server is not already running: e.g., a web page displaying the most recent transactions or a wallet app updating its UI when a transaction has been confirmed. Websockets are less reliable in longer interactions (> 1 hour) because they require a connection to stay open.

WebHooks are the most reliable way to get event notifications but requires running a server to receive the callbacks. We automatically retry HTTP requests 5 times.

Types of Events

We support a number of different event types, and you can filter your notification requests depending on how you structure your Event request object.

Event Description
unconfirmed-tx Triggered for every new transaction BlockCypher receives before it's confirmed in a block; basically, for every unconfirmed transaction. The payload is an unconfirmed TX.
new-block Triggered for every new block added to the blockchain you've selected as your base resource. The payload is a Block.
confirmed-tx Triggered for every new transaction making it into a new block; in other words, for every first transaction confirmation. This is equivalent to listening to the new-block event and fetching each transaction in the new Block. The payload is a confirmed TX.
tx-confirmation Simplifies listening to confirmations on all transactions for a given address up to a provided threshold. Sends first the unconfirmed transaction and then the transaction for each confirmation. Use the confirmations property within the Event to manually specify the number of confirmations desired (maximum 10, defaults to 6). The payload is a TX.
double-spend-tx Triggered any time a double spend is detected by BlockCypher. The payload is the TX that triggered the event; the hash of the transaction that it's trying to double spend is included in its double_spend_tx property.
tx-confidence Triggered any time an address has an unconfirmed transaction above the confidence property specified in the Event, based on our Confidence Factor. The payload is the TX that triggered the event. If confidence is not set, defaults to 0.99. To ensure transactions are not missed, even if your confidence threshold is not reached, a transaction is still sent after a minute timeout; please remember to double-check the confidence attribute in the TX payload.

Using WebSockets

# no websockets via cURL, check the Javascript example
// Get latest unconfirmed transactions live
var ws = new WebSocket("wss://$TOKEN");
var count = 0;
ws.onmessage = function (event) {
  var tx = JSON.parse(;
  var shortHash = tx.hash.substring(0, 6) + "...";
  var total = / 100000000;
  var addrs = tx.addresses.join(", ");
  $('#browser-websocket').before("<div>Unconfirmed transaction " + shortHash + " totalling " + total + "BTC involving addresses " + addrs + "</div>");
  if (count > 10) ws.close();
ws.onopen = function(event) {
  ws.send(JSON.stringify({event: "unconfirmed-tx"}));
# no websockets via PHP, check the Javascript example

Opening a WebSocket to listen to our feeds is easy, like so in Javascript:

new WebSocket("wss://$TOKEN");

The code may differ if you're not programming in Javascript (check relevant code examples for our standard libraries) but the URL will be identical. Once the socket is opened, the JSON document representing the Event of interest should be sent.

In addition to standard events, WebSockets accept a "ping" event. If you send the following, you will receive the same message back with "ping" replaced by "pong":

{ "event": "ping" }

A regular ping (i.e. every 20 seconds) allows the WebSocket to stay connected for a longer period of time.

Using WebHooks

WebHooks leverage similar objects and interactions but with two key differences:

We retry individual payloads to your url five times; if one fails, we wait exponentially between retries: 1 second, 2s, 4s, 8s, 16s. In order to protect against stale callback urls, your Event will be deleted if it reaches 50 aggregate callback_errors from failed payloads.

Create WebHook Endpoint

curl -d '{"event": "unconfirmed-tx", "address": "15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh", "url": ""}'

"id": "399d0923-e920-48ee-8928-2051cbfbc369"
"event": "unconfirmed-tx",
"address": "15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh",
"token": "YOURTOKEN",
"url": "",
"callback_errors": 0
var webhook = {
  "event": "unconfirmed-tx",
  "address": "15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh",
  "url": ""
var url = ''+TOKEN;
$.post(url, JSON.stringify(webhook))
  .then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
"id": "399d0923-e920-48ee-8928-2051cbfbc369"
"event": "unconfirmed-tx",
"address": "15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh",
"token": "YOURTOKEN",
"url": "",
"callback_errors": 0
> block_cypher.event_webhook_subscribe("", "unconfirmed-tx", address:"15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh")
=> {"id"=>"85883de4-2b01-4f27-a7d4-4400856e124a",
>>> from blockcypher import subscribe_to_address_webhook
>>> subscribe_to_address_webhook(callback_url='', subscription_address='15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh', event='unconfirmed-tx', api_key='YOUR_TOKEN')

# returns the webhook ID
package main

import (


func main() {
  btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
  hook, err := btc.CreateHook(gobcy.Hook{Event: "tx-confirmation", Address: "15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh", URL: ""})
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("%+v\n", hook)

//Result from `go run`:
//{ID:86a85527-7c36-435b-bab8-5638d033ead4 Event:tx-confirmation Hash: WalletName: Address:15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh Confirmations:6 Confidence:0 Script: URL: CallbackErrs:0}
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\hook-api\CreateWebHookEndpoint.php

$webHook = new WebHook();
$webHook->setUrl("" . uniqid());

$webHookClient = new \BlockCypher\Client\WebHookClient($apiContext);
$webHook = $webHookClient->create($webHook);


Using a partially filled out Event, you can create a WebHook using this resource. Check the Event object description and types of events to understand the options available for your events.

Resource Method Request Object Return Object
/hooks POST Event Event

If successful, it will return the Event with a newly generated id.

List WebHooks Endpoint


  "id": "399d0923-e920-48ee-8928-2051cbfbc369"
  "event": "unconfirmed-tx",
  "address": "15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh",
  "token": "YOURTOKEN",
  "url": "",
  "callback_errors": 0
  .then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
  "id": "399d0923-e920-48ee-8928-2051cbfbc369"
  "event": "unconfirmed-tx",
  "address": "15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh",
  "token": "YOURTOKEN",
  "url": "",
  "callback_errors": 0
> block_cypher.event_webhook_listall
=> [{"id"=>"85883de4-2b01-4f27-a7d4-4400856e124a",
>>> from blockcypher import list_webhooks
>>> list_webhooks('YOUR_TOKEN')
        "address": "15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh",
        "callback_errors": 0,
        "confirmations": 6,
        "event": "unconfirmed-tx",
        "filter": "event=unconfirmed-tx&addr=15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh",
        "id": "bcaf7c39-9a7f-4e8b-8ba4-23b3c1806039",
        "token": "YOUR_TOKEN",
        "url": ""
package main

import (


func main() {
  btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
  hooks, err := btc.ListHooks()
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("%+v\n", hooks)

//Result from `go run`:
//[{ID:86a85527-7c36-435b-bab8-5638d033ead4 Event:tx-confirmation Hash: WalletName: Address:15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh Confirmations:6 Confidence:0 Script: URL: CallbackErrs:0}]
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\hook-api\ListWebHooksEndpoint.php

$webHookClient = new \BlockCypher\Client\WebHookClient($apiContext);
$webHooks = $webHookClient->getAll();


This resource lists your currently active events, according to the base resource and $YOURTOKEN.

Resource Method Return Object
/hooks?token=$YOURTOKEN GET Array[Event]

WebHook ID Endpoint


"id": "399d0923-e920-48ee-8928-2051cbfbc369"
"event": "unconfirmed-tx",
"address": "15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh",
"token": "YOURTOKEN",
"url": "",
"callback_errors": 0
  .then(function(d) {console.log(d)});
"id": "399d0923-e920-48ee-8928-2051cbfbc369"
"event": "unconfirmed-tx",
"address": "15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh",
"token": "YOURTOKEN",
"url": "",
"callback_errors": 0
> block_cypher.event_webhook_get("85883de4-2b01-4f27-a7d4-4400856e124a")
=> {"id"=>"85883de4-2b01-4f27-a7d4-4400856e124a",
>>> from blockcypher import get_webhook_info
>>> get_webhook_info('bcaf7c39-9a7f-4e8b-8ba4-23b3c1806039')
    "address": "15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh",
    "callback_errors": 0,
    "event": "unconfirmed-tx",
    "filter": "addr=15qx9ug952GWGTNn7Uiv6vode4RcGrRemh&event=unconfirmed-tx",
    "id": "bcaf7c39-9a7f-4e8b-8ba4-23b3c1806039",
    "token": "YOUR_TOKEN",
    "url": ""
package main

import (


func main() {
  btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
  hook, err := btc.GetHook("86a85527-7c36-435b-bab8-5638d033ead4")
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("%+v\n", hook)

//Result from `go run`:
//{ID:86a85527-7c36-435b-bab8-5638d033ead4 Event:unconfirmed-tx Hash: WalletName: Address: Confirmations:0 Confidence:0 Script: URL: CallbackErrs:0}
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\hook-api\WebHookIdEndpoint.php

$webHookClient = new \BlockCypher\Client\WebHookClient($apiContext);
$webHook = $webHookClient->get('d5ca3bd3-5dfb-477d-9fb4-ac3510af258d');


This resource returns an Event based on its generated id.

Resource Method Return Object
/hooks/$WEBHOOKID GET Event

WEBHOOKID is a string representing the event's generated id, for example:


Delete WebHook Endpoint

# Piping into grep to get status code
curl -X DELETE -Is | grep "HTTP/1.1"

HTTP/1.1 204 OK
  url: ""+TOKEN,
  method: "DELETE"
> block_cypher.event_webhook_delete("85883de4-2b01-4f27-a7d4-4400856e124a")
=> nil
>>> from blockcypher import unsubscribe_from_webhook
>>> unsubscribe_from_webhook('bcaf7c39-9a7f-4e8b-8ba4-23b3c1806039')
package main

import (


func main() {
  btc := gobcy.API{"YOURTOKEN", "btc", "main"}
  err := btc.DeleteHook("86a85527-7c36-435b-bab8-5638d033ead4")
  if err != nil {
  } else {
    fmt.Println("Hook deleted")

//Result from `go run`:
//Hook deleted
// Run on console:
// php -f .\sample\hook-api\DeleteWebHookEndpoint.php

$webHookClient = new \BlockCypher\Client\WebHookClient($apiContext);

HTTP/1.1 204 OK

This resource deletes an active Event based on its id. Remember to include your token, or the request will fail.

Resource Method Return Object

WEBHOOKID is a string representing the event's generated id, for example:


If successful, it won't return any objects, but will respond with an HTTP Status Code 204.

WebHook Signing

To guarantee the origin and integrity of the webhook data, webhooks can optionally be signed by our servers. An optional JSON attribute called "signkey" can be provided with the webhook when created to either:

  1. A PEM-encoded ECDSA private key that you created.
  2. The string "preset", in which case the BlockCypher signing key will be used. The associated x509 PKIX encoded public key for our webhook signing key is MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEflgGqpIAC9k65JicOPBgXZUExen4rWLq05KwYmZHphTU/fmi3Oe/ckyxo2w3Ayo/SCO/rU2NB90jtCJfz9i1ow==

Once the "signkey" attribute is set on a webhook, all webhook requests will be signed following the sha256-ecdsa scheme of the HTTP signatures specification.


This section list all the updates in reverse chronological order. All dates are in the DD/MM/YY format.

28/10/21 - Partial Taproot Support

We are happy to announce that BlockCypher now support P2TR (Taproot). Please not that it is not possible to create a transaction that spend a P2TR but you can send to P2TR. We support the new bech32m address format for v1 witness.

18/10/21 - Fix Unconfirmed Transactions on Address Full Endpoint

Previously, when using the address full endpoint with confirmations>0, you'd still get unconfirmed transactions. This is fixed.

14/10/21 - Fix Websocket Origin Check

We fixed an error where using blockcypher websocket would returns a 403.

06/08/21 - New Filters for Uncofirmed Transactions Endpoint

We've added new filters possibilities to the Unconfirmed Transactions Endpoint.

11/06/21 - Data Endpoint Terminated

The data endpoint no longer exists as it was uneconomical and thus non functional since a long time.

19/02/21 - Node-Client Archived

BlockCypher Node.js SDK is now archived. We recommend that javascript users use HTTP libraries such as Axios. The POSTMAN documentation contains all the examples that you need.

18/02/21 - Virtual Size for Blocks

Virtual size (vsize) for blocks.

12/02/21 - Virtual Size for Segwit Transaction

We've added the virtual size (vsize) for segwit transaction. For regular (non-segwit) transaction the vsize is the same as the size. This is how you can see how much fees you are saving by using segwit. Enjoy!

04/02/21 - Creation of the "Updates" Section

We've created this new "Updates" section to let you know about the new feature and bugfixes we deployed :).

03/02/21 - Additional DNS Seeds for Doge

Following last week Dogecoin chain lag due to unhealthy network conditions, we've added new DNS seeds thanks to Denarius.

02/02/21 - Additional Support for Litecoin Maddrs

Following previous updates to enhance the support of "Maddrs" on Litecoin, we've added several bugfixes:

27/11/20 - New DASH DNS Seeds

We've updated our DASH DNS seeds in order to provide a more reliable service.

23/11/20 - Payment Forward for Litecoin MAddrs

We've added the ability to create payment forward to Litecoin address with the M prefix.

17/11/20 - OP_RETURN Simplification

We've added the ability to create OP_RETURN output as easily as including null-data as script-type. See the TXOutput object for more details.